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Writing my brain by Dymond Torres


In Eng1101 we had to write about our brain and put it in to a project. To explain how our own brain functions threw out and entire day and to tell the readers about why you think certain things. Also to give the reader a chance to look at something they may never have done before.


This is the second part of the project were we had to pick a day to write about what we were thinking every thirty minutes at least and put it down on paper and then write a post about it for homework. my thought were about my financial aid problem, playing basketball, sleeping and finding work.


My first picture is calledĀ  “May I have less money please”

My second picture is called “I need sleep”

My third picture is called “Basketball is my favorite sport”

And my last picture is called “I need a job asap”


My name is Dymond R. Torres I am eight teen years old and have three older siblings, my brother actually goes to city tech as well. I just started going to city tech just about two months ago. I’m also majoring in liberal arts which is a major for students that don’t have much of an idea about what they want to be in the near future. Sometimes I get frustrated at all the work that needs to be done when thinking about what to be when im older. My sister always told me college wouldn’t be easy but i didn’t listen, of course because I felt like since you choose what you want to take it will be better for you. Well that is the opposite, school is hard which is why I try to make it my main focus out of everything else that I do on a daily bases. Like playing basketball, changing my financial aid, trying to get more sleep, playing the ps4 and working. I also tend to over think a lot of unnecessary things because I fear I will be wrong. This act use to lower my participation grade since I was in middle school. i always had a hard time raising my hand and answering questions just because I over think what others might think about my answer or even the teacher. I sill barely participate in my classes now since there all new faces I’ve never seen before. So the habit should stop which is probably what you, whom ever reads this essay will think. When I over think or think way too much for my brain I start to think zone out a lot and that is not good. I already day dream enough so thinking will just cause the problem to become worse as time goes on. I argue if over thinking about what people think or what you think about yourself will cause problems in your future.
When we had to pick a day to write our thoughts for this project I kept thinking that I think about a lot of things but are they different, no they are not. The thoughts are always similar each day, I thought it was kind of weird at first but then it seems like some people could think about their life so many times in different ways. I had a lot of thought and only wrote down the ones that popped up the most in my head or that were important to me. The most four important ones that I had taken a pictures of was my bed, the basketball court, the financial aid office, and finding a job. These four things are something I always think about because they connect to one another. I have trouble finding a job to help pay for financial aid and with everything going on in school I pretty much don’t have time to myself and when I do I love to be alone and whether it is in the park or in my room. I also try to relax as much as possible so I’m not as grumpy when my family comes home from working. This argues that I think about others and there feelings but sometimes I wonder if they do the same. When they ask how my day went or how was school i get a little bit mad because I usually don’t like to talk about my day because it is always the same each and everyday. So should I stop thinking and just go with the flow or should I continueĀ  to think about others opinion.
Playing basketball is very hard for a female because I for one only play with boys, no female plays the sports outside of school were I live so it is kind of frustrating because I don’t really have someone in common with me. When I think about what the guys think about how I play they say im good for a girl, but honestly thinking how would they know. No one had ever seen me play with other females before, but I take the compliment anyways because it makes me feel like I can actually play with certain guys who don’t judge me because I am a female. Although I think that I’m not that good because of other people’s comments toward me like “she is a girl i will not hold her” “lets go easy on her because she is a girl.” It lowers my confident level a lot and give up on myself or feel upset. Most people do not and will never understand how they make others feel with their negative comments. So as time went on I learned that the only way to shut someone up is to show them that females nd males can do the same thing. And of course there will always be that judgement everywhere you go and I have learned that but it is up to that person to believe in themselves boost their own confident. I learn by watching my brother play and my cousins because they have the most confident I know and it seems like it is good to not think so much about what others think of you.
Financial aid situation is really taking up my time. Every time I went to the office something new kept coming up and because I am a freshmen I don’t really know how the system works. On day i went to the office and all i asked was a simple question, this person was being really rude and kept giving me attitude like he did not want to help me. I was quite and didn’t talk back because then I felt like I would be judge for talking to a grown up with disrespect. Later on that day I told my parent and they explained to me that when people are rude you have to be rude back to show them that it is not okay to talk to someone like that. For me it is really hard because I’m not the type to snap and someone so quickly because of the judgement I will receive from them or even the help that they will provide for me. So i learned that you have to treat people how they treat you no matter what the situation is because then they will think that it is okay to do it to others all the time.
Job searching is so difficult nowadays. Why do we have to be a certain age to work, how come nobody needs help in any store, why when you go to get an application they stare at you. I wonder all the time is it because they need good,smart, hard working people to hire. Of course trying to find a job is not easy none said it was unless you have connection, but I don’t so I struggle to find one that will make me feel comfortable and will work between my school time. I would love to work in a place were everyone is nice to you people don’t judge but that will never happen there is always someone who seems to think they are better than you. I start to over think about these things and end up not even finding work. So now I am stuck so h’m starting to learn that over thinking can lead to not getting the things you want in life because you listen to the people who don’t want you to succeed at anything. This will help me in the future and to start being focused on what I have to do because in reality people are always going to judge.
Dymond (Dymond R. Torres). ” Re: Project 1: thinking in writing.” Open lab. ENG1101 D377 English composition 1. FA2014. 19 sept.2014. Thurs.9.Oct 2014.
Torres, Dymond. “Basketball is my favorite sport”
Flickr. Thur.9.Oct 2014
Fri.10.Oct 2014
Torres, Dymond. “May i have less money please.”
Flickr. Wed.8.Oct 2014.
Fri.10.Oct 2014.
Torres, Dymond. “I need sleep.”
Flickr. Tues.7.Oct 2014
Fri.10.Oct 2014
Torres, Dymond. “I need a job”
Flickr. Mon.6.Oct 2014
Fri.10.Oct 2014


Writing My Brain Project by Daijia Benjamin


Hi my name is Daijia Benjamin. This is my first year in City tech. I am 17 years old and so far, City Tech feels just like high school to me. I believe that Iā€™m the youngest student in all my classes. Everyone else looks way older than me but Iā€™m not really bothered by the fact that Iā€™m the youngest. Itā€™s actually cool. Since Iā€™ve been in English D377 Iā€™ve notice that I needed a lot of help on the way I think. I argue that my thoughts arenā€™t that important, and I think that I should be focusing on more important things like whatā€™s happening in the world today. In this project, I had an opportunity to reflect on my thoughts and plan how to think more effectively in the future.

Ā Thinking and Writing

1- why is my friend telling me about someone I dont care about
2- why am I so hungry
3- I want pizza
4- These math problems are so easy
5- why donā€™t Zoe and Jason get back together and stop playing with each others feelings
6- I love my job
7- I feel like I dont belong here
8- ughhh I miss my dog
9- Im ready for my dog to have puppies
10- my father always complains about the littlest thing
11- im sooooo hungry
12- im soo slim but eat like a fat person
13- this book i know im going to finish it in a couple days it is sooo interesting
14- omg why do I have brothers
15- I love opening up the store in the mornings and getting everything set up
16- smoothies and juicing is life!
17- I love talking to this boy, he makes me soo happy
18- feel so bad for him because he just got fired from a good job
19-Ā I feel like im way too nice to people, but yet others say that im mean.Ā I dont see it
20- Im way to tired to finish this book
21-Ā I wish i understood this bookĀ I have to read for english class ughhh im going to try.Ā I feel likeĀ I have to read it 1,000 times just to understand it.

Thinking visually

My life, my dog Jake


Where I usually sit down and think


At work; VEGGIES , juicing is life



Thinking Rhetorically and Reflectively

Hi my name is Daijia Benjamin. This is my first year in City tech. I am 17 years old and so far, City Tech feels just like high school to me. I believe that Iā€™m the youngest student in all my classes because everyone else looks way older than me, but Iā€™m not really bothered by the fact that Iā€™m the youngest. Itā€™s actually cool. In the process of writing this essay, I had to pick a day to record all my thoughts every 30 minutes, next I had to take photos related to some of my thoughts and finally, I had to think rhetorically and reflectively on how my thoughts are and if it needs improving or not. Since Iā€™ve been in English D377 Iā€™ve notice that I needed a lot of help on the way I think. I argue that my thoughts arenā€™t that important, and I think that I should be focusing on more important things like whatā€™s happening in the world today. In this project, I had an opportunity to reflect on my thoughts and plan how to think more effectively in the future.


Every day I sit in my room day dreaming, just sitting there focusing on a specific spot on the wall thinking about anything that comes to mind. Especially on my free time, Iā€™m always thinking about random things like whatā€™s for dinner later or when is my father coming home, but now I try to focus on more important things like my life and things I can do to better my future. One day, I thought about why I had brothers. But, I guess itā€™s a way for my father and stepmother to have that family title they always wanted. So I guess having brothers made it what it is now. I donā€™t really know, but I just think of the meanest things sometimes. Oh well.


