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Exploring City Tech’s Computer Systems at City Tech and a Career in Computer Technician by Nicholas Tam.

Hello, my name is Nicholas Tam and I am currently a freshman at New York City College of Technology. At the moment I am in the computer system major but I’m still not completely sure if that is what I really want to do because there are other careers that interest me as well. The career field I would like to enter is computer technician. I feel like this is the best career for me because I am very familiar with computers, I use one everyday myself. In today’s society, everything is run by technology, which means there will be a high demand for jobs in this field. Back when I was in middle school, I didn’t know how to properly take care of my computer. Viruses just kept pouring into my computer and I had no idea what to do. As I grew up I asked for a lot of opinion and help on how to fix my computer and eventually I learned how to solve these issues myself. I have also received a job from Blizzard Entertainment before. With my experience, I believe that I will be a big help in this career field in the future. In this essay, I will be talking about pros and cons of being a computer technician and my reasons for choosing this career. I will also talk about how City Tech will prepare me for my future career.

A computer technician is a person who is responsible for repairing and maintaining computers and servers. Sometimes they may have to build and configure new hardware, install and update new software if it is required for the computer to run smoothly. To have better understanding in my decision to be in the computer system major pursing a job in the computer technician field it is useful to learn the following facts. The 2014-2015 New York City College of Technology Catalog tells us that “The computer system major will provide students with excellent communications, problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, allowing students to anticipate the direction of technology, not just follow it.” (City tech, 285). In this degree program there are many different courses you can choose from like database system, network and security, IT operation, and software development. After I graduate with a degree in this major there are many career options that I can choose from. For example, computer technician, computer programmer, web designer, etc. With the education that I will be receiving at City Tech, I hope that I will able to make use of it in my future career or in another school. I am still debating if I should transfer to another college either way I will stay in the computer system major. I really hope that once I get out there into the field, I can help people troubleshoot their problems because when I had those problems on my computer I was really lost and hope someone can help me.

This is my computer set up.

I remember back then there were advertisements everywhere over the web. Some of them actually had pretty persuasive things to say and as a kid I wouldn’t know better. It would tell me to install this, install that and my computer would end up with a ton of different viruses. It was so bad to the point that I would see the advertisements as I turn on my computer, not even opening my browser yet. There was really no one around me at that time who knew how to fix a computer so I went to my middle school’s computer teacher and he gave me a disk to reformat the whole computer. I never really talked to him before that happened but he really helped me out a lot. Every time I would have a problem he wouldn’t mind coming to my house to help me and teach me why certain things are happening to my computer. After graduating out of middle school, I started helping my friends fix their computer problems. After helping out my friends, I gained a lot of experience and knowledge on how the computer works. As I was fixing their computers there were many issues that I didn’t know how to solve but I found out myself. Like Margolis said, “In order to be able to fix and maintain a computer, you must know how it works.” (Margolis, 8). Even with so much experience there are much other issues that I have not seen or tried to solve yet so I hope I will learn more in City Tech. The picture above is my monitor and keyboard while I was editing my paper.

This is my professor teaching in a innovative way.

In our world, we are trying to improve technology steadily as time goes on so technology can make our daily lives much easier. Like Watkins said in his book, Computer Technology for technicians and technician engineers, “In less than seventy-five years we have seen progress from horse transport to space travel and from the cat’s whisker to the communication satellite.” (Watkins, 1). Who knows, in the next seventy-five years there might be an even bigger progression in technology. About a week ago, I went to eat dinner with family at this fancy hotel. I went to use the bathroom and with a click of a button the toilet seat cleans your buttocks. I remember my grandparents use to tell me that back then they didn’t even have toilets in China. This is how far technology have gotten. As you can see in the picture above, my professor is teaching the class using technology which is very clever of him. Most of my professors are also educating us through technology like posting lectures online and showing us slideshows through the projector. After graduating from college, everyone stresses about finding a job in the field they want to because it’s just so competitive out there. While you are looking for the job other people are too so I am trying to find a job where it might be a little easier. Like I said in the beginning, that in today’s society everything is run by technology which means there will be a high demand for jobs in this field. In Margolis’s Computer Technician’s Handbook he states that “If you want to become a computer technician, the time to develop those skills couldn’t be better.” (Margolis, 2).

This is all technology that revolves around us today.

If I enter the computer technician field, it would be an easier field for me than other career choices because I have all these knowledge and connections already. Not to mention that I already got a job offer in this field. I submitted my resume to Blizzard Entertainment and very surprisingly, they hired me to do server checks. Sadly, I can’t take the job offer because the hours are too long and I wouldn’t have time to go to school. I was told that if I was hired, I would have to do server maintenance for one of their newer games, Hearthstone. The game is relatively new so there is still many bugs and error in the game so if I do decide to take the job it would be long hours. I really wanted this job because I play games from Blizzard Entertainment and I love it. It would really be a pleasure for me to work for them. No matter how much I like the job, I don’t think it’s worth dropping out of school. If I were to ever get laid off or fired, finding a new job would be very difficult. I would be looking for a job in the computer technician field without a bachelor or any type of degree which is very difficult because like I said before, it’s really competitive in the work field. Everyone is trying to get the same job and they all have these other degrees and nice things on their resume. While mine doesn’t even have a bachelor’s degree on it? Not worth it.

In City Tech’s computer system degree program, they give you a lot of flexible courses so you can choose what you specifically want to learn about. In the computer system degree program they have over 50 courses to choose from. They have classes from foundations of computing to installing and maintaining web servers. One of the goals for the program is to “Prepare marketable candidates for position in the information technology field.” (City Tech, 287). I have also interviewed a professor that is working in City Tech’s computer system department. I wanted to know what would be some internship opportunities  so I interviewed Professor Milonas and she said “There are many opportunities for CST students to intern. Many positions are specific to the students’ interests such as networking, databases and technicians. The CST department has many partnerships with companies such as MTA, JP Morgan Chase, Department of Education and many more.” (Milonas, 4). I think it’s really great how the computer system department has connections to so many big companies all over New York. It may start as an internship but in the end it might end up as a career at that place. Overall, City Tech provides enough courses for you to take so you can be ready when you enter the field. They also provide you with many internship opportunities in big companies which is great for your career to get to know all these people and gain these experience.

