Beginning of Class Writing: John Medina’s Brain Rules, “Gender”

For today’s class, you read the Gender chapter from John Medina’s Brain Rules. This is one of the more challenging chapters to read in this book, because the reader has to carefully follow what Medina says about the similarities and differences observed between the brains of women and men. During the first ten minutes of class, write your summary of the chapter, and discuss the relationship between what Medina tells us and your own direct experience.

17 thoughts on “Beginning of Class Writing: John Medina’s Brain Rules, “Gender”

  1. Cisco Alers

    Gender does effect the brain. Women have more genes then men do. Since women have two X chromosomes each chromosome has 1,500 genes meaning that women have about 3,000 genes when compared to mean who have about 1,600 genes, but our bodies still use the same amount of genes. Also men and women have different brain structures. Men remember a main point of a stressful event, women can remember the details. Based on research men and women act differently while around same sex friends, women use eye contact and talk. While men do the opposite. This could be a reason why when I am around my little sister I am quiet while she talks my ear off. You could say that she treats me like one of her friends.

  2. nowshadhossain

    So I have just read a chapter called, “Gender” from John Medina’s “ Brain Rules”. Here’s the chapter summary: I have found this chapter to be very interesting ,because it talks about gender stereotypes in our society. John Medina explains we judge people by their gender , not by the things that they do . Three researchers created a fictitious assistant vice president of an aircraft company. They created groups with equal numbers of men and women in each group. They were asked to rate this fictional person’s job performance. Each group was given the vice president’s brief job description, but the first group also was told that the vice president was a man. They were asked to rate both the competence and the likability of the candidate. They gave a very flattering review, rating the man “very competent” and “likable.” The second group was told that the vice president was a woman. She was rated “likable” but “not very competent.” All other factors were equal. Only the perceived gender had changed!
    But what makes a men different from an women? The answer is their Chromosomes . Males have : XY, Female have: XX. Women are genetically more complex, because the active X chromosomes in their cells are a mix of Mom’s and Dad’s. Men’s X chromosomes all come from Mom, and their Y chromosome carries less than 100 genes, compared with about 1,500 for the X chromosome. Beside the Chromosomes there is also brain structure difference exist.
    John Medina also explains we have a gender stereotype stuck in our head for a very long time. Great human beings of all time like Aristoteles and Martin Luther weren’t any different. And it’s definitely not going away very soon.
    Men and women process certain emotions differently. Emotions are useful. They make the brain pay attention. We can use these data in the real world. While making a research group we can put equal number of male and female on it. It would help us to see and understand different perspectives about a same subject.

  3. Bilal.Shadizai

    In the chapter gender Medina emphasizes the differences between male and female. As well as how their brain works. According to Medina “Males have a greater tendency to be antisocial. Females have more anxiety”. Males are more likely to do antisocial behaviors. Females are more emotional. Males and females deals differently with life problems. Female uses verbal language and talk while talking to friends, but boys don’t use verbal language. Even the chromosomes are different for male and female. Female contains XX, and male contains XY chromosome. The differences in behaviors and our bodies’ inner organs proves that the brain of man, and woman are different.

  4. SandraG.

    Gender in this chapter shows that gender and sex are not the same concept. Gender according to Medina is a “social expectation” and sex is a “concrete of DNA.” Meaning gender is what society expects you to behave or act referring to your assigned sex. When it comes to mental disorders, Medina discuss how this can come about more in the males than females. Stereotypes of each sex are known to be stuck in our minds for a long time. He also talks about an experiment that behaviorist Deborah Tannen has done about communication with both sex. The relationship between what Medina tells us with my own experience is that when I communicate with others, it depends on the person not their sex or gender, it depends on how a person approaches or communicates with me.

  5. marcus.lamothe4

    In chapter eleven of John Medina’s “Brain Rules”, he goes over the concept and theories behind a human’s gender. It’s no secret that men and women are genetically and physically different but, their brains and the way they think are dissimilar to each other as well. The way that men and women are conceived are has something to do with X and Y chromosomes, genes that branch from the mother and father. Even though this is the case, John Medina states, “Women are genetically more complex, because the active X chromosomes in their cells are a mix of Mom’s and Dad’s. Men’s X chromosomes all come from Mom, and their Y chromosomes carries less than 100 genes”(Medina, 241). In other words, Men and women were created differently from one another but, they must coexist with each other for survival.