I mean I do think of important things too. Especially on things that can better my future like me becoming a Dental Lab technician. In high school thatā€™s what I majored in, and I found it to be very interesting especially the fact that I made things using my hands. Itā€™s not only beneficial to me but for others, because Iā€™m helping other people feel better about their appearance; their smile. But thatā€™s like my future goal. I realize that I have to focus on what I have to do to reach that level on becoming a dental lab technician.


If I donā€™t start focusing on more positive and important things now, Iā€™m going to have more irrelevant thoughts in my head. Itā€™s like I have to organize my thinking. Maybe by doing that, I might just get a lot done during the day. I remember when my friend had called me telling me about some female, and I was just sitting there with a blank stare. My face expression told a lot. But instead of me being negative, I sat there listening to him express his feelings about this person, I gave him advice but god only knows how much I didnā€™t even care. I felt comfortable after because I felt like I helped him in a way. After that conversation, I sat on my bed thinking about why he even told me. For that whole night it bothered me. I couldā€™ve been doing something more relevant than to be focusing on what he had told me.


Normally, it is kind of hard finding interesting books to read on my free time. I havenā€™t read a book in so long, but I found this urban book called Addicted, and let me tell you it is addicting. But, thereā€™s this book that Iā€™m reading for my English class Brain Rules, and it doesnā€™t grab my attention at all. I would have to constantly keep reading it over and over, just so I can get a bit more understanding of what Iā€™m reading. I feel like maybe Iā€™m trying not trying to understand it or maybe I really need to read more to boost up my vocabulary.

I often think about the boy that I really like. The other day he told me that he had got fired from his job, which really made me feel bad for him. I didnā€™t really know how to feel when he was telling me about it. He had a great job, paying a good enough amount of money especially for his age. I wish I had that job. The only thing I couldā€™ve told him was that, sooner or later heā€™s going to find himself a decent job, especially now that he got his license. I usually give him good advice and try to cheer him up when heā€™s down or just thinking negatively about things.

Nowadays, I see myself thinking about the past, not on anything specific, but I would think on random things that happened the day before, or something that happened a long time ago. I donā€™t know how to stay focus on one thing for too long. My thoughts are always all over the place, and I donā€™t know how to control it. If I set my mind on one thing, I get bored after a while. I feel like if Iā€™m thinking about anything, I might as well write it down because if itā€™s on my mind, it must be important.

No one knows how much of a pet lover I am. When Iā€™m away from my dog especially on the weekends, I often think of him daily. I always think about him and count the days until the next time I get to see him. I normally see many dogs going out for walks on my block but, I sit here and think about why that couldnā€™t be my dog and I. I wish he wasnā€™t an inside dog, and more of a dog who likes to go for walks far from home, but heā€™s so use to staying in the house that every time someone walks him, he walks to the corner and turn back. As long as heā€™s with me, Iā€™m happy.

Although my thoughts are all over the place, I noticed that my thoughts havenā€™t gotten better. Iā€™m still too focused on irrelevant things, which might have an effect on the way I write. I always noticed that I focus on people rather than focusing on myself. Iā€™m the kind of person that would do so much for others, before worrying about doing whatā€™s important for me. In the future, I want my thoughts to be more on the present instead of the past, especially more important things like my career and my goals for the future.


Work cited

Daijia B [Daijia B Benjamin].”Re;Project 1 Thinking and Writing.” OpenLab Eng 1101 D377 English Composition 1, FA2014 22 September2014. Web. 14 Oct 2014

Benjamin, Daijia. ” My life, my dog Jake” Flickr. 14Ā Oct 2014. Web.Ā Oct 14 2014

Benjamin Daijia. ” Where I usually sit down and think” Flickr. 14Ā Oct 2014.Ā Web.Oct 14 2014

Benjamin Daijia. ” At work; VEGGIES , juicing is life” Flickr. 14Ā Oct 2014. Web . Oct 14 2014

My Brain Project by Samantha Reyes


My name is Samantha Reyes and I am in the vision care program. And my thoughts are everywhere, I have such little interests but at the same time so many. For an entire day I spent about a minute every half an hour to writing down my thoughts. The thoughts that I had at these moments, which were all random. Ā This project gave me the opportunity to reflect on life itself as well. Later on I realized that they are thoughts that focused on subjects and or things that were maybe random, but important to me now and probably in the future as well. The different topics that will appear in my essay are the holocaust, baking, animals, traveling and my commute to school. I argue that my thoughts are focused on important things in my life in the present that will help me carry out who I decide to become in the future.

Thinking in Writing

8:30- I am thinking about what I am going to have for breakfast. maybe yogurt and fruit.

9:00-I need a new phone case , my phone is going to brake if I donā€™t get one soon.
9:30- Iā€™ve always wanted to be a cake designer maybe not professionally but I would like to learn how to.
10:00- I need to go to the library and get some more books on the 1940ā€™s.
10:30- I wonder if itā€™s cold in Vienna and Budapest now ? And how cold?
11:00-should I order that history book Iā€™ve been dying for or should I just wait till next week.
11:30- should I become an event organizer instead ? I would get to go to a lot of parties!
12:00- I know I got it Iā€™m gonna become a historian at the holocaust museum in Washington D.C. But when would I move and how do I study that here? Would I need to transfer?
12:30- is there a museum that focuses on European history in New York City?
1:00- I have a lab report to do .
1:30- what if I become a vet or a zoologist that would be so much fun but I would probably get depressed.
2:00- Iā€™m so tired I wanna go home and make myself a cup of tea.
2:30- I wonder what Sally is doing ? Maybe sheā€™s sleeping or hunting underneath the pile of pillows on the futon.
3:00- i hope the train isnā€™t packed On my way home tonight
3:30- why canā€™t people love animals the way I do ?
4:00- I should stop at the library and get some more history books but Iā€™m so tired.
4:30- should I take an anatomy class for fun?
5:00- I canā€™t believe it takes me two hours to get home of course Iā€™m the one that goes to a school in Brooklyn being from a completely different borough.
5:30- how much hw do I have tonight ? Oh god I have to write it all down as soon as possible so I donā€™t forget anything.
6:00- Should I take a nap or just do all my homework now ? Okay fine hw I guess.
6:30- I hate math oh god . Why does it have to be so difficult ?
7:00- let me take a break and read one of my books then finish reviewing for biology.
7:30- so like are we even in fall yet ? Or is global warming that bad already ? Humans are such a mess to this planet.
8:00- brain rules is actually pretty interesting. My mom would like it , I should tell her to read it.
8:30- so should I take that anatomy class and biology 2 classes next semester just for the fun of it?
9:00-( reading) so the years of the third reich were actually not just 1938-1945?
9:30- (still reading ) if hitler had no control over Russia how did the camps have Serbian prisoners? 10:00- (still reading ) have no remains been found when it comes Hitler?
10:30- (still reading )why were political prisoners never mentioned that much in books?
11:00-(still reading ) this relates so much to what I saw on my trip.
11:30 I canā€™t wait to go back to Eastern Europe all over again .
12:00- I said I would learn German, now when is that gonna happen?
12:30- maybe I should go to sleep.

Thinking Visually

Map-this map simply is a visual picture of all the places that I was able to visit this summer on my trip to eastern Europe.

Cake- I had a gathering, where I spent some time with some friends and family and was able to acquire new tips on cake when it comes to its taste as well as its dƩcor.

Travels- Focuses on photo books that were made online by my mother and I, so that we could have an easier way to view pictures and remember such fun times.

Thinking Rhetorically and Reflectively


The Holocaust, I love history with a passion but I am obsessed with European history to be more specific, World War II and the Holocaust. One of my dreams has always been to get a job at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. this picture is a map of the places that I visited on my trip to Eastern Europe when I traveled during the summer in July (Reyes, ā€œMapā€). On this trip I was able to visit the many sites that grand events that were part of the holocaust and events leading up to the holocaust took place.

During my day of thoughts I mentioned that I needed ā€œ to go to the library and get some more books on the 1940ā€™sā€(Sreyes2 par.4). I wanted to go to the library to pick up some more books and that was because I am always on the lookout for new books on anything on history that would teach me something new or simply teach me more .I was also able to communicate through my thoughts on how exactly realistically my life would change if I were to work in the museum by saying ā€œI know I got it Iā€™m going to become a historian at the Holocaust museum in Washington D.C. But when would I move and how do I study that here? Would I need to transfer?ā€(Sreyes2 par.8) . Since I have always dreamed of working in that museum. But out of all of it I could become a historian sharing what I know, and at the same time I would be able to continue learning and always be able to figure out new information to improve my knowledge. Or an artifact preserver or tour guide at the actual site of Auschwitz ā€“ Birkenau concentration camp in Krakow, Poland that would be a dream come true.