If anyone is interested in entering this field, I would really recommend it to you because the main reason is that technology will keep improving. As long as new technology is being invented then people will be needed to create this technology. In my opinion, I think it’s the same concept with doctors. As long as we are alive, they are needed. As humans we look to be more innovated as days pass by, we need technology in our lives. Professor Milonas also said that “Most companies hire computer technician’s especially large companies such as the MTA or the Port Authority. Also universities, hospitals and retail stores are in need of computer technicians.” (Milonas, 3). My point is that this field is very big and many people are needed to maintain and repair these new technologies. If anyone is thinking about finding a job in the computer system field, City Tech is a safe way to start your journey.


Maguire, Byron. Handbook of Computer Maintenance and troubleshooting. Virginia. RESTON PUBLISHING COMPANY INC. 1973. Print.

Margolis, Art. Computer Technician’s Handbook. USA. TAB BOOKS Inc. 1985. Print.

Milonas, Elizabeth. Email Interview. 6 December 2014.

New York City College of Technology (City Tech). College Catalog 2014-2015. 2014. PDF. 17       November 2014.

Tam Nicholas “This is all technology that revolves around us today” 7 December 2014. 7 December 2014.

Tam, Nicholas “This is my computer set up” Flickr. 6 December 2014. 7 December 2014.

Tam Nicholas “This is my professor teaching in an innovative way” 24 November 2014. 7 December 2014.

Watkin, R.V. Computer technology for technicians and technician engineers. USA. Longman Group Limited. 1976. Print

Exploring City Tech’s Computer Engineering at City Tech and a career in Computer Programming by Sheldon Bennett

       My name is Sheldon Bennett,  i study computer engineering at The New York City College of Technology or City Tech for short. I am reflecting on my major and i plan to enter a career in computer programming. I believe that this is the best career choice for me because i always wanted to be an engineer, i have an interest in computers and i always wanted the chance to contribute to the innovation in the technological field. I will begin by discussing the background of my major and career. I will continue by going into the reasons as to why i chose this major and career. I will finish off by discussing how i am preparing to go into this career field and give some advice to whoever is interested in becoming a computer engineering major.

City tech

A photo of a City Tech folder that i titled “City Tech”

    To gain more of an understanding of my decision to be a computer engineering major and my aspirations of becoming a computer programmer , its essential to know the following facts. Computer engineering involves doing a number of things that have to do with computers. According to the New York city college of technology 2014-2015 catalog, “it is multidisciplinary  in nature in that students are taught the fundamentals of electrical and mechanical technology, computer hardware, software,  data communications and networking”(CityTech Pg230). With a degree in computer engineering,  i will be able to earn a job as a computer programmer. A programmer does work that determines how a computer works. According to the bureau of labor statistics, “Computer programmers write code to create software program”. “They turn the program designs created by software developers and engineers into instructions that a computer can follow”(Statistics Par1). I find this to be a pretty interesting career because we already know that computers can do a number of amazing things so its nice to be one of the people that are involved in that kind of process.

       Now that you know more about the background of my major and my career choice, I will begin to talk about my reasons for choosing my career and major. The first main reason is that I want to be able to contribute to the innovations that we see in the technological field. I always believed that innovation was an incredibly important when it comes to progressing whether as a nation or even as a business. According to “Evolutionary study on collaborative innovation in SMEs and public policy innovation based on complicated network”, there are levels that show how developed certain countries are as opposed to others and it has a lot to do with economic position and also technology. It says that “some developing countries like China, India, Brazil, constitute the third echelon. However ,despite the economic levels of these countries , all of them have been fully aware of the significance of technological innovation for their economic development and social progress”(Zhong Pg 1247). Technological innovations are extremely important to development even in countries and simply want to be one of the people that contribute to something thats so important.

        My next reason would be that I have an interest in computers. I have always been interested in computer hardware and software just because of the fact that there is a lot of attention and detail that goes into making such a complex machine. According to “Computer ethics”, “Computers are universal tools that can be shaped and molded to perform nearly any task. Computers can do anything we can describe in terms of input, process and output”(Lodewyckx Pg 90). This is pretty amazing because as we can see today, computers have become a giant part of our lives ranging from use in terms of pleasure and even to business uses. The idea of creating a machine like this seems pretty fantastic and it is even more interesting to learn the various codes that are used when it comes to programming them. Overall , i just believe that the whole process is something that is interesting to see and even more awesome to do.


A photo of a dell laptop that i titled “Laptop”

      My final reason would be that I always wanted to be an engineer. There are a number of amazing and difficult careers, but I always found that being an engineer is definitely something that’s satisfying. Engineers do various jobs from working refrigerators and air conditioners to working on cars and even airplanes. It was pretty obvious that i should major in computer engineering since i always wanted to be an engineer and also because of my interest in computers. It is definitely a field of study that has a bit of demand especially with the direction that we are going in terms of how we operate in businesses and even in leisure. According to “We Have Never Been Digital”,”That will be our destination rather than our starting point, as we look back at the long history of the idea that adoption of computer technology is a revolutionary moment in human history”(Haigh Pg24).

     I will now shift over into discussing how my education and opportunities will prepare me for my career. Preparing for a career is definitely something that is p because it can be the difference between you getting a certain job or not. In terms of education, i am going to complete my 4 years here at city tech in order to earn my bachelors degree. During my interview with my interview with my technical graphics professor, i asked her how i should begin to prepare for my career. She responded by saying “Internships. You should begin to look for internships. That will allow you to practice and know the real world”(Infante Par1). So During these 4 years i will engage in various internships and clubs that will get me closer to attaining that job in the career field that i want to be in. While i make an attempt to to complete these tasks, i will also take advantage of the resources that are given to me here such as the various electives that will help me develop helpful skills and also refine certain skills that will definitely benefit me when i start my career. These skills include things like public speaking and even writing.

