Beginning of Class Writing: Background on the Brain and John Medina

During the first ten minutes of today’s class, write a summary in your notebooks of the two readings assigned for today’s class: Seven, “12 Rules to Boost Your Brainpower,”, and Medina, “About the Author,”

Before our next class, type up your handwritten summary, save it some place safe (e.g., the Cloud, flash storage, email, etc.), and copy-and-paste it into a comment added to this blog post. Moving forward this semester, these beginning of class writing assignments from one week are due before the first class of the following week. This gives you ample time to type and post your daily writing to OpenLab.

19 thoughts on “Beginning of Class Writing: Background on the Brain and John Medina

  1. nowshadhossain

    I have read both of these article, and now I am going summarize the key points of these two article.
    Article1: 12 rules to boost your brain power:
    1.This article is an interview of John J. Medina by Richard Seven of Seattle Times .
    2. Mr. Medina is a developmental molecular biologist.
    3. Mr. Medina admits that scientists still doesn’t know much about how brains work.
    4. Mr. Medina wrote a book called ” The Brain Rules”.
    5. Mr. Medina believes that the 12 methods described by him in the book can be applied to our daily lives.
    6. Mr. Medina applies his 12 methods in his daily bases. Specially Rule#2: “Exercise boosts brain power.”. Because he has a treadmill in his office, and he runs on it while using his laptop.
    Article2: John J. Medina’s Biography:
    1. DR. JOHN J. MEDINA is a developmental molecular biologist who’s main focus is on the genes involvement in human brain and the genetics disorders .
    2. He has a lot of qualification.
    3. He has spent most of his professional life as a private research consultant.
    4. Medina was the founding director of the Talaris Research Institute.
    5. Medina’s books include: Brain Rules ,Brain Rules for Baby ,The Genetic Inferno, etc.
    6. Medina is obsessed with how our mind reacts and organizes information.
    7. He is a family guy.

    So, I believe that are all the main key points of the of these two article.

  2. Bilal.Shadizai

    According to “12 rules to boost your brainpower” by Richard seven John Medina believed 12 rules which can be applied to our daily lives to help us with learning, and teaching. John Medina believes that we should “respect sleep” because while we are sleeping our brain does valuable processing. Medina’s works have videos because he stated that our brain “responds best to moving pictures and emotional contents”. According to “about the author” Medina is a researcher who worked in different kinds of mental health research industries. Medina was focused on the genes involved in human Brains. He is also known as the “Outstanding Faculty of the year” in multiple Universities. Medina is also interested in how brain science can effect the way parents teach to their children.

  3. Cisco Alers

    The human brain is something very unique in this world. The fact is it has developed as we were active. So its safe to say that humans who are not active don’t have as healthy a brain as those who are active. I believe that the brain also needs sleep sometimes in the middle of the day. Also that John Media is correct about the attention span of the human brain being only ten minutes. As a student it does seem more interesting for the teacher to demonstrate while spontaneously getting on a table rather then have on sitting down. Also that classroom or office shouldn’t be so boxed up and boring, where people sit for most of the time.

  4. Sasha

    According to “12 Rules to Boost Your Brainpower,” and Medina, “About the Author,” DR. JOHN J. MEDINA is a developmental molecular biologist focused on the genes involved in human brain development and the genetics of psychiatric disorders. What I found important from these readings, first, not just the new information I’ve learned, but, just the overall different view point on how he explained the importance of sleep, physical movement and being emotionally interested can influence the brains way of absorbing and learning new information in a tremendous way. One thing I found most interesting is when he refers to sleep being respected. We all hear that sleep is very important but never are really educated on the factors that sleep effects the most. Medina states that the lack of sleep ” robs focus, promotes inefficiency and causes mistakes”. If we all think about it, if we all got more sleep life would get a little easier. Second interesting thing I found that Medina said was “Exercise boosts brain power”. Wouldn’t we all think that would be the opposite? Not in this case. Studies show that our brains still thrive on movement and that exercise boosts concentration and problem-solving. So, would psychically moving while learning change the way we learn? I’m looking forward to see what Media has in store to teach and inform me further on how our brain works.

  5. SandraG.

    In the reading, “12 Rules to Boost Your Brainpower”, the article starts off with John Medina letting us know that we as humans don’t know much about how our brains function. Medina also mentions that if we exercise, this can advance brain capability. The book ‘Brain Rules’ explains that sleep helps the brain do beneficial processing. The other reading, “About the Author” starts off with introducing him as a ‘developmental molecular biologist” who focuses on “the genes involved in human brain development and the genetics of psychiatric disorders.” He also talks about his long-lasting interest with how the mentality of the brain reacts as well as constructs data.