I absolutely love baking, and ever since I first started baking I have always wanted to become a cake designer or event organizer for weddings or big events like weddings and baby showers. The other day I was able to enjoy a fantastic cake with really good friends and at the same time I was able to admire the design that was made with purple icing plus also see another way in which I could decorate my future cakes because practicing would only improve my skills (Reyes, ā€œCakeā€). The idea of becoming a cake designer had always lingered in the back of my mind, maybe not professionally but I would like to learn how to do it all both the designing and baking of the cakes. I also expressed in my day of thoughts that I ā€œshould I become an event organizer instead? I would get to go to a lot of partiesā€(Sreyes2 par.7). Because I remember first seeing 24 dresses I and realizing how much fun it is to be an event planner because you get to be there for people and help them and guide them through really huge moments in their lives, and I love helping people as well as parties because I love dancing as well. So that career would be a great idea.



I am a huge animal lover, animals are so important to me I cant imagine a day that goes by in which I donā€™t think about the hardships that animals are undergoing every single day because of our terrible human species, on how we are destroying their habitats and hurting them for meaningless reasons, for example like for their skin. In my day of thought I shared that ā€œwhat if I became a vet or a zoologist that would be so much fun but I would probably get depressed.ā€(Sreyes2 par.11). I have also always wanted to become a zoologist, but I first wanted to focus on marine biology so that I could be able to help clean up the oceans that are being so badly polluted, that because of this the majority of the sea life is dying if not already dead. I have a cat named sally and she is pretty much my everything and with her I have been able to have lots of hands on experience with an actual animal and have done lots of research so that I could give her the proper care needed so that she can be as healthy as possible at all times. I wonder what Sally is doing ? Maybe sheā€™s sleeping or hunting underneath the pile of pillows on the futon.ā€(Sreyes2 par.13).



I love traveling, seeing new places, tasting new dishes, hearing different types of music and because of this traveling has always been one of my passions. I have visited many places, but one place that I have always wanted to visit was Eastern Europe because of my strong interest in the Holocaust and World War II and I actually did. a few years back my mom asked me what I wanted as my graduation gift from high school and jokingly I said that I would love to visit Auschwitz but I did not think that she was actually being serious about it. But she did, I visited Poland and I am so glad that she did because I couldnā€™t have asked for anything else, because till this day it is a complete shock and I am in disbelief that I was standing on such ground. I wrote also in my day of thoughts on how ā€œI canā€™t wait to go back to Eastern Europe all over againā€(Sreyes2 par.30). I simply shared a photo with three books that were created by my mom and I that contain pictures saved from some trips that my family has taken over the years to always have some pictures to look back at (Reyes, ā€œTravelsā€).


My thoughts may have seemed random but all of these topics are important because they make me who I am. I consider myself to have a vigorous love for history and therefore that is why I think so much about the Eastern Europe and the Holocaust and because it captures my curiosity so much, I am always reading about this subject. And when it comes to baking and event planning its just a bit of an interest that because of my experience in design I have always seen as a chance to understand that no matter what I have many chances to express my artistic love of design through decorating. I love animals, I have always loved animals so much that I have always wanted to study marine biology and zoology so that I could at least have a complete understanding on how I could help them and teach other people on how to care for specific animals. Traveling has also been a love of mine , and more than anything due to the amount of history along with its culture and the everyday life of its people that I have already been able to learn from and the future ones to come.


I would like my future thoughts to focus on what exactly I want to do as a career and on what I want to focus on in my studies so that I can grow both as a professional as well as a person. my past thoughts have been a great way to get started on deciding because I have put in time to think about and what exactly I find to be most important to me and my growing interests.




Workā€™s Cited


Sreyes2 (Samantha Reyes ). ā€œProject 1: Thinking in Writingā€ Openlab. ENG1101 D377 English Composition 1, FA2014, 19 Sept 2014. Web. 9 Oct 2014.


Reyes, Samantha. ā€œCakeā€.Flickr. 20 Sept 2014. Web. 9 Oct 2014.

Reyes, Samantha. ā€œMapā€.Flickr. 20 Sept 2014. Web. 9 Oct 2014.

Reyes, Samantha. ā€œTravelā€™sā€.Flickr. 20 Sept 2014. Web. 9 Oct 2014.

Writing My Brain Project By Sheldon Bennett


I was given the chance to actually sit down and focus on how my thoughts would affect my future success in different aspects. First i began by simply writing down my thoughts for one specific day. I then continued to take photos that corresponded with the thoughts that i jotted down. Finally i was able to think rhetorically and reflectively in terms of how my thoughts are structured and whether i want to change how i think or not.


10:00-How much longer do i have to watch this pot??
10:30- yay law and order svu is on
11:00- its looks nice outside
11:30-wow it really looks nice outside
12:00-I should probably go watch sword art online
12:30- oh look no more Naruto shippuden fillers
12:30- never mind :(
1:00- oh look mothers home
1:30- its really nice outside
2:00- I should probably go skate
2:30- hmm what should I wear??
3:00- wow it is really nice out here
3:30- ā€œI wanna hold your handdddā€
4:00- ā€ remember when they said that what we want can never be done well look whoā€™s laughing nowā€
4:30- that was fun :)
5:00- I should finish reading after I eat
5:30-i should go play dishonored
6:00- wow this game does feel like bioshock
6:30- I should go finish my drafting hw
7:00- should I transfer after 4 years?
7:30-i should go make my blog post. Yeah ill do that tomorrow
8:00- almost finished
8:30-alright im done time to go on youtube
8:30- oh look black veil brides
9:00- ā€œweā€™ll be home soon so dry your eyesā€
9:00-wow danny looks so different in the final episode


Array of album covers

Ā  My first photo is simply a number of different album covers from different bands such as Asking Alexandria, Sleeping with Sirens and Falling in Reverse. I titled itĀ “Array of album covers”.

Academic  career

Ā  My second photo is of the city tech folder that i was given on orientation day. I titled this one “Academic career”.

Intense arc

My third photo is of the main characters in the anime sword art online. I titled this photo “Intense arc”.

Bethesda's dishonored

Ā My fourth photo is of the game known Dishonored. I titled this photo “Bethesda’s Dishonored”.


Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  My name is Sheldon Bennett,Ā I am currently an undergraduate student studying computer engineering here at city tech. I decided to record some of my daily thoughts in kind of a day of thoughts format . The basic purpose of this was for me to examine them and deduce whether they are beneficial to enabling my future success or justĀ random scattered thoughts. After carefully looking through my thoughtsĀ believe thatĀ my thoughts are focused on things that are important to me in the present, but it also has a small percentage of thoughts that involve my future.

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā When it comes to my future academic success or even professional success, the way that I think is pretty beneficial due to the fact that my thoughts include a wide range of ideas, but they allows involve things that are important to me such as my academic life and even my personal life. My thoughts are arranged where I always find myself thinking about 4 specific things which would be school, anime, music and gaming. I try to stay focused on my schoolwork and furthering my future career, but I also try to spend time relaxing which is where the last three things come into play. Balance (which I will be mentioning a number of times) is something that I believe is super important not only for me but also for most people due to the fact that we always have a number of activities that we participate in whether it is work related or even hobby related. It is definitely a concept that actually gives us the ability to create free time for the many other tasks that we have to complete.

To begin, I am going to mention one of my thoughts when it comes to my academic career would be ā€œI should go finish my drafting homeworkā€(Bennett/Sheldonb214. Par#19), and also ā€œshould I transfer in 4 years?”(Bennett/Sheldonb214. Par#20). These thoughts are accompanied by a photo entitled “Academic career”(Bennett,Academic). The first thing isn’t really special due to the fact that it is just another small that I always have when I either finish class or even when I am trying to figure out what to do next. The more important one would be the second thought.Ā  I always seem to have this thought because my current career path involves getting my bachelors in computer engineering and also getting my masters in audio engineering so I always think about whether I should pursue that career path here at city tech or to continue it at another college. I was actually planning on starting here at city tech and then continuing the rest of my studies at City College or maybe Colombia University. My reason for wanting to transfer was because of the fact that I wanted to go out and study at another college after I complete what I needed to complete here at city tech. Thatā€™s more of a preference because I want to try and explore , but one of the main reasons as to why I wanted to leave was that this school lacked athletics which is something that I believe is a big part of a studentā€™s life especially my own.