Effective Speech

A photo of the book that i am reading for one of my electives i titled “Effective speech”

       So now that you know more about why i chose my major and career, i will now try to give some advice as  to how you should go about researching. There are a number of careers that come with being a computer engineer and one of the first things that you should begin to do is research the job that your are interested in whether it be working with computer hardware, software or even being a programmer. The next thing to do is find a school that provides the major that will prepare you for that specific career choice. After doing all of that and starting your educational career, i would definitely recommend joining clubs that correspond with your major not only because its something interesting to do, but also because of the various opportunities that will come from doing so. The journey is yours to make so choose whatever path you would enjoy the most. In terms of my journey, i look forward to continuing my school work and getting the chance to finally move into the exciting career of computer programming. I really enjoy the career path that i have chosen just because of the fact that there are a number of things that i find interesting. It is also because of the fact that i feel happy when i see the kind of work that i will be doing once i enter this career field. I really enjoy the career path that i have chosen just because of the fact that there are a number of things that i find interesting. It is also because of the fact that i feel happy when i see the kind of work that i will be doing once i enter this career field.

                         WORKS CITED

Bennett, Sheldon.” City tech”. Flickr. 6 December, 2014. Web. 7 December, 2014.

Bennett, Sheldon. “Laptop”. Flickr. 7 December, 2014. Web. 7 December, 2014.

Bennett, Sheldon. “Effective Speech”. Flickr. 7 December , 2014. Web. 7 December, 2014.

 Haigh, Thomas. ” We Have Never Been Digital “. Communications of the ACM. September 2014. Vol 57. Issue 9. P24-28. Academic Search Complete. Web. 29 November, 2014.

Infante, Carmen . Personal Interview. 4 December, 2014.

Lodewyckx, H. “Computer Ethics”. Value Inquiry Book Series. 2014. Vol 276. P90-92. Academic Search Complete. Web. 29 November, 2014.

New York City College of Technology 2014-2015 Academic Catalog.Web. 30 Nov. 2014.

United States,  Department of labor: Bureau of labor statistics “Computer Programming “. Bureau of labor statistics. Dept of labor. 8 January , 2014. 29 November, 2014.

Zhong, Zhaoqing. ” Evolutionary study on collaborative innovation in SMEs and public policy innovation based on complicated network ”. Journal of Chemical & Pharmaceutical Research. 2014, vol 6. Issue 7. P1246-1249. Academic Search Complete. Web. 29 November, 2014.

Exploring city Tech’s Psychology and a career in clinical psychology by Dymond Torres

My name is Dymond Torres who currently attends The New york city college of technology, majoring in liberal arts. Liberal arts is not the major I am trying to pursue a career in, so in the future I would like to major in Psychology. The reason why I want to major in this field is to be able to understand and help people who need someone to talk to, these kinds of people are called psychiatrist. in order for me to succeeded in this major and go into the field, I would actually have to transfer to another school. The school I want to transfer to is LIU. In this essay I will do research and interview a professor in this specific major. I also hope to gain a little more knowledge on how long and what I need in order to become a psychiatrist.
Becoming a psychologist is challenging because there are many steps you have to take before having enough experience to enter this field. I would have to understand the way a persons mind works in order to help them. the reason I want to take on this career is so i can be able to help different people who are going through problems, find what will help cure that problem. This may sound easy but the classes you would need in order to know this information is Chemistry, psychology and biology. “Psychiatrists have a deep comprehension of the chemical processes occurring in the brain, and since they can prescribe medicine, they must understand the impact drugs can have on neurological health”(Ivan Kenneally). I have to know about the brain in order to understand whats going on in each individuals thoughts. It is very difficult because of the amount time you are in school after you get your bachelor’s degree, basically your trying to become a doctor but in psychology. I would like to prevent people from going down the wrong path.
Since I have to be in school for so many years, I feel like it will strive me to push myself to work as hard as I can. my second reason is because of the benefits I may have after medical school. To get a job after school is very hard if you do not have connections to anyone in that field. So for me With all the medical school and preparation I am to a get a internship and receive a job after my school career. Employment in new york is 25,040 and the employment rise is 4.5%(Bureau of labor statistics). That may seem little but all data is collected with in each state. So my future holds a lot and it is up to me to make that decision to go through with being a psychiatrist. To also get into this field you have to be willing to be competitive and strive to be on top. Like any other medical school the students are always competitive since the field is not easy to achieve. “40 percent of students planning engineering and science majors end up switching to other subjects or failing to get any degree” (New york times). Even though they were talking about science majors, psychology majors have to take chemistry and biology and some people are not good at those specific subjects. Which is why the competition level is high but also the amount of people who fail or drop out is big too.
As I said before about competition and the rate of drop outs this led to my final reason why I want to become a psychiatrist. My third reason is because I want to succeeded in life and to live better. I feel this way because I know that I can push myself to achieve a goal I really want and just looking around at people I know , that struggling I know that it is time to start getting my life together. To think about the future and never the past. Which is why my goal in life is to be in the high end. I want to make money but also help people with their own life problems, things that they can not handle on their own even if they have family. The thought of my own life helps me strive to make a better life choice and be a better person. “The BLS reports that clinical psychologists and counselors who worked for offices of other health practitioners earned an average of $83,650 a year”(Heidi Cardenas). This was back in 2011, so the rate for the average pay has increased throughout time. This is many reason why I want to do this type of work. It may sound selfish but I have many reason to want to have a high paying job, but of course who wouldn’t. I would not struggle and could always give back to those who have gave to me.
There are many schools other schools that have psychology as a major. But I choice to want to transfer to LIU because this schools has a good system. In LIU the psychology major is very good. The have all courses and also have medical field for students who need it in order to receive a medical degree in psychology(LIU web site). But These reason are for me to be better than what I am now, to accomplish goals i believe I can reach if I just try hard enough. Anyone can do what they want it is just your decision to pursue that dream. And my dream is to have a degree in medical field to become a psychiatrist.

