Author Archives: Sabrina Josephs

Exploring City Tech’s Fashion Marketing at City Tech and a Career in Fashion Illustrator

Hey my name is Sabrina Josephs, I am freshman student at New York City College of Technology. To be honest, this college has been interesting so far. The major I chose is Fashion Marketing because I am planning on becoming a Fashion Illustrator. The reasons why I made the decision for that to be my future career is because I want to design fashions for woman every size, especially the plus size woman, yet I want the clothes to look stylish for them. I also want to know the pay. Lastly, I want to show my creativity all around the world. In this essay I will go through the specific details about my major and how it will help me pursue my career.

I love what I do :-)

Here are some following facts about my major in Fashion Marketing and my future career of being a fashion illustrator giving helpful background material that support my choice.The 2014-2015 New York City Technology Catalog tells us that “The Fashion Marketing program is designed for students interested in the dynamics of fashion, both as a business and on expression of contemporary culture” (City Tech 128). It also mentions that “The study of fashion begins with the fundamentals of business, marketing and merchandising of fashion goods and technical product information. Through the core curriculum that student gains insight into many subjects that help to explain sociological and psychological factors which influence fashion interest and demand in today’s global market.” This is also something Professor Alyssa said when I ask her How does Fashion Marketing help me to become a Fashion Illustrator? She said that “ being in such means having an idea or logo and putting them up on display.”

According to “Illustrating Fashion” when wanting to a be Fashion Illustrator “It is necessary to have a portfolio of reasonably good samples of your work to show when applying for an art job. You must have a ground-work of training and knowledge in order to complete, though it is still possible to learn and improve through working with artists in the field.”

Now we will go through the specific details about my reasons why I want to be a fashion Illustrator that I had stated earlier. My first reason was that I wanted to design fashions for woman every size, especially the plus size woman, yet I want the clothes to look stylish. New York Time made an article by editors of V about the situation saying that “Fashion Magazines have always purported to embrace diverse images of the female body, publishing periodic “shape” issues that juxtapose the thon and very thin with the moderately fleshly. But only in the last year or so have notably larger woman been released from the fringes, appearing not only in magazines and on television but also in the more rarefied world of the runway, including a Chanel show in St.-Tropez this spring.” However, they said that “If defenders saw in these photographs a less-restrictive imaging of the female form, detractors perceived further instances of fetishistic extremism. “This is not a positive look at larger women in fashion but a freak show,” one Internet poster wrote of the V shoot. Another pointed out that glorifying the other end of the weight spectrum did nothing to change fashion’s essentially unhealthful message: We are taunted daily by skeletal fashion models…. However, I defy any of you to idolize these woman. Nobody wants to be fat! With this I felt like its this kind of talk that makes me want to come up with some idea on how to make stylish outfits for plus sized woman.

On to the next reason which was how much will I get pay? Now to figure this I had to go and log on to www. BLS .gov and it says that “The BLS noted that you could get your start as a fashion designer by pursuing an entry-level position as a sketching assistant. In March 2014, reported that junior graphic designers who worked in the fashion industry earned a median salary of $41,722. At the same time, assistant fashion designers earned a median wage of $39,371, while fashion designers earned a median wage of $70,311. The same source reported that illustrators in all industries made a median salary of $44,916 in March 2014.

For my last reason, I said that I wanted to show my creativity all around the world. Now its pretty obvious that I have many ideas that expresses myself with my fashion illustrations and the creativity I have for them is in my heart. I even once said in a video on I made about “who I am and what I wanted to do” that “ Creaivity is something that can express ourselves in many different ways and I express myself through my fashion sketckes. I have many ideas for outfits and since I draw my fashion illustrations very well and I just love to draw them I figure what better way of expressing myself best than by doing something I love.” I love coming up with new idea for my fashion illustration. Getting inspiration and seeing if my plan can become into art in any I can. In fact a fashion book I have called “Fashion Illustration Inspiration and Technique” by Anna Kiper says “A design journal is an essential tool for the development of a fashion collection. Fabrics, trims, and inspirational images help create an atmosphere for the creative process to begin.” This is true bercause after reading the book especially that quote I took it into consideration and follow the advice and it worked, now I can get a lot more inspiration than I ever had before.