  6. rahat ahmed

    Rahat Ahmed
    Dr. Jason

    Article 1 (12 rules to boost your brainpower) is mainly about how the human brain works. Something that really caught my attention is when Dr. John Medina said that our brain does the most work while we are sleep. I was really shocked because I always had thought that the human brain would do the most work while we are awake. Another interesting fact that caught my attention is when Dr. John Medina said that he believes that the brain responds the best to moving pictures and emotional content. This article also states that the human brain pays sharp attention for only about 10 minutes at a time which really had me thinking how hard it can be for a human to stay focused for a longer period of time.

    Article 2 ( Bio) Dr. John Medina is a developmental molecular biologist who is mainly focused on the genes involved in human brain development and the genetics of psychiatric disorders. Dr. John Medina was the founding director of Talaris Research institute. Dr. John Medina is a very successful man whose written a number of books.
    In 2004 Dr. John Medina was appointed to the rank of affiliate scholar at the National Academy of Engineering. Dr. John Medina lives in Seattle with his wife and sons.

  7. PrinceM

    In the article “12 Rules to Boost Your Brainpower”, it is stated that today’s scientists are still unclear on exactly how the brain operates the body. Even a task as simple as drinking from a soda can is a mystery. In spite of this, they do know that the brain is specifically not adept in environments such as todays cubicles and classrooms. John Medina, a renowned and decorated neurology researcher was quoted as saying “If you wanted to design a learning environment that was directly opposed to what the brain is good at doing, you’d settle on a traditional American classroom or one of those cubicles people have to work in.” This stood out especially to me, and made me wonder why class in specific is designed in this way, if this way is not facilitative to the brain of all things.

  8. sher syed

    In the article Dr. John Medina tells about the power of our brain. He stated that scientists really don’t know how our brain works. He said it is designed for human to survive in different environments and solving problems. He also tells that our brain work during sleep and memorize the memories. In other article it tells about John Medina achievements that he was awarded by many prizes and he studies molecular biology and mostly research on how human brain works.

  9. Claribel

    In the article, “12 Rules to Boost Your Brainpower”, by Richard Seven, he speaks about developmental molecular biologist John Medina. John Medina, a Seattle scientist, who wrote Brain Rules”, states that we do not know much about how the brain works. In his book he speaks about 12 rules that if we apply to our daily lives it will help us in our everyday experiences. Medina speaks on how physical education should be implemented in every school because “exercise boosts brain power.” In “About the Author” they speak about the author of “Brain Rules” who is a developmental molecular biologist who worked in different health research industries and was very interested in the brain and how it worked. He studied the different ways that can control the way people parents and teach others.

  10. Vaswanie Cover

    In the article, “12 Rules to Boost Your Brainpower” by Dr. John Medina it was stated that, “Exercise boost brain power”. To an extent I already knew this quote was true but, I never tested it out. I believe it is true because as humans we automatically use our brain for activities we are not always aware of known as self-consciousness. It is also stated that brain power is highly connected to the movement of our bodies. If we were to have no exercise time physically,our brains would only be using a percentage of power it should/could be using.
    In article 2, it basically speaks about what Dr. John Medina studies. He focuses on the genes involved in the human brain development. Also, he is a well known neurology researcher.

  11. Angelica Vargas

    Article 1 “12 Rules to Boost Your Brainpower” by Richard Seven is mainly about John Medina outlook of the brain.He mentions “We don’t know much about how our brains work” people don’t really focus on the little things of life.For example how does the the brain really tell the arm how to type or write.He also mentions “Exercise boosts brain power” following up to his interesting thought on how physical education classes are slowly disappearing from schools.
    Article 2 John medina biography we the readers/Audience learn how John Medina is called Dr.John J medina whom is a developmental molecular biologist who mainly focused on the genes involved in the human brain development and the genetics of psychiatric disorders. He is well known in the University of Washington School of Medicine, he holds and affiliate faculty appointment there.Medina lives in Seattle with his wife and Two sons.

  12. Shamani Patton

    According to “12 rules to Boost your Brainpower” I feel that rule number 2 “Exercise boost brain power” is very true, John Medina explains that your brain yearns for Exercise and movement. This will help your brain concentrate and solve problems better, I feel that this statement is true because working out physically can help. While you tightening your muscles, your brain is getting a “workout”. Exercise can relax your brain to help with solving tough situations. “Brain rules” statement about getting enough sleep is 100% accurate, I know many of times where I did not get enough sleep and I participated poorly in class. I was also slower with my reflexes and getting things done right. The brain values resting to give it time to reevaluate everything. The best way to stay focused and alert is to catch up on sleep, you will feel like you had coffee to drink, with as much energy as a 7 year old kid. You would also make better decisions throughout the day. “The brain does not like boring things”, this statement is true because I’ve been bored to death and I would start dazing off and thinking about more interesting things that would entertain me. Certain colors and movements keeps the brain attention especially in babies. This helps out brain to keep working, wondering what will come next. The second article explains John Medina’s life and how he researches and studies brain science and how it influence babies, which is very interesting.