Work cited
Cardenas, Heidi. “How much do clinical psychiatrists make?” thru 4 DEC. 2014
Drew, Christopher. “Why science majors change their minds(Its just so darn hard).” Nov 4. 2011. Thurs 4 DEC. 2014
Kenneally, Ivan “Recommended college courses to become a psychiatrist.” higher education prep. Weds 3 DEC. 2014.
LIU Web site. Sun 7 DEC. 2014.
United States Dept. of labor – Bureau of labor statistics. “Occupational Employment statistics”. 13 may. 2014. Monday 1 DEC. 2014.

Exploring City Tech’s Fashion Marketing at City Tech and a Career in Fashion Merchandising by Jennifer Huerta

My name is Jennifer Huerta, a current student at The New York City College of Technology (City Tech), majoring in Fashion Marketing. Fashion Marketers focus on publicizing and increasing awareness of a particular brand, such as designer labels or department stores. As a student at City Tech I will be introduced to buying and management careers in fashion-related firms, showrooms, retail stores and buying offices. Although I would not actually design clothing as a marketer, I would be responsible for helping designers by ensuring that their lines sell. This would be the best career for me because I will be able to investigate the rise and diffusion of fashion phenomena and how to successfully manage fashion cycles, monitor the reactions of customers and retail outlets to new products and brand initiatives, and last but not least the ways of  the marketing concept. As you keep reading you will learn what a Fashion Marketer does and what it will take to become one.   


I named this photograph “GAP” because it is one of the many retail stores located at Queens Center Mall.

By earning a degree in Fashion Marketing, I will prepare myself for a future career as a fashion merchandiser. Earning a degree in this major would open doors to various job opportunities for me. For pursuing a job as a Fashion Merchandiser, it is useful to know the following facts. The New York City College of Technology (City Tech) College Catalog 2014-2015 informs us that, “The Fashion Marketing program is designed for the student interested in the dynamics of fashion, both as a business and as an expression of contemporary culture”. (City Tech 126) City Tech’s Fashion Marketing program will educate me, “Theoretical knowledge, practical skills necessary for career success, meet the professional employment news, hands on experience through field trips”. (City Tech 126) A degree in Fashion Marketing enables one to get a fashion merchandiser job. According to Serials Review, fashion merchandising has become the major of choice for the majority of students in the field of clothing and textiles, “Fashion merchandising as a field of study depends on literature in finance, fashion product knowledge, merchandising, retailing, promotions and trends, textiles, human resources, consumer behavior, management, and marketing”. (Tralton par2) In addition to earning a degree in Fashion Marketing, “Numerous job titles are available whether in apparel manufacturing, wholesaling, retailing, or related areas. Retailing can be in department stores, specialty stores, designer boutiques, mass merchants, malls, variety stores, and catalog firms or operations”. (Tralton par2) Options are broad. Professionals who work in fashion marketing examine fashion trends, help retailers stock fashion lines, coordinates sales, and promote goods. By earning a degree in Fashion Marketing, I will prepare myself to earn a job as a fashion merchandiser.


“Fashion”, came to mind because this mannequin shows the ideal of fashion. It is wearing the coat and scarf, ideal for the type of weather here in New York City.

At this point you have an idea of Fashion Marketing. Now I would like to inform you why becoming a Fashion Marketer would be the best job for me. Working as a Fashion Marketer would be the best job for me because I will be able to investigate the rise and diffusion of fashion phenomena and how to successfully manage fashion cycles. “Fashion marketing involves the process of identifying trends in fashion and advertising and promoting fashion products to the buying public.” As a Fashion Marketer I will be able to learn to predict fashion trends, the wants and don’ts of the public. What will become a success and what will not in the fashion industry. With this job I will be able to match styles to specific markets and develop early marketing concepts. Having this opportunity I will be able to know the reasons why a certain fashion trend is a big hit or not, something which I always had a fondness of. Why did this trend become a huge success while this did not?


“Black and White” due to their outfits they are wearing.

Monitoring the reactions of customers and retail outlets to new products and brand initiates is the second reason why landing a job as a Fashion Marketer would be best for me. Visual merchandising can be described as what the potential consumer sees and experiences when approaching, entering, and interacting in the store. If the consumer has a positive approach when entering and interacting we will be able to receive a satisfied feedback from them which is something we would always want from a consumer. When receiving negative feedback we would want to work with that feedback given and convert it into something better, and ask ourselves how can we identify the customer’s needs or wants. “The store window is indeed the showcase for the brand. It is the silent salesperson, the visual communication tool which has only one opportunity to ensure the target market is attracted to enter the store.” (Lea-Greenwood 95) How the retail outlets windows is visualized depends on whether or not the consumer will go in to look at their goods.  Size and location of a store can have an influence on the types of communication that can be portrayed within a certain amount of space, but all brand with a strong image can manage to convey no matter the size or location.

Pursing a career as a fashion merchandiser you will be able to learn the ways of the marketing concept. “The modern marketing concept, which is applied by most successful small businesses, is intended to focus all of a company’s activities upon uncovering and satisfying customer needs”. (Hillstrom par1) It may be easy for an entrepreneur to come up with a product, but all their effort would have been wasted if they were unable to sell the product to consumers. In marketing you transfer goods and services from producers to consumers who the consumers are then able to decide whether or not it met their needs and if it satisfies them the way they need it to. In order to succeed one must master the basics of marketing in order to have great sales in their products. According to the BLS in 2013, wholesale and retail buyers in the apparel industry earned an annual mean wage of $58.210.

In order to better prepare myself to become a successful fashion merchandiser I would have to be creative, quick thinking, self-driven, business-oriented, up on trends and current events. and a people person. Although a bachelor’s program in fashion merchandising takes four years to complete, some programs offer opportunities for hands-on work experience.  

