Author Archives: KelvinG

Exploring City tech Fashion Marketing at City Tech and a career in Fashion Merchandising By Kelvin Galvez

Hello, my name is Kelvin Galvez and I am a student at New York City College of Technology (City Tech). The major I intend on pursuing is fashion marketing, and within this major I want to get into the career of a fashion merchandiser, or a fashion buyer. I believe this career is best for me since I am really interested in clothing, and the content and work behind it. Another reason I believe this career is best for me is the fact that you get to travel out of the country time to time and that is something I have been wanting to do for a long time. I also believe this is the best career for me because of the salary and because of the responsibility you have to have. In this essay you will be able to read more on the fashion marketing major and what courses are required to obtain a degree in it. You will also be learning all the different things that this job consists of. Finally you will be getting some advice, if you do decide to take this course, on what you should be doing to become successful.

New York City College Of Technology (Citytech)

New York City College Of Technology

The following facts about a fashion marketing major will be helpful in understanding not only the fashion marketing major, but also the career. As stated in the 2014 – 2015 New York City College of Technology Catalog, “The fashion marketing program is designed for student interested in the dynamics of fashion, both as a business and as an expression of contemporary culture” (City Tech 128). With a degree in fashion marketing one gets to pursue a career in becoming a fashion merchandiser. Some roles as a fashion merchandiser is to create the need for something new. According to Norris Cassy in the Spend Spend Spend article, “Marketers are keen to exploit our fashion needs through planned obsolescence, by promoting new looks which make our existing clothes outdated. In this way marketers create a need for something new” (Business Date 1)

Now that you have more of an understanding about this field and career, we can move forward with the reasons on why I picked this major. The reasons include traveling, salary and responsibility. But let’s take a deeper look into traveling. As a fashion merchandiser you have to make sure the company and the brand maintains a good image. Hence, one has to travel from place to place to make sure everything is running smoothly. Fashion merchandisers also have to travel in order to attract new business for the company around the world. As said in Fashion Buying, “The experienced buyer’s role invariably involves travelling, mainly to see clothing suppliers and to gather trend information” (Goworekchapter 2). If you are one that likes to travel like I do, this job is best for you. Depending on the company you work for, will determine where you will be traveling to. However, you can expect to be traveling.

Kate Spade Clothing

Kate Spade Clothing line

My second reason is the salary you receive with the degree as a fashion merchandiser. Of course this is one of the reasons I picked this career. Many people believe in gaining high amounts of money with their career choice, I am also one who wants a high salary. Included with the different responsibilities and traveling in this job, the pay is worth it. As said in BLS, “Fashion merchandisers earn an annual mean wage of $73,930 in 2010, over $25,000 more than the average for all occupations.”(Bureau Of Labor Statistics par.1). There is also a number of fashion merchandisers who earn a maximum of $120,000 per year. I am very comfortable with the responsibility and pay ratio, since one handles many different responsibilities in this job a salary such as this is I believe is just.

The same topic of responsibility brings me to my last point. Having the responsibility, a fashion merchandiser must handle every day in order to make the company successful. Some Responsibilities fashion merchandisers have are promoting the company, and also maintaining their image and helping promote a new image for their company. Fashion merchandisers also have the responsibility of preparing for events such as holidays and sales promotions. One of the hardest responsibilities fashion merchandisers have is determining fashion trends. If one is able to successfully determine the next “big” product of clothing it can bring up a company’s wealth tremendously.  As said in the article Fashion Industry Supply Chain Issues “main purpose of a retail business is to continuously maintain the responsiveness to the changing trends in consumer fashion taste” (Kursadpar.1) just as a fashion merchandiser has to do every day.

Gucci Clothing line

Gucci Clothing line

With an education and degree in Fashion Marketing from City Tech, you will be able to get to achieve this career. City Tech gives you the opportunity and skills that prepare you for this career by having classes such as, Textiles, Essential of Marketing, and Fashion Buying as said in New York City College of Technology College Catalog. With these classes and many others you will be able to understand the fashion industry and the business behind the clothing. According to professor Reinig “In addition to earning good grades and a solid GPA, students should seek out and participate in extra-curricular activities related to their major.” (Reinig par.1). You will take the responsibility of diversifying yourself from others to stand out in order to become known around the fashion industry. With these guidelines and teachings that city tech supplies you with, you will be able to be successful in this major and career down the road.

In conclusion, the fashion marketing program at city tech is best for anyone interested in understanding clothing from the point of view of a designer side and the business side. My advice to people who are interested in this program is to make yourself known. Participate in many clubs and groups that can teach you more about the major and career you intend on pursuing. In doing this, it will make classes easier and will make other companies look at you prospectively for internships and, later on, careers. Internships are a real key when it comes to this major and career, so I highly recommend getting into a summer internship at the very least in order to get your foot in halfway to the career. City tech also offers abroad programs to Paris and Milan, the fashion capitals of the world, to give you the experience of a lifetime in learning how different companies work day to day and fully understand the world of fashion. Another recommendation I have to students interested in this major is to make sure you maintain your GPA. This is a two year program and many people are interested in getting their bachelor’s which would most likely mean they would want to transfer to FIT. In order to transfer to this school you need a GPA of 3.5 or higher. This major is best for me because it gives me the opportunity to learn more about the fashion industry and also gives me the knowledge of what will I actually will be doing in my position.