A more “personal life” example would be ā€œweā€™ll be home soon so dry your eyesā€(Bennett/Sheldonb214. Par#25). This thought is simply a snippet from asking Alexandriaā€™sĀ song “a prophecy” which is on their second album called stand up and scream. Not only is this one of my favorite songs, it also comes from one of my many favorite bands. I always find myself repeating song lyrics in my head not only because I love music but also because certain lyrics are so memorable that I just need to repeat them in my head every day. Another example of song lyrics that I always find myself repeating isā€ remember when they said that what we want can never be done well look whoā€™s laughing nowā€(Bennett/Sheldonb214. Par#14). This is a snippet from the song ā€œdo it now, remember it laterā€ which is another favored song of mine from a band called sleeping with sirens. These thoughts were accompanied by the photo entitled “Array of album covers”(Bennett,Array). Music isn’t just a big part of my life, It’s also going to be a part of my career so I always find myself trying to find opportunities to show off my engineering skills and evenĀ studying a wide range of music going from rap and r&b all the way to rock and techno.

When it comes to anime though, I always have thoughts such as “I should probably go watch sword art online”(Bennett/Sheldonb214. Par#5). This thought is accompanied by the photo entitled “Intense arc”(Bennett, Intense). I have been having this thought for a while now because i missed 2 episodes of sword art online and this was around the time in which the anime’s arc was reaching an incredible climax with Kirito and Death gun. Another one that came specifically that day was ā€œoh look no more Naruto shippuden fillersā€(Bennett/Sheldonb214. Par#6). This came just because I actually decided to start watching Naruto again after a very long hiatus that was caused by a long list of reasons. Anime is really a huge part of my life, not only as a means of entertainment but also as a means of growth. This thought comes across my mind every Friday and Saturday due to the fact that itā€™s apart of an agenda that I have when it comes to watching anime. This is more so a personal thought because like I said, I try to stay focused on school work, but also I try to take some time off in order to relax and calm my mind. This is a very important part of my success because I try to make a habit of working and also relaxing in order to lower the overall probability of any stress.

Thereā€™s always a certain point when I have connected thoughts. An example of this would be ā€œI should go play dishonoredā€(Bennett/Sheldonb214. Par#17). This thought was accompanied by the photo entitled “Bethesda’s Dishonored”(Bennett, Bethesda’s). This thought was followed by “wow this gameĀ does feel like Bioshockā€(Bennett/Sheldonb214. Par#18). I feel like they were connected because as i started to play Dishonored, it felt so similar to the game Bioshock because of how the game play was structured.I havenā€™t really gotten a chance to sit down and just play a game because I have been just doing homework and going to sleep shortly after, so I decided to finally get back into my usual routine of work followed by gaming, anime and finally a good amount of sleep. This thought is simply just another one that involves my personal life/ I am an avid gamer and gaming is another big part of my life so I always try to balance out things in order to give myself enough time to just kick back, relax and play some games. In general, I believe that not only is gaming a huge part of my personal life now but also it will still continue to be a huge part of my personal life even if I donā€™t have as much time as I would want to.
After carefully going through this, what does that mean for my future?Ā  When it comes to my thoughts, I believe that on top of thinking about important things in the present, itā€™s also beneficial for me to think about my future especially when it comes to my academic success. MyĀ thoughts may have a wide range to them but itā€™s important to note that I always think about the 4 things that I mentioned which are anime, music, gaming and school. So what does this mean for my career future? I believe that the mindset that I have of work when I need to and relax when I need to is super beneficial because when I begin my career I want to be able to work efficiently and effectively so this kind of mindset is really helpful. There aren’t any notable improvements with the way that my thoughts are structured and I am content so far with how things are going. My main goal is to reach that point at which I am not just successful in my career, but I also want to reach that point at which I am still content with my personal life where I still have that key balance between work and also relaxation.


Works Cited

Sheldonb214(Sheldon Bennett ). “Re: Project 1: Thinking in Writing. “OpenLab. ENG 1101 D377 English Composition 1, FA 2014. 21 September 2014. Web. 13 October 2014.

Bennett, Sheldon. “Academic career”. Flickr. 12 October 2014. Web. 13 October 2014.

Bennett, Sheldon. “Array of album covers”. Flickr. 12 October 2014. Web. 13 October 2014.

Bennett, Sheldon. “Bethesda’s Dishonored”. Flickr. 29 September 2014. Web. 13 October 2014.

Bennett, Sheldon. “Intense arc”. Flickr. 13 October 2014. Web. 13 October 2014.

Writing My Brain Project By Samuel Collado


In this project I used my thoughts, a pencil, paper and a camera to compress all of my thoughts into a Ā blog. While reading this blog you will see in one part all of my thoughts in one day, in another part you will see my pictures that represent some of my thoughts and in the last part you will see my essay that I have written about my thoughts.


12:52 PM ā€“ I just woke up and I want to go back to bed, I woke up thinking I had English class so I rushed up from bed but as soon as I got up I noticed I did not and went back to sleep.

1:23 ā€“ Playing some destiny, wondering when to do my homework.

1:54 ā€“ Helping my girlfriend with her homework, also watching a show. Relaxing day.

2:28 ā€“ Doing some homework, thinking of college

2:58 ā€“ Thinking how stupid it is to drink alcohol and go clubbing

3:30 ā€“ Trying to analyze a passage with my girlfriend. Too confusing, Iā€™m re reading it over and over.

4:03 ā€“ Finishing up the passage finally understood it, the brain is a crazy machine

4:33 ā€“ I hate my math professor, he is never prepared to teach us.

5:03 ā€“ reading some brain rules, great book.

5:43 ā€“ Feeling happy because my girlfriend was in a bad mood and she finally laughed

6:14 ā€“ Finished doing all my homework except this one and stopped playing destiny. Now Iā€™m just in my bed relaxing, what a relaxing day

6:45 ā€“ Going to watch a movie, also relaxed still.. Nice day

7:15 ā€“ Just saw a great movie named fireproof, itā€™s amazing how a movie can influence a person In real life

7:45 ā€“ Talked with my girlfriend on the phone and We spoked about our favorite part of the movie

8:15 ā€“ Reading brain rules, trying to stay up to date with my class.

8:45 ā€“ Why is our brain so limited?

9:15 ā€“ answering a survey to figure out if Iā€™m a perfectionist or not, Iā€™m not.

9:45 ā€“ Finishing off my night with some food and some nice destiny gaming.

10:10 ā€“ Time to sleep! Not a very interesting day but it was a day.


Our Brain

The first photo I took which I titled “Our Brain” focuses on the book that I am currently reading in class. Our brain is an amazing machine and we still have yet to fully understand it, something that controls use and yet we do not understand, pretty insane right?


The second picture I took I titled “Math” , My math professor is horrible and I hate math, combining these two ruined my world, seriously.


My third picture is titled “Fireproof” , While watching this picture I was amazed how a movie can change someone in real life. After the movie ended I had some introspection myself and wanted to change my life.


My fourth and last picture is titled “Bed” , who doesn’t want to stay in bed? Everyone’s bed is the best thing to them in their life, I guarantee it.

Thinking Rhetorically and Reflectively

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Thoughts are uncontrollable, it happens to everybody. Some thoughts are amazing and will help our world a ton. Like our buildings, cars, airplanes, cell phones and a ton more. But thoughts can also be very frustrating and distracting, like thinking of playing a game while reading or spacing out during class and thinking of your house and that comfortable bed. Those are the thoughts I receive. My name is Samuel Collado and I am an undergraduate student at City Tech. I love to read and write and I also love to exercise and play video games. My concentration is horrible unless Iā€™m exercising or playing a video game. But when I read or when I write, for instance right now. I easily get distracted and start to think about several different useless stuffs. I need to find a way focus my thoughts a lot A LOT more, I canā€™t get through a studying session with this brain that I currently have, and it must be enhanced. My thoughts are all over the place, I canā€™t seem to concentrate on one thing and I know itā€™s normal but I wished it wasnā€™t like that. Sometimes I wish I can just connect my book to my brain through some sort of cable, therefore no disruptions will occur.

Throughout this essay you will see how amazingly connected and concentrated my thoughts are (Yeah Right). When I woke up on the day of my thoughts assignment, I was prepping myself the night before. Why? I simply did not want thoughts that were horribly stupid and lame. But like I said in my introduction, it is uncontrollable. I woke up wanting to go back to bed, ā€œI just woke up and I want to go back to bedā€ this thought is called ā€œThe Perfect Placeā€. People may think thatā€™s normal, sure everyone wakes up wanting to stay in bed all day but thatā€™s not something I want to wake up thinking. I want to get up from bed, jumping off as if my bed was a trampoline. I want to be ready for school instantly and I want my thoughts to be ā€œLetā€™s go learn today and become smarterā€ or ā€œCanā€™t wait to study and test myself on the answersā€. Those thoughts have never gone through my head in a morning, unless I have a test which, but those arenā€™t positive thoughts.