Overall, fashion merchandising careers offer great job opportunities especially to experienced professionals. Professionals with this career must have an eye for style, but should also have a head in business. As a fashion merchandiser I will have the opportunity to build strong foundations in buying, inventorying, budgets and distribution strategies. It provides an overview of how apparel is designed and manufactured and ways to market the apparel to retailers.

Works Cited

Hillstrom, Laurie Collier. Kevin. Marketing, Encyclopedia of Small Business. Detroit: Gale, 2002. Gale, Cengage Learning. Web. 29 Nov. 2014.

Huerta, Jennifer. “GAP” Flickr. 6 December 2014. Web. 6 December 2014.

Huerta, Jennifer. “Fashion” Flickr. 6 October 2014. Web. 6 December 2014.

Huerta, Jennifer. “Black and White“ Flickr. 7 October 2014. Web. 7 December 2014.

Lea-Greenwood, Gaynor. Fashion marketing communications. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.,2013. Academic Search Complete. 29 Nov. 2014.

New York City College of Technology (City Tech). College Catalog 2014-2015. 2014. PDF. 29 Nov. 2014.

Tralton, Martha K. Suzanne V. “Fashion merchandising periodicals: A selected, annotated bibliography”. Serials Review. Spring93. 19.1. Academic Search Complete. Web. 29 Nov 2014.

United States. Dept of Labor. Bureau of Statistics. “Whole sale and Retail Buyers, Except Farm Products”. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Dept of Labor. May. 2013. Web. 29 Nov. 2014.

Exploring City Tech’s Industrial Design at City Tech and a Career in Industrial Product Designer by Hans Gerlain

My name is Hans Anthony Gerlain, I am 18 years old and a undergraduate college student from New York City College of Technology (City Tech).I entered City Tech because I want to be an Industrial Engineer and a product designer. A product designer is a person who creates a new product to be sold by a business to its customers. A very broad concept, it is essentially the efficient and effective generation and development of ideas through a process of creating and finding solutions of having problems with technology that we used today. It will lead to developing new products for to be sold by business. I have several reasons for picking this major, one of them is to design my own brand new products and sell them. I want to share my products with the world and people will able to use them for their own benefits. I want to have my own business company of designing and manufacturing products and to be known worldwide. These products shall change the world which is my goal for the future to help others with their daily lives of using my technology as their own tool and make their lives easier to live.

In my major of Industrial Engineering I want to design products for a living to make something new every day. I will start out by working a company for a company who designs products and has new ideas for technology able to improve our technology that we used today. The 2014-2015 New York City College of Technology Catalog tells about “The Industrial Design Technology program is designed to provide students with a wide variety of valuable skills enabling them to utilize a number of 2D,3D and animation/simulation software packages in several diverse fields” (City Tech 291).This shows me there are several jobs in this major which are design manager, animation developer, industrial design systems manager, project manager, and most of all industrial product designer. Industrial Designers have to use this program called AutoCAD also use a textbook called Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD 2014 help designers to design their object or product it teaches technical drawing using AutoCAD 2014 as its drawing instrument.Taking a step-by-step approach, it encourages students to work at their own pace and uses sample problems and illustrations to guide them through the powerful features of this drawing program. There are exercise problems provide instructors with a variety of assignments material and students with an opportunity to develop their creativity and problem-solving capabilities.After I graduated City Tech Industrial product designer that’s what I want to do and have as a job for the rest of my life to design products and to create new ideas for technology. My dream goal is to be Industrial Engineer. I have these ideas in my head that I want my designs become reality and to be different so people in the world can notice of my product designs.


A Sketch of a Product

In the world people want to see something more from technology and to see something new, unique, and to be different.I want to create the designs of my products and to be sold for business not only to make money but for my products to have recognition and more often to be bought by consumers. The products I design will involve solving the difficulties that people have with technology and to prevent them of having no problems and make the product easily helpful without making things complicated and hard to understand. I want my products to be simple and useful for others make it to be top seller and able to produce more of my products it will be unlimited never to be run out and still provide more. I also want to make a product for each company I want to sell to and able to make more money and produce more of my products.As an Industrial Engineer they work in field but it depends on their duties, Industrial Engineers work both in offices and in the settings they are trying to improve according to the American Bureau of Labor Statistics.US Department of Labor.For example, when observing problems, they may watch workers assembling parts in a factory.When solving problems, they may be in an office at a computer looking at data that they or others have collected.


It’s not all about money but it’s for the Product

The products I want to sell will expand my business to the world and share my products to people that can be a tool for their own benefits and to be useful .There’s a lot of ways for my products to be useful helpinging others whether it’s home, transportation, or work .I want to design a product each of that categories or more but its needs to be simple and useful that the consumers can have an understanding of particular product that they want to buy from me. I will own my business company and in my life finding myself helping people with their own problems with technology. I love technology and it is amazing so many ways, I want to create and build products for people to able to help them if they have problems with technology. I want my product to be patent and according to this book called The Inventor’s Times by Dan Driscoll how to patent your invention ”you can protect your ideas with the help of your government’s Patent Office”. He also explains that your inventions has to have a purpose and to be unique or one of a kind. If the Patent Office knows that a similar invention already exists then they won’t give a patent. Unfortunately, you’ll also have to pay a fee for this and it can be a lot of money but if you created a good invention, it might be worth it.The United Sates Patent and Trademark Office, an agency of the Department of Commerce defines a patent as a right to a inventor “to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling the invention throughout the United States or importing the invention into the United States”.If someone illegal copy the invention without their permission or stole someone’s invention will be arrested and sued for theft.