  13. younisa97

    According to “12 Rules to Boost Your Brainpower” and “About the Author”, John Medina is a molecular biologist and an author, and has a lifelong fascination to how the brain reacts and organizes information. He studied the brain and wrote “12 Rules to Boost Your Brainpower”. The brain was designed to solve problems when placed in an uncommon environment and survival. For the brain to function properly and more effectively, it relies on sleep, in which the brain does valuable processing. If the brain does not get enough sleep, it won’t function the same and reaction time would be a little slower than the usual. Also, studies show that exercise help boost and stimulate brainpower and gets blood moving towards the brain and the rest of the body. The brain does not like boring things, it pays sharp attention for a certain amount of time depending on the emotional level.

  14. AntonioC

    John Medina is a well achieved teacher and author, his studies are mostly on his fixation for the brain and how it works. Medina has many different points that shows how we can help and hurt our brains. For example, he talks about stress on our brain and how we’re not aware of how lack of sleep affects us. Sleep helps our brain deal with long term stress, also we shouldn’t multitask because it slows our reaction time and makes us less aware of our surrounding. Medina has found a way to make students more conscious and attentive during class, studies have shown that after ten minutes most students have stopped paying attention to the lecture. Medina has come up with a way to grab the brains attention, every nine minutes he steers off from lecture which catches the students attention on an emotional level.

  15. Emmanuel.C

    John Medina is a Seattle scientist that has studied the brain in vast detail! His field of work is molecular biology and the reason John Medina has studied that brain in such vast detail is due to the fact that we, as human, as those who coincide with each other in this society every, do not actually know a lot about how our brains work. Both the articles “12 Rules to Boost Your Brainpower,” and Medina, “About the Author” details certain aspects and points that Medina has made also has some important details we as people should all pay attention to. John Medina has created rules for himself to strengthen his cranium and his No. 2 rule “Exercise boost brain power” is an interesting rule. The reason I find this statement interesting is because back in the day, people use to think that any form of straining activity was perform the opposite of what Medina is exclaiming with this statement. In the past we used to believe that those form of straining activity would cause more fatigue and wear out your brain, ultimately causing your mentality to be weaker and less developed as opposed to a person who hasn’t performed any excruciating activity.
    In the second article we are able to ascertain that John Medina is not only extremely interested in the processes of the brain but he is also a very dedicated father and love his children dearly. It is because he has two son’s that Medina wants to research what how the way adults are teaching children can truly influence how our brain work, develop and evolve.

  16. chelsea

    john medina is a molecular biologist and an author. he is the author of the shallows: what the internet is doing to our brains and brain rules: 12 principles for surviving and thriving at work, home, and school. Article 1 12 rules to boost your brainpower is mainly about how the human brain works. Both the articles “12 Rules to Boost Your Brainpower” and Medina“About the Author” speaks about certain points that Medina has made. John Medina stated that, “Exercise boost brain power”. medina wrote his book as a way to apply what he says is grounded neuroscience with real world applications. john medina also focuses on the genes involved in the human brain development.

  17. Jonathan Valverde

    John Medina and the brain

    Medina, “About the Author” is a short autobiography that talks about John Medina and his fascination of the brain and how it works. The short reading has facts about his personal life that include his profession as a ‘developmental molecular biologist’, what he has accomplished and done in his career, and his family. It also shortly describes his book ‘Brain Rules’. The second article “12 Rules to Boost Your Brainpower” gives the reader an idea of what Medina’s book will be about. His different ideas on how the brain works, the reading shows us a glimpse on what he believes are the best ways we can improve our overall brains function.

  18. MarcG

    I didn’t do the reading because i dod not have the book yet. Therefore I will be writtingg about something else .My night was very long I had to finisha 4 page essay summary about Marxism which was 15 pages lon it was though but I did it.My mom blamed me for sleeping late, she said ” you had homework and you went and play soccer”

  19. Jolleli Sarai Garcia

    Mr.Medina is a biologist and a research consultant. Medina discovered a way to grab the brains attention. He discovered that every ten minutes he need to catch the students attention on an emotional level in order for them to continue to pay attention. He has also found a way to make students more conscious and attentive during class lectures, and their studying session. Through a quick skim of the book one may discover he has found different ways to help us develop our brains.

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