The book of Fashion Art


Overall it may like a very difficult and such, but it is so worth it in order to fufill your dream of creating your own fashion ideas to the whole world. To get started with that kind of field, “Illustrating Fashion” explains that “ It is possible for an artist starting out with the idea of being a fashion illustrator to end up in some different but related field. Ethier some other line is more to his liking or a job possibility opens a different door.” So keep your head held high for those job oppertunities.

So in conclusion trying to be a Fashion Illustrator is a very hard thing to achieve, but I believe those hard work and dedication the possiablities of becoming one is endless. If there is any advice I could possably give you is don’t give up, try your best to find inspiration, practice, practice, practice and lastly keep believing in yourself no matter what.


Fashion is my life

Work Cited

New York City College of Technology (City Tech). College Catalog 2014-2015. 2014. PDF. 17 NOV. 2015.

Work Cited

Anna, Kiper “Fashion Illustration Inspiration and Technique”

Book: (2011): 139-140

Sun. 7 Dec. 2014

Work Cited

Professor Alyssa . Interview with author

4 Dec. 2014.

Work Cited

Eunice Moore Sloane

“Illustrating Fashion”

Book: (1977): 308, 310, and 312-313

4 Dec. 2014.


Writing my brain project by Sabrina Josephs

Introduction :

In this project, I had an opportunity to reflect on my thoughts and plan how to think more effectively in the future. Sometime planning a future can be quite difficult especially when you won’t to look back at your past. However in some situations if you look back at the bad decisions or things that you didn’t feel comfortable doing in the past, you can probably and change it to something even better and here is my proven example.

Thinking in writing :

Tuesday, September 23,2014 ( No School)
8:30am-Wake up: …….I’m going back to bed………..
10:30am-…..Ok I’m up ….. Yes waffles for breakfast and I’m not changing my clothes because NO SCHOOL!!!!!!
11:30-Uggg there nothing on YouTube, well I do want to practice on my fashion illustrations( I love fashion)
12:30- oh wow time sure flies by and now it’s lunch time…….Ugggg there’s nothing to eat. Sneaks into my mom’s room and
steals food to eat.
1: 30- Mhhmmm I wonder what will the broines will say about Equestria Girls Rainbow rocks? (Yes,I’m proud to be a brony. If you
know what that means it’s basically males or females ages 18 to 40 a big fan of of the TV series kool My Little Pony Friendship is Magic…..Don’t judge us) I haven’t even watched the movie yet but I’ve seen the trailer and I think it’s really good and I can’t wait to
see it. Oh you know what? I’m going to watch some mlp right now.
2:30- Oh wow I just realized that the homework is like being Jenna Marbles from YouTube, when she narrates all her thinking awesome and then watches Jenna Marbles videos.
3:30- Listen to Justin Bieber( Yes, I’m a true blue belieber) I don’t care what happened in the past some people need to leave him
the f**k alone.
4:30-Still listening…….
5:30- 6:30- watching a walkthrough of Batman
7:00- Watching Two and a half men
8:00-12:00-Watching more video game walkthroughs
12:00- Well I’m going to bed. Goodnight everybody. *Passes out*

Thinking visually


My Future Career: This means that in the future I want to become a fashiopn illustrator



Watching My Idol: Ever since he first started i fell in love with him and i still do up to this day and nothing will ever change that. Justin’s music has been amazing and everytime I listen to him. His music touches my heart and I just hate how people become so harsh about him. I have always believed that everyone deserved a second chance and i what i did with Justin, I even pray for him because I believe in him I may have my anger with the haters and I had friends who ask me “why do you love him so much” the answer “I’m a belibier and Im proud to be one” and like I said before that will never change.