In my semester during City Tech, I had a chance to have my interview with my adviser named Professor Andy S. Zhang to talk about my major and he explain about what is the true purpose of Industrial Engineer he says “Industrial designers they design shape of a product and if Industrial companies likes the shape of it they will hire you for the job”. He also explain that there is a competition that the companies will only hired designers to see who is the best designer in that field and it means a lot of students who graduated from City Tech with the a degree of industrial design it’s hard to look for jobs and the companies are choosing people who has more skills and more artistic in designing to able to get hired and join the company. When Zhang told me about this it motivated me to work even harder and I want to be the best designer because I want my ideas and designs become reality, and to have recognition of my work.


The Product

When I own a business company I believe I can achieve great accomplishments that the world never sees. To able to use technology for a good purpose and help the world, make a difference with technology to solve the world’s greatest problems. I believe dreams don’t come true just because you wish for them; you have to fight to make them real. I will able to achieve my dream because I have potential to change the world for the better and to achieve greatness. I want Industrial designers to have that passion and determined to not give up on your designs or your ideas also to provide them with hope and dreams. To able to put your heart and soul to your designs even if you feel like it’s not good enough and failed miserably but you have to constantly keep on trying and never give up. It’s time for you to stop looking at the process it takes to get what you want in life , and start looking at the results when you overcome the obstacles that you struggle with.I viewed the world differently and people in the world need to see a change in technology and I will provide for them. If you passion about designing or creating new products don’t let anyone or the world stops you from doing things that you love to do even if the companies doesn’t like your ideas and your designs you have stay positive and be confident. Good things will happen to you if you love what you do then you never have to work a day in your life.

Work Cited

Bureau of Labor Statistics.US Department of Labor. “Occupational Outlook Handbook”. Edition. Industrial Engineers. 8 Jan. 2014. Web. 1 Dec. 2014

Engineering Graphics with Autocad 2014. James D. Bethune .Textbook.22 Dec 2013.Printed

Hans, Gerlain. “A Sketch of a Product”.Flickr. 5 Dec 2014. Web 6 Dec 2014

Hans, Gerlain. “It’s not all about money but it’s for the Product”.Flickr. 5 Dec 2014. Web 6 Dec 2014

Hans, Gerlain. “The Product”.Flickr. 5 Dec 2014. Web 6 Dec 2014

The Inventor’s Times.Dan Driscoll.How to Patent Your invention(Last Page).Quirk Productions,Inc.Singapore.Printed.2002

The United States Patent and Trademark Office, an agency of the Department of Commerce. Dec 6 2014

New York City College of Technology 2014-2015 Academic Catalog.Web. 30 Nov. 2014

Professor Andy S. Zhang. Industrial Engineer Interview. 18 Nov. 2014.

“Exploring City Tech’s Vision Care Technology and a Career in Optical Dispensing by Samantha Reyes.”

My name is Samantha Reyes and I am an 18-year-old student attending the New York City College of Technology (City Tech) in Brooklyn (Reyes, “City Tech entrance”).My major program of study is Vision Care Technology with a specialization in Ophthalmic Dispensing. I would like to become a certified optician under New York’s Health System to better help people everyday with something that many people suffer from; like poor vision and such. This is the best career for me, because I love helping people, science is something that I enjoy, and there are few certified vision care technologists in the New York City Department of Health. In this essay I will guide you through my plan and provide reasons to better prepare future opticians for this important work.

“City Tech entrance” – The entrance to the N-building

This paragraph will discuss the essentials necessary to become a vision care technologist major and how to better pursue a job in this specific field. It is useful to know the following facts: “the ophthalmic dispenser measures, adapts, and fits eyeglasses to the face and when further certified as a contact lens fitter fits and adapts contact lenses to the eyes for the correction of visual and ocular anomalies” (City Tech 197) .By earning a degree in vision care, I will prepare myself to gain a job in ophthalmic assistance, ophthalmic dispensing, or ophthalmic representative (Reyes, “Opticianry”). According to “7 Ways to Upscale Your Optical”, a publication about ophthalmic trends, it shares the main advantage of having a job in this field. The article states, “the feelings a patient develops during the time she interacts with your staff and undergoes tests and treatment actually what she or he will or wont do” (Brighton 64). If I were able to have a career in this field, I would be helping people in a huge way and that is one of my main goals in life.

“Opticianry”-Pearl building 3rd floor

Now that you know a little more about the background of a vision technology career, I would like to share my first reason for this career being the best for me. My reason is that I like helping people. Ever since I could remember, I have always wanted a job in which I focused on helping people. When I was 14 years old, I decided to help a family in need that lived in the poorest part of Brazil. She lived in the Favelas in Rio de Janeiro with her parents and five brothers and sisters. I met her on my trip and gave her some of the clothing that I had taken on the trip to wear that were brand new, because I knew that she needed it more than I did and that she was going to appreciate the clothing.That day I made a little girl happy and I was so happy about that as well. When I help people, I appreciate what I am doing even more because it is an important aspect of everyday life. By preparing glasses and contact lenses for patients I know that I would be making a difference in that persons life, because those lenses that I prepared for them, are going to help them see more clearly than before.

My second reason is my love for science I have always loved biology, which led to me studying other subjects such as anatomy and chemistry. Meanwhile, I was reading those subjects on my own, because I had developed a love for science, it was simple enough for me to determine that I desired a future career that focused on science. With this said, I know that my studies at City Tech will be the best for me, because I am a student that tries my best and is always ready to work hard.Sometimes i come in to school extra early so i can get some studying and homework done (Reyes, “Dark Hall’s”). In fact Dr. Russo tells me “We want someone that is academically prepared, be willing to work hard so that you may achieve your goals and to also be accountable for your own actions”(Russo). Also, Sarai Rodriguez, a student enrolled in the program, states that ” there is a lot of math involved and it can get pretty hard sometimes but if you like science and medicine and you know how to study then you should be fine” (Rodriguez). Based on what Dr.Russo and Ms. Rodriguez state, I was even more assured that no matter what I will always passionately perform my job everyday.