If you were to picture a student, what do you think his thoughts are while heā€™s at school Maybe ā€œWow thatā€™s interesting, I did not know thatā€. Not me, while Iā€™m in school I think of so many different things itā€™s embarrassing. During my English class, my professor was explaining how our brain works, how it remembers things and how it learns. Thatā€™s amazingly interesting now that I think about it, but while he was explaining I was thinking of Destiny, A Video game that just recently released for the Playstation 4. ā€œPlaying some Destiny, wondering when to do my homeworkā€ this thought is called ā€œGaming before Schoolā€ unbelievable. A college student wondering when to do homework, I should knock that off the same day I receive it, but I never think of that. Instead I think of playing a game that will not help me one bit in neither life nor education. I sometimes think of staying home the entire day and just play Destiny. Max out my character to the highest level possible, do the intense raids with my friends and rinse and repeat, sounds so productive. I want that to change to ā€œI want to stay home all day and finish this book, re read my notes and make sure all my homework is doneā€.

Everyone expects college professor to be amazingly intelligent and the perfect people to listen to. But listen carefully, change that mind set because youā€™ll want to change that course or run out of the classroom when you receive a professor the opposite of that. Although my thoughts are still all over the place I do not consider this one a bad one. ā€œMy math professor sucksā€ this thought is titled ā€œHe Sucksā€, pretty rude but is amazingly true. This guy comes in 20 minutes late and teaches us based on his Galaxy Note 3. If youā€™re teaching a subject I imagine youā€™ll be an expert at it, right? But letā€™s go back to my thoughts. So far it went from bed to destiny to math sucks. As you can see none of my thoughts are about education, well one of them is but itā€™s not exactly something positive. During his class I sometime try to force my thoughts onto math, it happens for about five minutes but it drifts away, a lot more than usual. I personally donā€™t think Iā€™m the one to blame here, because according to my psychology professor it takes five minutes to keep someoneā€™s attention, if you fail youā€™ll lose their attention. Pretty selfish to think like that, so Iā€™ll take the blame, they are my thoughts afterwards. Nobody controls them, wish I at least could.

My thoughts never drifts away when I’m watching a movie and I never understood why. Maybe because I’m curious as to what will happen at the end? But regardless it’s extremely rare that my thought stays focused on one thing. I was watching a movie titled “Fireproof”, it was an amazing Christian movie. Throughout the entire movie I did not think of something else. I was just reading the subtitles and watching the movie, the entire movie and no other thoughts. I still remember everything that happened in that movie, which is also something rare, my memory is horrible. After the movie I stopped for a second and thought “I literally did not think of anything else but this movie, how weird “, I title this “Everything Should Be a Movie”. If everything was a movie, maybe I would never lose concentration or at least I hope. But re reading this thought, maybe I find the brain interesting and maybe I might work as a psychologist in the future. Then it hit me! , that’s the first thought that was about my future, not quite but the “how weird” part shows that it caught my attention and I’ll love to look into it, when I’m done with this essay I’ll definitely do some research as to why we lose concentration.

Some would assume that these are all normal thoughts. That every teenager goes through this because we’re still kids. But that’s really ridiculous, I know people younger than me who can focus on one thing until they’re completely finished. Now, thinking about games may be normal. But not while I’m in class, that should be the last thing on my brain until I get home and still not until I finish my homework or study. Others may assume that staying in bed when you wake up is totally normal, hell everyone might agree with that. But I do not want to wake up with that thought, no matter how normal it is. I want to wake up thinking about my future, my classes, and my career. I want to wake up asking myself, how am I going to find a job to gain experience? I want to wake up ready for the world, not sleepy again. It’s incredibly amusing to myself how strictly I talk about changing my thoughts but I never do anything about it, this has to change.

There has to be some sort of solution for this unorganized thoughts of mine. I was thinking of ways to help myself and I finally created some steps to secure my thoughts into one thing at a time. Let’s say I’m in class and I’m losing concentration, I thought maybe it’ll be perfect if I look at the teacher. I can’t stare at him because it’ll be weird, but I’ll try to maintain eye contact as much as I can. Another setting would be if I was home and I had to study. I was thinking of locking myself in my closet (pretty depressing) with a lamp. From there I’ll leave all technology out and focus on the paper in front of me, there I will not have any distractions. My last and most distracting situation is doing homework, the reason to this is because I know I have a couple of days until it’s due therefore leaving it for last minute. But I think I may have found a solution, right after my classesā€™ end I will head directly to the school Library and do my homework there. When I get home I will be done and no thoughts would’ve distracted me. As you can see I want my thoughts to be focused on school and nothing else as of now, that’s where my priority stands.


asuratraitor [Samuel Collado]. “Re: Project 1: Thinking in Writing” Openlab: ENG1101 D377 English Compisition 1, FA2014. 22 Sept.2014. Monday.13 Oct.2014.

Collado.Samuel “Bed.” Flickr. October 3, 2014. Web. October 13, 2014.

Collado.Samuel “Fireproof.” Flickr. October 3, 2014. Web. October 13, 2014.

Collado.Samuel “Math.” Flickr. October 3, 2014. Web. October 13, 2014.

Writing My Brain Project by Jennifer Huerta


In this project, I had the opportunity to use a day to record my thinking every thirty minutes, photograph some of those thoughts that substitute my thinking, and construct an argument that reflects on my thoughts. Having this opportunity helped me to compose an objective for my future thinking.

Thinking in Writing

Just 10 more minutes
Why am I still sleepy?
Itā€™s still to early for this
Whats on the agenda for today?
Precalculus homework and STUDY for upcoming EXAM
Whats for breakfast I should say
Catch up on some reading from the textbook
Orange juice and Granola bar
The next decisions I make will be up to me
Why does everything have to be complicated
Is being scared the learning process of never to be afraid and chase after what you really want
Its really cold in here
Can I fast forward time to where I can finally say I made it
Its only up to me to decide what I really want to do
Iā€™m hungry
Iā€™m tired
Have to start reading the textbook
Precalculus homework finally completed
Finding the composite functions is easy
Now get STUDYING for upcoming EXAM
I need a snack
Go and watch No Good Deed
The best surprises are the unexpected
Iā€™m bored, I really donā€™t want to read now
I need to go for a run
I need to go shopping
The only way we learn is by making mistakes
This is complicated
Do I really have to do this now
What do I normally think of, hmm..
I need a break from all of this
I want to travel the world and experience new things
I didnā€™t sign up for all of this
The only way to make your dreams come true is go after them and never allow any obstacle push you back
Obstacles are there only to make you start from the beginning but it is up to me to jump over them and keep on moving
If I give up it only means that I didnā€™t try hard enough
College life is scary
You never know what to expect
Follow your dreams
All I have to do is keep my head held up high
I need a vacation
Who wouldā€™ve thought
I need to get some sleep

Thinking Visually

This first photograph depicts what I decided to have for breakfast, something that was quick and fast to munch, which concludes to the title of this photograph, “Breakfast.”


Studying is something that I always hassled with because of the many distractions that surrounded me, but this time I made sure there would not be as many distractions, “Studying…”


Running is something that has always helped me to relax, ā€œTime for a run, Astoria Park.ā€

Thinking RhetoricallyĀ and Reflectively Ā 

My name is Jennifer Huerta, a current student at The City College of Technology, majoring in business. I am the youngest of three siblings. Growing up having three older brothers to pick on you on a daily basis wasnā€™t something I dreamed of or actually no one does. There would be constant fights in the house because they would not leave me alone so it was rough getting along with each other. I guess you can say they just wanted to annoy me for the same reason, I was the only girl but at the end of the day we will always love each other no matter how rough we are with each other or how mad we get. Being the only girl was hard and till this day it still is because I donā€™t have a sister, someone who I can talk to about anything and will not judge or criticize about the things I do, but instead will support me and tell me that everything will be okay. I have always been this quiet girl growing up its not because I was shy but because I just was quiet something that was just a part of me growing up. In this project I had the chance to reflect on my thoughts for a day and it helped me take a look on what I focus on the most and what I should me focusing on. I argue that my thoughts are focused on the important things in my life at the moment and how I can make myself a better person from what I need to accomplish at that exact instant.