  6. rahat ahmed

    Rahat Ahmed

    Prof. Ellis



    Chapter Gender

    In this chapter of “Brain Rules” called “Gender” Dr. John Medina tells us how the difference between the male and female’s brain starts with genes. According to Dr. John Medina genes determine whether we become a male or female. Dr. John Medina also states that “females tend to be more verbally sophisticated than males. Females are better at verbal memory tasks, verbal fluency task and also speed of articulation.

    I honestly find most of what Dr. John Medina mentions about how females are more verbally sophisticated than boys to be very true, I can say this confidence from personal experiences. Dr. John Medina made some very important points in this chapter about how the female brain is very different from the male. According to Dr. John Medina the female brain and the males brain communicates in a very different way. When a female is communicating with each other, they lean in, maintain eye contact, and do a lot of talking. When it comes down to the male its totally different. According to Dr. John Medina it’s very hard for the male brain to make eye contact while they are talking to another male, we make very little eye contact. I personally can’t make any sort of eye contact what so ever because I tend to be very shy and it feels really awkward most of the time.

  7. Angelica Vargas

    In the Gender chapter Medina states male and females brains are different according to difference in behavior, mental disorders, emotions and stress, how they both work in a workplace, and other subtitles that Medina addresses within the chapter. According to the difference in behavior section there are some quotes told by a historical figure such as Martin Luther. Martin Luther said “Girls being to talk and to stand on their feet sooner than boys because weeds always grow up more quickly than good crops” in response to what he said there was this quote on the wall of a bathroom saying “if they can put a man on the moon 
. why can they put them all there?” Women did exactly what Martin said. They reacted faster. According to the Mental disorders chapter, the one part that catched my attention was “mental retardation is more common in males than females in the general population.” Meaning some of this male humans need more assistance than females in the world.Men and women respond different when it comes to actue stress. Females lose their ability to recall the details of a story. While men lose the ability to recall the gist of the story.

  8. Vaswanie Cover

    The gender chapter of Brain Rules by John Medina talks about the difference in male and female behaviors and how it’s based from the start of creation with help from the x and y chromosomes. Males and Females may have been math through the same process but, the way their brains function are different. The way male and female are different is a natural thing based on each person. According to Medina, “Males have a greater tendency to be antisocial. Females have more anxiety”. This is one example that can prove that male and females are different. Differences can occur based on specific traits of the Gender role.

  9. MarcG

    In the Gender chapter John Medina talks about how from a young age boys are better in math and science while girls are better with vocabulary. Medina also said that men and women are not only diferent physically but also mentally. saying that women have more genes than men even though the body use the same amount of gene. When in a stressful situation women activate the left hemisphere of the brain while women activate the right one. women have a greater chance at having anxiety while men are more common to be more antisocial

  10. Brandon Richardson

    During the chapter of “Gender” John Medina speaks of how the brain is also different between both the male and female based off the behaviors that they do and also how the x and y chromosomes make such a difference between how they can act. I found this chapter to be in fact interesting because of how they spoke about specifically on how emotions can be so much of a differentiating factor when it comes to men and women. Even though this has to do with human anatomy because of gender and etc. Both men and women would be able to process things in a different way because of those genes and the brains that are wired differently. In example when John Medina says that “Women are genetically more complex, because the active X chromosomes in their cells are a mix of Mom’s and Dad’s. Men’s X chromosomes all come from Mom, and their Y chromosome carries less than 100 genes, compared with about 1,500 for the X chromosome”. So pretty much the women would happen to have more of emotions running more so than men would. Overall to sum up this chapter it just describes how much more different women and men are because of genes and emotions and how wired our brains are in a different way.

  11. sher syed

    In chapter “Gender” John Medina explain about the differences between male and female, along with physical and genetically differences their brain also work and shaped differently. Males have all X chromosomes from mother but females have X chromosomes from both mother and father. Women have much more complex brain than males and they are emotional than males. Males have larger brain but its really not proved that it really make difference in brain procession or make males more intelligent than females. Males have XY chromosomes and female have XX chromosomes. This shows about the differences between male and female genetically, physically and mentally.