“Dark hall’s”-City college at 6:45 am in the morning

My third reason for entering vision care field is that I feel that there is a lack of certified vision professionals in the medical field. The eyes are very important and delicate and because of the damage that they are undergoing due to many factors, more and more people are in the need of glasses and contact lenses. But then they are not enough specialists that are certified to treat the different problems that appear in eye care, like the Bureau of labor statistics on the employment percentage: ” The value is less than .005 percent of industry employment.”(BLS). Therefore stating that employment in this field has in fact gone down. Also “50 percent of workers earn less than the median”(BLS). So with this information we can conclude that because many specialists in this field may believe to be getting underpaid many simply would not continue practice in this field or encourage to enter this field of study. Furthermore” Respondents from the South seem to have decided to take the high road to optical success. Businesses have also been affected, There was an 11% jump in reports of adding higher-priced styles to their boards, from 15% to 26%, while only 3% of respondents, down from 14% in 2013, expected to expand their inventory to lower-priced product.”(eyecare business 62). Because the eye care business has been loosing much of its business many general companies have had to raise the prices of what they can sell in order to make up for the low employment numbers so that companies do not fail. Therefore the school has even supplied the students with data that can be easily found and read at any time, information that is consistent with the data I had reviewed before (Reyes, “Data”).

“Data”-Display of in depth optician career information

People that carry a strong desire to have a career in this field should be aware of what needs to be done in preparation to obtain a successful future career as a vision care ophthalmic dispenser. Like dr. Russo shared “There are many organizations in school or in New York that focus on such topics: “State new York state organization of optician’s political organization that views the legislative actions that may affect opticians. Opticians association of New York not legislative only provides continuous education. National opticians association of America legislative body for all the opticians in the country National federation of opticianry schools which I am currently the president of. Promotes formal education in opticianry.” (Russo). Some other important recommendations that can be mentioned for those who are interested in this field to learn more is that like Dr.russo said: ” People want someone that is academically prepared. Also must be willing to work hard so that you may achieve your goals. And be accountable for your own actions.” (Russo). Meanwhile there are books or journals that are recommended such as “Eye care businesses, 20/20, eye care professionals, Vision Monday, Magazines talk about lenses research the newest product, which is not only for students but eye care professional themselves.”( Russo).

So carrying out a career in the field of vision care technology would be the best job for me simply because I feel like it is a necessary to help people out in a great way in which i can personally impact their lives, therefore I could be saving their sight or even changing their future and there is nothing better than that. Such career would be a great door as well as to becoming a professional ophthalmologist and maybe even influence future students as well.


Works Cited

Brighton, Judie. “7 Ways to Upscale Your Optical.” Optical Outlook 3rd. 15.6

(2004): 64-66. Web. 18 Nov. 2014.

“The Reality of Recovery.” Eyecare Business 6th. 28.8 (2014): 61-64. Academic

Complete. Web. 16 Nov. 2014.

Russo, Robert. Personal interview.17.Nov.2014.

Rodriguez, Sarai. Personal interview.15.Nov.2014.

New York College of Technology (City tech). College Catalog 2014-2015.2014.PDF.

17. Nov.2014

United States. Dept. Of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. ” Optical Dispensing” .

Bureau of Labor Statistics. Dept of Labor. Sept 2012. Web 23.Nov.2014

Reyes,Samantha “City tech entrance ”. Flickr. 3 Dec 2014

Reyes,Samantha “Dark Halls”. Flickr. 3 Dec 2014

Reyes,Samantha “Opticianry ”. Flickr. 3 Dec 2014

Reyes,Samantha “Data”. Flickr. 3 Dec 2014




Exploring City Tech’s Nursing at City Tech and a Career in Nursing by Jeyson Paula

My name is Jeyson Paula, and I am a Nursing student at the New York City College of Technology (City Tech). In High school, I was interested in computers, but now I have other aspirations. As a City Tech student, I can say that it is not easy to choose what you are going to be doing for the rest of your life. However, I am inspired in Nursing with this training, I would like to become a Registered Nurse and work at Lincoln Hospital. I am looking forward to providing my service to the community. This is the best career for me because, I want to help people, and I want to inspire others. I want to interact with people, learn about their culture, and apply all my knowledge, to serve my patients. In this essay, I will guide you through my plan and show you the beauty that comes with becoming a nurse and the steps to become a nurse, so that I can be an example for others.


I called this Photo “City Tech”. This is where I am getting my education from.

In order to better, understand my decision of majoring in nursing and choosing to pursue a career at Lincoln Hospital, I will provide a detailed synopsis of what this life style holds. It is an advantage to know the following fact, According to New York City College of Technology, ( City Tech ) Catalog 2014-2015 ,“ Students are required to take the AT or Teas examination .” (City Tech. 176). The AT and Teas are test used as part of the admission process by nursing and allied health schools. In addition, I want to obtain a degree in nursing, because it will allow me to get a job at Lincoln Hospital as a registered nurse. According to Marquis, Bessie L. “RN perform a wide variety of job, educating patients about their condition, as well as establishing thrust.”  (Marquis Bessie L.56). Furthermore, being a registered nurse involved many responsibilities and vigor. For example, inform the patient about their health status. In order to give a good service, trust is the most powerful value used by nurse.

Now that we have been educated about the background of Nursing, I would like to introduce you to my first reason, projecting why nursing is the best career for me.  When I was younger, I used to observe my parents at their job. I remember that they opened a small school behind my house. They taught classes to all my friends, and me. I always wanted to be like them, that is why I decided to join the nurse program; I want to help other to make the world a better place. Here are some example that nurse do during their working hours, According to Lanes L. “when individual need long – term services for themselves they are demanding the necessary   nursing home care” (Lanis L. 1). As you can see a nurse not just work at hospitals, they also provide their services at houses. This is why I would like to become a nurse because no matter the circumstance, we always going to be there to support our patients. My first reason has a strong impact in choosing this career, now is time to know my second reason.