My little pony friendship Is Magic: My favorite show that i love to watch all the time and the funny thing is this is where i get some of my fashion inspiration from. My little pony friendship Is Magic is an amazing show a lot of people saw that it’s just for little girls, but a quote by a man named Walt Disney who said ” That’s the real trouble with the world, to many people grow up” and it actually true. I’m not say that can’t be serious, but life is to short to take things too seriously. Anyway My little pony friendship Is Magic has it’s own community called bronies and everything from that show has made a great expression in many different ways. The why I love the show so much is becauseit tell evey great lessons, we can relate to all of the ponies on the show. It may be for younger kids, but hey don’t knock it until you try it.


Jenna Marbles: An Amazing Youtube Star.She funny,has a said a lot of true facts that we can relate to.

Thinking Rhetorically and Reflectively

Hello my name is Sabrina Josephs I am a 18 year old girl who loves drawing fashion designs and one day wants to be a successful fashion illustrator. I have always believe once you start from the bottom you can get to the top. That if you keep believing in yourself you can achieve anything. I also love to sing, but I see that as more of a hobby. On Tuesday September 24, 2014  I was reflecting my thoughts on everything I did on that day.

As I reread my reflection, my current thinking is that I’m not relevant to my goals in life . I say that because apparently after looking through my reflection thoughts I see that my life is lacking creativity. I mean the part where I wrote that I wanted to watch some fashion sketches videos on youtube, that was it for the rest of the day I just did regular stuff. To be perfectly honest I was being lazy on that day because for me when starting college it’s hard to focus sometimes on inspiration, creativity, and having an imagination mind. You see I can get bored easily or at least I think I do so, yet at the same time I don’t want to do anything and that is something I know a lot of teens have that kind of situation.

There’s a lot of stuff did during that day however such as watching others things on youtube. Like Jenna marbles videos (picture), my little pony friendship is magic reviewers and analysis videos by bronies of mlp(male and female ages 18 to 40 fans of the show)(picture) and listening to my very special favorite celebrity JUSTIN BIEBER(picture). I will admit there always be time to have fun, and that there is also a time to work, but I feel like there has to be a time to myself and the things I want to do. I bet a lot of you are thinking “what about on the weekends?  On those days you can focus on your goals.” Well yes, but sometimes assignments can take over my days off and while I do sometimes finish my assignments before my day off or finishes it in the morning of my day off I still get really tired from the classes that I take.

That’s why when I it’s hard for me to relevant my goals in life. I just can’t get anytime to just sit back and do the thinks I love to do and that my friends is making fashion illustrations. I guess you can say that Fashion is one of my biggest things in life and it’s true it is. I would draw a lot of fashion illustrations when I was a little girl and the thing is I didn’t even know what I wanted to be in the future when I was younger, it was like some sort of secret under hidden talent that I had and I didn’t even discovered it until I was 13 years old. I mean everyone loved them although if you looked at those 13 years old drawings today you’d say “what’s so special about it?”

Well at that time, at that moment, when I found that discovery I was like “ I should have a career out of my drawings and I needed to find out about it so once I found out what fashion illustrators do and how they work, my 13 year old self “ that’s what I want to do….when I grow up…..” so you see that’s why it’s a big goal for me to fulfill not only because it was one of the greatess childhood memories of my life, but because I want to show my creativity for fashion to everyone. I won’t lie I was and still am a shy girl and there will be times I where I have a hard time expressing myself, but when I do my fashion illustrations it can really show who I am and what I reprisent. I believe in order for me to change this is to try and get all my work done and try to find some way motive myself to get in the drawing mode, to get inspired and to make my day feel accomplished. that’s how I’m going to change things, by taking control.

Word cited:

FashionGirl118 [ Sabrina Josephs ]. “ Re: Project 1: thinking in writing”. OpenLab. ENGL1101 D377 Composition. September 20, 2014.Web. October 11, 2014

Sabrina, Josephs. “ My future Career”.flickr. October 10 , 2014.Web.October 11, 2014

Sabrina, Josephs. “ Watching My Idol”.flickr. October 10 , 2014.Web.October 11, 2014

Sabrina, Josephs. “My little pony friendship Is Magic”. Flickr.October 10 , 2014. Web October 11, 2014