Having to choose to a day to focus on my thoughts made me realize that I focus on what is important in the present and I never took a note of that because really we all think about different stuff that are happening to us. For instance, during my day of thought, I wrote, ā€Whats for breakfast I should say.ā€ (huerta4 par. 6) Thinking about what will I have for breakfast is on a daily basis. I like having a healthy breakfast so for this day in thought I came to the conclusion of eating Nature Valley Oats ā€™n Honey granola bar and a Tropicana Orange Juice with it, as stated in my day of thoughts (huerta4 par. 8). It was convenient for me to eat this while walking to the train station. I decided to have this for breakfast because I wanted something quick and light since I was also running late. Before having this for breakfast I decided to take a quick picture of it since it perfectly depicts my breakfast for the day, (Huerta,ā€Breakfast.ā€). It was convenient for me to eat this while walking to the train station, it was something I was able to grab from my kitchen and leave in a hurry and it was in an eye level reach.

Not only do I think about what I am going to eat but that I need to get my schoolwork completed so I can go out and enjoy the rest of the week. School is never easy because you always have tons of work to complete whether it is just reading from your textbook to catch up and understand the topic more clearly or go over your notes or study for an exam but schoolwork is somehow involved one way or another. Throughout the day, my schoolwork is what I always thought about as stated in my day of thoughts, (huerta4 par. 17).Ā I knew that I had to complete all my assignments for the week if not I would have had a lot to complete within a night. The reason I broke up the assignments throughout the day was because I found it easier and favorable to do so. If I had completed it all in one shot I would have found it too long and tiring and completing one assignment at a time is what I thought would work for me, which is what did. Yes, completing everything in one single sitting would have been better so my rest of the day could have been relaxing but it also helps me to complete other things that I need to complete besides school work. One assignment I had to complete was to read from the textbook which is the reason why I took a picture of my textbook, (Huerta, ā€œStudyingā€¦ā€). Not only did I read the text because there were parts that were confusing so to better understand the topic a little bit more clearly I went over my notes for that day as well.Ā 

Not only did I read from one of my textbooks but I also had to complete my Precalculus assignment along with studying for an upcoming exam the following week, which is what my day of thought consisted of, ā€œPrecalculus homework and STUDY for upcoming EXAMā€, (huerta4 par. 5). Math is my strongest subject so I knew right from the top that I was going to be able to complete this assignment in a breeze, the only part left was to study because you never know what type of questions they will give you so I needed to be aware of all the topics for this exam. Which is the reason why I always jotted down that I needed to complete this assignment so I can get studying.

I like to be physically active and I also needed a break from schoolwork so I decided to get ready and go for a run, (huerta4 par. 26). I grew up in Astoria, Queens so the park I go to is about a 25 minute walk from my house to Astoria Park located along the East River and adjacent to the Triborough bridge. Astoria Park has a track, which is the reason why I always come to this park for a run. Although there are closer parks where I live Astoria Park is the only one that has a track and I really donā€™t mind the long walk since at a young age my family and I would walk to the destination that we needed to be but only if it was in the same borough. Going for a run is what helps me relax, it helps me get through the rest of the day especially if I had a rough day too.Since I had the chance to come to Astoria Park for a run I decide to take a picture of the track, (Huerta, ā€œTime for a run, Astoria Park.ā€).Ā  Also it is not bad to get in some exercise. Being physically active helps you feel better and helps us to get or stay at a healthy weight.

Having to complete this project made me come up with the conclusion that I focus on what is in my present because what I do in my present with either harm or benefit my future. The way I think will let me realize the things I need to complete to become successful in life. If I think in a positive way I know it will benefit my future because as I wrote in my day of thoughts, ā€œIf I give up it only means that I didn’t try hard enoughā€ (huerta4 par. 37), meaning that no matter how hard life gets I need to keep on pushing further because in the end the outcome will be turn out to be great.

We all have different stuff we think about during the day but in my day of thoughts I mostly thought about the present. The things that I need to complete whether they were to complete my schoolwork or what should I do be doing for the day. Overall I had to tell myself that it is up to me to keep striving forward for the best, to go after what I want because if I donā€™t no one will do it for me. I have to try hard enough to get up to where I want to be, I cannot give up I just have to work harder because nothing is really hard we just set our mind to say it is.

Everybody thinks about different things because we all do not have the same brains. Some of us think about what is happening in the present, some of us think about the future and well others think about everything and are all over the place. After completing this project, my day in thoughts reflected of me thinking about the present and what I needed to get done at the moment because what I think about now will help me to either succeed in life or not help me at all. I need to stay optimistic about my future.

Works Cited

Huerta, Jennifer. ā€œBreakfast.ā€ Flickr. 3 October 2014. Web. 11 October 2014.

Huerta, Jennifer. ā€œStudyingā€¦ā€ Flickr. 25 September 2014. Web. 11 October 2014.

Huerta, Jennifer. ā€œTime for a run, Astoria Park.ā€ Flickr. 26 September 2014. Web. 11 October 2014.

huerta4 (Jennifer Huerta).ā€Re: Project 1: Thinking in Writing.ā€ Openlab. ENG 1101 D377 English Composition1, FA 2014. 21 September 2014. Web. 11 October 2014.


Writing my brain project by Sabrina Josephs

Introduction :

In this project, I had an opportunity to reflect on my thoughts and plan how to think more effectively in the future. Sometime planning a future can be quite difficult especially when you won’t to look back at your past. However in some situations if you look back at the bad decisions or things that you didn’t feel comfortable doing in the past, you can probably and change itĀ to something even better and here is my proven example.

Thinking in writing :

Tuesday, September 23,2014 ( No School)
8:30am-Wake up: ā€¦ā€¦.Iā€™m going back to bedā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..
10:30am-ā€¦..Ok Iā€™m up ā€¦.. Yes waffles for breakfast and Iā€™m not changing my clothes because NO SCHOOL!!!!!!
11:30-Uggg there nothing on YouTube, well I do want to practice on my fashion illustrations( I love fashion)
12:30- oh wow time sure flies by and now itā€™s lunch timeā€¦ā€¦.Ugggg thereā€™s nothing to eat. Sneaks into my momā€™s room and
steals food to eat.
1: 30- Mhhmmm I wonder what will the broines will say about Equestria Girls Rainbow rocks? (Yes,Iā€™m proud to be a brony. If you
know what that means itā€™s basically males or females ages 18 to 40 a big fan of of the TV series kool My Little Pony Friendship is Magicā€¦..Donā€™t judge us) I havenā€™t even watched the movie yet but Iā€™ve seen the trailer and I think itā€™s really good and I canā€™t wait to
see it. Oh you know what? Iā€™m going to watch some mlp right now.
2:30- Oh wow I just realized that the homework is like being Jenna Marbles from YouTube, when she narrates all her thinking awesome and then watches Jenna Marbles videos.
3:30- Listen to Justin Bieber( Yes, Iā€™m a true blue belieber) I donā€™t care what happened in the past some people need to leave him
the f**k alone.
4:30-Still listeningā€¦ā€¦.
5:30- 6:30- watching a walkthrough of Batman
7:00- Watching Two and a half men
8:00-12:00-Watching more video game walkthroughs
12:00- Well Iā€™m going to bed. Goodnight everybody. *Passes out*

Thinking visually


My Future Career: This means that in the future I want to become a fashiopn illustrator



Watching My Idol: Ever since he first started iĀ fell in love with himĀ and i still do up to this day and nothing will ever change that. Justin’s music has been amazing and everytimeĀ IĀ listen to him. His music touches my heart andĀ I justĀ hateĀ how people become so harsh about him. I have always believed that everyone deserved a second chance and i what i did with Justin,Ā I even pray for him because I believe in him IĀ may have my anger with the haters andĀ I had friends who ask me “why do you love him so much” theĀ answer “I’m a belibier and Im proudĀ to be one” and like I said before that will never change.


My little pony friendship Is Magic: My favorite show that i love to watch all the time and the funny thing is this is where i get some of my fashion inspiration from. My little pony friendship Is Magic is an amazing show a lot of people saw that it’s just for little girls, but a quote by a man named Walt Disney who said ” That’s the real trouble with the world, to many people grow up” and it actually true. I’m not say that can’t be serious, but life is to short to take things too seriously. Anyway My little pony friendship Is Magic has it’s own community called bronies and everything from that show has made a great expression in many different ways. The why I love the show so much is becauseit tell evey great lessons, we can relate to all of the ponies on the show. It may be forĀ younger kids, but hey don’t knock it until you try it.


Jenna Marbles: An Amazing Youtube Star.She funny,has aĀ said a lot of true factsĀ that we can relate to.

Thinking Rhetorically and Reflectively

Hello my name is Sabrina Josephs I am a 18 year old girl who loves drawing fashion designs and one day wants to be a successful fashion illustrator. I have always believe once you start from the bottom you can get to the top. That if you keep believing in yourself you can achieve anything. I also love to sing, but I see that as more of a hobby. On Tuesday September 24, 2014Ā  I was reflecting my thoughts on everything I did on that day.