  12. Claribel

    In John Medina’s “Gender” chapter he discusses the differences between the male and female brain. There are sex-based differences in the type of severity of psychiatric disorders. According to Medina, men are more severely afflicted and open to schizophrenia than females. Women are more likely to suffer from depression than men are. Men are more antisocial than woman and females suffer more from anxiety and anorexia while more men are alcoholics and drug addicts. They also process emotions differently. Emotions are also used to pay attention according to Medina.

  13. Emmanuel.C

    Once again, we are here today to discuss another chapter of John Medina’s famous title “Brain Rules”. In this chapter we discuss the chapter regarding “Gender”. Medina makes a few important statements that we should take note of. First of all, John Medina states that “Male and Female brains are different” He then proceeds to explain why they’re so different from each other. Firstly, the X chromosomes that all humans have differs from gender. Males only have one X chromosome while females have two. Also, he states that women are genetically more complex because of how actives the X chromosomes are in their cells. And finally, Men and Women tend to respond differently to acute stress, seeing as how when women become sensitive to stress they remember the emotional details while men get to the gist of the problem.

  14. PrinceM

    Within John Medina’s “Brain Rules”, he has a chapter entitled “Gender” in which he details some research that scientists have gathered about the way that males and females’ brains tend to work, although this research is heavily scrutinized because there are exceptions. Things like men being much more likely to succumb to drug or alcohol addiction, whereas women would be much more likely to suffer from anorexia. In my experiences, I have known women to be much more emotional thinkers, whereas men are usually more likely to hide their emotions from the public and try to ration out their behavior. There are many other broad-stroke differences in the way I’ve seen men and women act in my life, and many of them are in agreement with the book.

  15. Shamani Patton

    I found it interesting in the Gender chapter of John Medina’s book Brain Rules, that Female and Male brains are different. A lot of people are quick to judge a female, describing her to be “hostile” or “not likable” and a male to be “very competent and likable”, this is called gender biases. There is a big deal of confusion regarding the way women and men relate to one another and why we relate to each other differently. There are 46 chromosomes to create someone, 23 chromosomes come from your mother and 23 comes from your father. Two of them are sex chromosomes, either X or Y. Also at least one has to be an X chromosome, or you will die. If you have two X chromosomes, you are a female and a X and Y, you are a male. This shows that genes make female’s and male’s brains different. The different parts of the brain that shows a difference in male and female, are the cortex, amygdala and even biochemicals that the brain use to communicate with each other. At rest, female amygdala do most of their talking to the left hemisphere, while males talk to their right hemisphere. Serration, which is an emotion and mood biochemical synthesizes in male about 52% faster than females. This tells me that male and female process certain emotions differently. Yes, their might be many stereotypes that males are stronger than females but females are more complex,their X chromosomes in their cells come from their a mix of their mother and father. Men X chromosomes come from their mom, their Y chromosome carries less than 100 genes, compared with about 1,500 for the X chromosome.

  16. younisa97

    In this chapter of “Brain Rules”, John Medina talks about gender, and how male and female brains are different. A female’s brain, nature, chromosomes, behavior, emotions, verbal are all structured different than that of a male’s. A female’s X chromosomes are a mix of mom and dad’s , while a male’s X chromosomes all come from mom. Men and women respond differently to stress, and this is due to the difference of emotion. Women activate the left hemisphere’s amygdala and remember the emotional detailes, and men activate the right hemisphere’s amygdala and get the gist. Women are a more complex species in a way.

  17. Sasha

    In this chapter of “Brain Rules”, John Medina talks about gender, and how male and female brains are different and how they work. Stated by Medina, differences between men’s and women’s brains can be viewed from several lenses: genetic, neuroanatomical, and behavioral. Each gene is made up of 46 chromosomes, which is split half from your mom and dad. A chromosome determines the sex of a baby. Two X chromosome means a female and xy chromosome means a male. We all have heard before that men are stronger than females, even though we females don’t want that as a label or think its all true, scienctically it is. Men are stronger than females in the physical aspect but women can be as equal or more stronger than men in other aspects such as emotionally. Other things are like females are more likely to be depressed and get anxiety rather than men. Men are more have a greater tendency to be more antisocial and drug addicts. Women tend to use bothe hemispheres when speaking and processing verbal information but men primarily use one. Even though men and women are completely different in gender, they are as equally as strong, if it lacks in some areas they do make it up in others.

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