In addition, to my personal devotion to be a nurse, I want to be a nurse, because I want to serve as a good example for others. Since I was a kid, I always wanted to be a good example for others. In addition to that, I remember teaching my cousin the right thing to do, once I told him to never talk to a stranger.  I did this, because I wanted to be a role model to my family, I did it, because I wanted to inspire others to follow my steps. I want to show the world that we can always give back to the community no matter what career you have. Another way to serve as good example to others, it is by being a leader. Being a nurse involves leadership, According to Louise Saladino, “Nurse Leaders implement these national standards by facilitating staff time to meet the demands of patients and or ganizational goals for high – quality, safe clinical.” (Louise Saladino. 292) As you can see nurse have to make sure of many things in order to keep their patient in a safety environment. This is an important example, because it let us know that safety is first.  Moreover, I am trying to say that no matter what career you have, or what job you have, always try to do your best because people always see the effort, and time that a person put in to his work, and that helps to motivate other people. My second reason influenced me to choose nursing as a major, however my third reason even more. I would explain the importance of interaction with people in the nurse field.


I called this photo  ” Nursing practice” because shows how nurse practice in their field before go out there, in the real world.

As a nurse, you need to have excellent communication skills. Ever since I remember I have always been a good communicator, making new friends or establishing a conversation with different people, has not been a problem for me. My third reason involved the following aspect. I  I love to interact with people. I want to become a nurse, and hopefully get a job at Lincoln Hospital. The reason why I always love to interact with people is that I can learn more about their culture, and beliefs. I want to apply that knowledge to my work. As we know nursing is about to have good treatment to our patients, a good communication will establish a successful way without misunderstanding.  According to Tracy Gosselin role of RN Nursing “Rn nurse need to understand their role, and the role of others in the multidisciplinary team, share information frequently with the patient”. (Tracy Gosselin. 5). As you can see nurse need to inform the patient on their health status all the time. In case a nurse does not meet with this requirement, it will bring misunderstanding, and worries to the patient. Now that we know my third reason, I will guide you throughout my plans that will prepare me for my career, and the opportunity that I have here, at City Tech College.


This is the liberty of the school,I decided to called this “My studies” because I spent most of the time here doing my work.

Now that we learned about my reason of me becoming a nurse, it is time to introduce my plan here at The New York College of Technology, Moreover, I learnt about the opportunity that we have in City Tech. Before going to City Tech, I was in a technology high school called Academy for language and technology, I have always been interested in becoming a nurse but my high school did not have many science classes. After I started college my first science class was Biology 1101, it is introduction to biology. I am looking forward to establishing a well knowledge in biology, that is why I took in consideration one of the opportunity that City Tech offer. I joined a science club, in this club, we review the lecture of the day. I believe that City Tech is the right school for me to study Nursing because, it provide us, all the classes we need to become a Nurse. Moreover, it provides review sheet to study every lecture class. As a freshman, I was confused, nervous and scared because, I did not know what classes I need to take for the next semester, I went to an adviser who helped me to make my plan for the future. I have the opportunity to go to the department of Nursing and I asked few question, According Aida Egues “you need to keep your GPA over 3.5 all the time, because nurse is very competitive, we take the highest score first then the other are placed in a waiting list.”(Dr. Aida Egues) Dr. Aida Egues helped me a lot because now I know that I need to get high score in my class in order to get into the program. Furthermore, I did not know that Nursing has a waiting list. Moreover, I visited the delta hygiene department for more information. According to Dr. Brown “you need to be strong in math and science don’t waste your time, take Biology 2011 and make sure to get an A in those class.” (Dr. Brown). I must focus on my studies to achieve my goals because I am not the only one other who is trying to get into the Nursing program. As you can see becoming a nurse involves hard work, and dedication, however I look forward to be a nurse, and there is no such thing I cannot do.

In conclusion, will finish my studies of Nursing  in City Tech, I am really happy because will never forget this years, being part of City Tech  community will help me  see the world in different way because now I am experiencing what it is like to be a grown man. Moreover After finishing my first part of Bachelor degree in Nursing; I will transfer to another school and work in my master, at the same time I will get a job at Lincoln hospital, and finally my dream will be come true, I will help others, just like my mom and dad did then, when they were younger. I hope this essay inspire other people to take nurse as a major, as you can see nurse save millions of life, and that is the best feeling a nurse should feel, not the feeling of getting paid but just knowing that someone is alive because of you.


Work Cited

Aida, Egues. Personal interview. 17 November 2014.

Gwen, C. Brown. Personal interview. 24 November 2014.

Louise, Saldino. “Nursing time to support Unit- Based Clinical Inquiry.” 25.3. (2014): 291-296. Wed.     26 November 2014.

Lanis, L. Hicks. “Nursing home cost and Quality of Care Outcomes.” 22.4. (2004): 1-19. Web. 19        November 2014.

New York City College of Technology (City Tech). College Catalog 2014-2015. 2014. PDF. 16        November 2014.

Paula, Jeyson. “City Tech.” Flickr. 4 December 2014. Web. 6 December 2014.

Paula, Jeyson. “Nursing Practice.” Flickr. 5 December 2014. Web. 6 December 2014.

Paula, Jeyson. “ My studies.” Flickr. 5 December 2014. Web. 6 December 2014.

Tracy, Gosseslin. “Engaging Research Partners to Advance Clinical Inquiry.” (2012): 1-1. Wed. 26    November 2014.

John Medina’s Brain Rules, Exploration

During the first ten minutes of class, write your summary of the Exploration chapter from John Medina’s Brain Rules. Before our next class, type up your summary and post it here as a comment to this blog post. Remember, this is the last chapter that we will read as a class in this book. Next Monday, we will begin reading Jonathan Gottschall’s The Storytelling Animal.

John Medina’s Brain Rules, Vision

During the first ten minutes of class, write a summary of your reading of the Vision chapter from John Medina’s Brain Rules. Also, write about how important vision is to communication–from the side of the communicator as well as the audience. Before our next class, post a comment here based on your in-class notebook writing.