As I reread my reflection, my current thinking is that Iā€™m not relevant to my goals in life . I say that because apparently after looking through my reflection thoughts I see that my life is lacking creativity. I mean the part where I wrote that I wanted to watch some fashion sketches videos on youtube, that was it for the rest of the day I just did regular stuff. To be perfectly honest I was being lazy on that day because for me when starting college itā€™s hard to focus sometimes on inspiration, creativity, and having an imagination mind. You see I can get bored easily or at least I think I do so, yet at the same time I donā€™t want to do anything and that is something I know a lot of teens have that kind of situation.

Thereā€™s a lot of stuff did during that day however such as watching others things on youtube. Like Jenna marbles videos (picture), my little pony friendship is magic reviewers and analysis videos by bronies of mlp(male and female ages 18 to 40 fans of the show)(picture) and listening to my very special favorite celebrity JUSTIN BIEBER(picture). I will admit there always be time to have fun, and that there is also a time to work, but I feel like there has to be a time to myself and the things I want to do. I bet a lot of you are thinking ā€œwhat about on the weekends?Ā  On those days you can focus on your goals.ā€ Well yes, but sometimes assignments can take over my days off and while I do sometimes finish my assignments before my day off or finishes it in the morning of my day off I still get really tired from the classes that I take.

Thatā€™s why when I itā€™s hard for me to relevant my goals in life. I just canā€™t get anytime to just sit back and do the thinks I love to do and that my friends is making fashion illustrations. I guess you can say that Fashion is one of my biggest things in life and itā€™s true it is. I would draw a lot of fashion illustrations when I was a little girl and the thing is I didnā€™t even know what I wanted to be in the future when I was younger, it was like some sort of secret under hidden talent that I had and I didnā€™t even discovered it until I was 13 years old. I mean everyone loved them although if you looked at those 13 years old drawings today youā€™d say ā€œwhatā€™s so special about it?ā€

Well at that time, at that moment, when I found that discovery I was like ā€œ I should have a career out of my drawings and I needed to find out about it so once I found out what fashion illustrators do and how they work, my 13 year old self ā€œ thatā€™s what I want to doā€¦.when I grow upā€¦..ā€ so you see thatā€™s why itā€™s a big goal for me to fulfill not only because it was one of the greatess childhood memories of my life, but because I want to show my creativity for fashion to everyone. I wonā€™t lie I was and still am a shy girl and there will be times I where I have a hard time expressing myself, but when I do my fashion illustrations it can really show who I am and what I reprisent. I believe in order for me to change this is to try and get all my work done and try to find some way motive myself to get in the drawing mode, to get inspired and to make my day feel accomplished. thatā€™s how Iā€™m going to change things, by taking control.

Word cited:

FashionGirl118 [ Sabrina Josephs ]. ā€œ Re: Project 1: thinking in writingā€. OpenLab. ENGL1101 D377 Composition. September 20, 2014.Web. October 11, 2014

Sabrina, Josephs. ā€œ My future Careerā€.flickr. October 10Ā , 2014.Web.October 11, 2014

Sabrina, Josephs. ā€œ Watching My Idolā€.flickr. October 10 , 2014.Web.October 11, 2014

Sabrina, Josephs. ā€œMy little pony friendship Is Magicā€. Flickr.October 10 , 2014. Web October 11, 2014

Writing My Brain Project By Bidemi Akinrolabu.

In this project, i used a day of thought, photo and essay to explain my thought and plan for my future.


Waking up very early in the morning is freaky annoying.5:30 am
I can’t do without eating popeyes.8:00am
This weather is too cold for my liking.10:00am
WOW!I want that french fries.10:30am
I don’t want to do the dishes but do i have a choice?.11:30am
Am tired of standing for this ‘A’ train.1:00pm
I wish i could have my own car.3:15pm
Can’t wait to get home,am hungry.9:00pm
i can’t wait to get to the mall.
my couin taking pictures of me is fun.
I’m freaking out,what kind of pictures is she taking.
I think i need my photographer.
i can’t wait to become a model.
I love watching korean and taiwanese drama.
I don’t know why i’m been criticized of not having a boyfriend.
Studying and praying is my key to success.


“″ title=”waking up by bidemi akinrolabu, on Flickr”><img src=”” width=”75″ height=”75″ alt=”waking up”></a>

This is my first photo[waking up in the morning].

“″ title=”boys issue by bidemi akinrolabu, on Flickr”><img src

This is my second photo

<a href=”″ title=”make up by bidemi akinrolabu, on Flickr”

This is my third pretty self.

“″ title=”pweety by bidemi akinrolabu, on Flickr”><img src=”” width=”75″ height=”75″ alt=”pweety”></a>

My last photo


My name is Bidemi Akiinrolabu and am 18 years old, I was born on February 5th 1996. I was born in to the family of four and Iā€™m the eldest and also the first born in my family. I love dancing taking pictures of myself and I love dancing to dancing to Nigeria music because I was born and raised in Nigeria. I have a lot of thought going on in my head and I decided to put all my thought into writing. Most of my thought are all about my future and where I will be when I grow. In my life I have been placed into an up and down situation, to the extent that I gave up to be a successful person, then I was called by my pastor who counselled me and told me never to give up and strive for success. So I began to focus on my future and thought of how wonderful my life is going to be great. I began to do so many thing and the thought of the positive things I have done made me start thinking about how wonderful my future is going to be, then I decided to put all my thought into writing. I will be arguing about the fact that my current thinking is focused on the things that will enable my future success.

I hate waking up very early in the morning because it is so tiring and annoying. This happens to almost everybody but I definitely hate it. This habit of waking up late made me missed three important things in my life. Then I thought of waking early so I will sleep immediately I get back from school and wake by 10:55 pm, then I will study from eleven oā€™clock in the night till four oā€™clock in the morning, then I will go prepare for school. This was how things worked for me but it looks weird but this is the best I can do and I believe this method of mine will be beneficial to me in future.

I am been criticized of not having a boyfriend, but why would they criticize me, this is my life am talking about here. This is personal but I donā€™t mind putting this into writing. Like I have said earlier before, this is my like here, ā€˜do I need a boy? No. I donā€™t need a guy to create a distraction to my studies because I donā€™t think am going to focus on my studies. To be honest, I have never had a boyfriend in my life, I know it is hard to believe but that is the true. Before I lost my mum 10 years ago, she once told me that in this life, we all have one chance to do what we want because time wait for no one and also I shouldnā€™t go out with a guy that will stop me from achieving my goal in life. This word has been ringing in my head that is why am scared of guys that asked me out. Everything about me are weird but that was how I was brought up. I just hope that I achieve my goal so I will have time for my partner, so I will know that am been blessed by GOD and my Mother.

I have wanted to be a fashion model in future and advertise different types of cloths all over the world but family members and relatives are degrading me, they never wanted anything good to work out for me which is never possible. I thank GOD that am growing from a child into an adult, no one to tell me what to do and what not to do. Now am taking steps to be the model I have wanted to beĀ  by taking a lot of pictures of myself, so when am old enough to move out I can pursue my career because of that I have decided to study fashion and marketing in college so when I grow I would be able to market my own cloths. I just hope all my effort donā€™t go in vain. With this I hope being a fashion model will enable my future success.

I canā€™t do without watching Korean and Taiwanese drama, if I was asked the numbers of this Asian drama I have watched, I will round it up to 5000 dramas. Am also using that opportunity to learn how to speak in their language because I will like to extend my business to that two particular countries. But the main reason am watching this drama is because I love the way to write and act the story, to be honest it is fun watching this drama and I believe I will learn the language fast so it will be useful for me

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Work Cited

Hannah [Bidemi H. Akinrolabu]. Project 1 ”Re: Project1: Thinking In Writing”. Open lab.English.1101 D377 English Composition 1, FA 2014, 19 Sept. 2014. Web. 11 Oct. 2014.

Akinrolabu, Bidemi. ”I hate waking up’ early”. Flickr. 11 Feb. 2014.

Akinrolabu Bidemi. ”Boys issue”. Flickr. 28 Feb. 2014.

Akinrolabu, Bidemi.”Make up”. Flickr. 11 Feb. 2014.

Akinrolabu, Bidemi.”Pweety”. Flickr. 11 Feb. 2014.

During my day of thoughts, i wrote,”this wonderful things about what i am doing today” [Hannah Par. 4].

When i visited the mall to get some cloths, i took a picture of myself. [Hannah,”myself”].


Writing My Brain Project by Jeyson Paula

Introduction :

This project consist in take one day of my life to write all my thoughts, and also take picture that represent those thought. Furthermore write an essay based on the argument I make about my thought, then support this with three of thoughts and photos. The purpose of this project is to explore my thinking and make a plan for my future thoughts.Ā 

Thinking in writing :

Monday 09/10/2014 Ā 
Iā€™m so sleepy and have to go school. 6:00am
why the train is taking so long?6:32am
I donā€™t want to be late6:32am
five chapters to read , college is killing me 8:00 am
why I think about what i thinking , this is weird 8:30 am
the future scare me 9:30 am
how is going to be my future 9:30 am
do we make our own future or destiny is real 9:32 am
Im not sure about my major do I really want to do it 11:30 Am
life is so complicated 11:40 Am
I like those shoes 12:12 Pm
omg another test , well I better study 12:13 Pm
I forgot most my thoughts 12:13 Pm
I like go to school but there is too much work 1:00Pm
Iā€™m scare of give up 1:32 Pm
Iā€™m hungry 2:01 Pm
where are my keys , omg mom is not home 2:44 Pm
what a weird restaurant , but the food is good .. 2:44 Pm
I will be successfulā€¦. I have to organize my ideas to get there 3:12Pm
Lexus 350 is sport ā€¦ I will buy that car. 3:12 Pm
I have to do homework and I have to go to work .. 4:00Pm
I want to go back home, I have so much fun over there 4:23 Pm
why the universe keep growing , there must be a reason :9:30pm
why the universe and brain are so similar 9:32 Pm
there are secret in our brain that human havenā€™t discovered yet , maybe we can do incredible thing and we donā€™t know how tooā€¦9:45 Pm
Iā€™m hungry again.10:00Pm
I wonder if one day we can travel through time .10:15 PM
Iā€™m crazy. 10:30 PM
I donā€™t like how life works . People work their whole life for nothing and sometime they donā€™t get to enjoy the beauty and the meaning of being alive.11:00 PM
life can change in one second. you never know when something going to happen to you .
what is happiness, happiness have different causes .11:00 Pm
I didnā€™t know that write my thought could be that difficult , I get lost in my mind .11:12 Pm
Thinking visually


The first photo I took which I called “which is the right path”. as you can see, it’s an street divided in two separate way, life is full of good opportunity but in some cases we get two different option but we are not sure which way to choose. I would say that the theme of this picture is insecurity.


I named this photo the “Unknown” as you can see is the earth, and the other planets of our solar system. The reason why I called this photo “unknown” is because we live in earth but we don’t know everything about our home , there are many secrets y that human have not discover yet. it just like our future we know is there but we don’t know how is going to be.


This photo I called “Homework” as you can see, it’s one of my math homework which represent hard work , and dedication . Moreover is a example of how I keep my Ā work organize in order to achieve my goals.


Thinking Rhetorically and Reflectively

My name is Jeyson Paula. The past four years I studied in a technology based high school, where I got many of my certification in computers. Even though, I am now a City Tech student, I decided to shift my path and go to the medical field. Moreover in the first semester I took five different classes, one of these classes is ENG1101 D377 English. The past few weeks, we have doing a social experiment in which we study how the brain works, how thoughts in our brain affect us in long terms, and the possibility that our thoughts reflect what we are going to be in the future. This experiment consist of taking one day ofĀ  our life and write everything that we have thoughts during that day and thenĀ  take some picture that illustrate those thought. I believe that peopleĀ  might think that what we are trying to prove is crazy, but I Ā believe that this Ā is one of the most interesting projectsĀ  I have ever done in my life because involved theoryĀ  thatĀ  humans have not proved yet. Based on the theory that our thoughts reflect what we going to be the in the future, I argue that my current thinking is focused on the things that will enable my future to be successful.

Ever Since I started to writing Ā down all my thoughts in 09/10/2014, the most common thoughts I had were about my future and things that will help me to create a success future. I believe that ā€œfutureā€ always have been my biggest fear, because I do not know what could happen before I achieve my goals, we cannot predict the future thatā€™s why I think the future is always going to be a mystery. For example in my list of thoughts I wrote ā€œI’m not sure about my major, do I really want to do itā€ (Jp1918 Pav 9). On this example you can see that I am questioning my academic goals, which now it does not look like a problem, but further in the future it could become a problem, because sometime when we are young we tend to make bad decisions and the outcome of this is reflected in our future life. I took a picture that I called ā€œWhich is the right pathā€ This connects to my argument because is a picture of one street divided in two direction and the person does not know which way to go. Going back on what I said before, what we think affects the future, if we take what I wrote in my list, this could be a good example of it, because based on that thought I could change my major and end in a position I did not want to be. Life is full of big choices that can change your life, but just your brain and (thoughts) are able to decide what you want.

What I trying to say is that our brain control everything in our life, even emotions. Decisions like what you want to be in the future, are the most difficult because your choice will dictate where your life going to go. Although we have many chances to choose what are going to be, you can- not go back to the past. Therefore there will be a time where you will have to choose and there will be no way of going back.

Furthermore evidence that supports my argument is when I thought about ā€œI will be successfulā€¦. I have to organize my ideas to get thereā€ (Jp1918 Pav 19). This time, I am telling myself what I have to do in order to be successful and at the same time is related to my argument because I am using my brain to set two different concepts. One is encouraging myself, by telling myself that I can do it, without any problems. In the other hand, Iā€™m telling myself what I have to do to get what I want. I believe that the best way to get something is by being confident because when you are confident of yourself people tend to take you seriously. People know what you talking about, and that makes you a better organizer of ideas. Connecting my first thought with this one, we can say that this one is the answer to my first thought, because as you could see on my very first thought I said that I was not sure about my major, and in the second one I am telling myself to think more about it and that I have to be more confident of the decisions I take in my life. Based on this we could say that the brain creates another thought based on the previous thought you had, which let us know that our subconscious works without we knowing it. This is also related to one of the pictures I took that I called ā€œUnknownā€, Itā€™s a picture of the solar system which is very close to us because lives with us and we do not know everything about it yet. There are many secrets that have not been discovered yet, itā€™s same with subconscious within us, but we do not know everything. Now you might wonder what does this has to do with our decisions and the answer is very simple, our subconscious works behind our thoughts and somehow persuades us to make a decision.

Going back to the argument that my current thinking is focused on the things that will enable my future success. I am one hundred percent sure that everything I am thinking right now is connect to my future success. For example, on my list I wrote ā€œI have to do homework and I have to go to workā€ (Jp1918 Pav 22). I do not know if it’s just me, but every time I have to doĀ Homework and go to work I always choose to do my homework first, Ā like a said before , I am scared of the future; that is why I am always trying to complete my homework first, because I believe that experience change the path of your life . I do not want to be like some young people in this time that just because they are making money they drop out of college that is why I always prefer to do my school work first rather than anything. I took a picture that connected to what I am saying which I called ā€œhomework,ā€ This picture represents one of the most important things in my life because based on that, it is how my future would look like. Everything I do in a homework is like a practice of what I am going to do in my workplace, because homework take few steps to get it done, and there are dedication, responsibility and willing of being success. In other words, you must work hard to get what you want, because you know that you are not the only one who is trying to get what you want. Therefore you have to prove others that you are the best option. The best advice is to not give up on your dreams.

After doing this project I feel different, because now I know how the brain save so many data in one day, The six examples I provided where nothing compares to the amount of thoughtsĀ  I had that day. Writing them down was a bit of difficult and I was personally impressed of the potential of our brain. I want to keep thinking just the way I am thinking right now because I believe I am in the right path. The correct direction to achieve my goal and become one of most successful people in my family and the world too. I think that by moving forward my thoughts are going to change, but I am pretty sure they will change for good, like I said the future is full of surprises and we do not know when our life is going to change.

Ā Word cited:

jp1819 [ Jeyson Paula]. ā€œ Re: Project 1: thinking in writingā€. OpenLab. ENGL1101 D377 Composition. September 20, 2014.Web. October 7, 2014

Paula, Jeyson. ā€œ Homeworkā€.flickr. October 5, 2014.Web.October 7, 2014

Paula, Jeyson. ā€œ Unknownā€.flickr. October 5, 2014.Web.October 7, 2014

Paula, Jeyson. ā€œWhich is The right Pathā€. Flickr.October 5, 2014. Web October 7, 2014


John Medina’s Brain Rules, Short-Term Memory

During today’s class, you will have spent the first ten minutes of class writing a summary of the “Short-Term Memory” chapter from John Medina’s Brain Rules (if you happen to have the newer edition of his book, you the first half of the “Memory” chapter–up to the section on “Long-Term Memory” essentially the same material). Before our next class, you will want to type up and edit your in-class writing and post it here as a comment to this blog post.