Work Cited


New York City College Of Technology(City Tech) College Catalog 2014-2015.PDF.1 Dec.2014.


Goworek Helen, Fashion Buying, 2nd Edition.Wiley-Blackwell,2007 publish.PDF. 1 Dec. 2014.


Cassy , Norris.”Spend Spend Spend”.Businessdate 15.3(2007)#5&#8.Academic Search Complete.Web.1 Dec.2014.


Reinig, Timothy. Email to the author.6 Dec.2014.TS


Kursad , Ozlen,”Fashion Industy Supply Chain Issues:Zara(Azel France).Euopean Researcher 47.4(2013) #999&#1008.Academic Search Complete.Web.1 Dec.2014

“Summary.”U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics.U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Web.7Dec.2014.

Writing My Brain Project by Kelvin Galvez


Hello my name is Kelvin Galvez , I am here to explain to you how my brain thinks. I did this to explain to the many people what is my current thinking like and in what direction is it leading me. In this essay you will read how my current thinking is and how i want it to be.


Well I finally got up its 1 pm I’m tired hungry and more hungry , i wonder what I’m going to eat , probably some mangu con salami , or maybe some Chinese eh I just want food.
1:30 Finally got my mangu 🙂 , now to plan what I’m going to do for the rest of the day. I think I’m going to head to my cousin and relax a little.
2:00 I should start working on creating my clothing line , I’ve been working on it for a while now I should come out with it soon.
2:30 Once I’m finished with my fashion marketing major I’m sure to have the knowledge of what I need to no to come out with a good clothing line.
3:15 Ugh I’m hungry againnn need fooodd.
3:45I finally finished all my homework for the week so now I won’t have to worry about anything for the vacation coming up ,
4:00speaking of that I have to plan places to visit and sights to see.
4:30Happy about this Jewish holiday even though I’m not Jewish and all no school sounds like a break INeed ,
5:00speaking about school I can’t wait to transfer to FIT, I’m working really hard to make sure my grades are good enough to transfer.
5:30 can’t wait to become a professional already make myself alot of money buy cars , houses , clothes. That’s awesomeness
6:00 but for now I will start working on the short term goals like actually design some clothes and get to start up the company
6:30 I’m boreddd I need to go back to the gym and work out
7:00 giving my self a year to do a full transformation in the gym
7:30 This Sons of anarchy show is just awesome… can’t put it in any better words
8:00 still watching my show
8:30 okay time for food again , gonna order some Chinese 🙂
9:00 I just Notice I talk alot about food people are gonna read this n think I’m some fat monster
9:30 okay that food gave me the sleepys , I love when that happens
10:00 school tomorrow ughhh okay I’m going to sleep , early bird catches the worm


University of Rochester




My Current Thinking
By: Kelvin Galvez

Hello, My name is Kelvin Galvez and I am here to explain to you my current thinking. In this Argumentative essay you will be able to understand my current thinking and the different point of views on it. In this essay I will show you how my current thinking is preparing me for the future. By “future” I mean 5 minutes from now, 5 days from now, even 5 years from now, You will see that every thought I have has an action and every action I do is to ultimately benefit me In the future. Why I am doing this you ask? Well the only answer is to show people that even the most random things I do is to help me later on such as doing homework at the last minute or eating healthy food for example. I also am doing this to show the readers were my current thinking is leading me in life.With that being said lets take a look on how my current thinking really prepares me for the future

First evidence I found about how my current thinking prepares me for the future is shown on my day of thoughts. I found that it could be about the smallest things but i am constantly thinking about what to do next as shown in my day of thoughts “i wonder what I’m going to eat , probably some mangu con salami , or maybe some Chinese eh I just want food.”(kelvin169par.2) You could see this thought in one of my photos titled “food”(kelvin,”food”).You also see here that i am thinking about what to eat, although that day I ate thirty minuets after it still shows how i am thinking about the future and preparing my self for when i really get hungry and actually thinking about what kinds of food should i eat. Another evidence that i saw in my day of thoughts that showed my current thinking prepares me for the future was “speaking about school I can’t wait to transfer to FIT, I’m working really hard to make sure my grades are good enough to transfer.” (kelvin169par.2) you also see here that my current thinking is preparing me for the future saying I need to get good grades to transfer , this thought is looking a little bit further into my future than the first thought but ultimately still doing the same thing as the first.

Although I believe my current thinking is preparing me for the future, There are still people that could argue with me and tell me i am wrong. One reason this being is because Ive shown evidence from one day of thoughts. One day of thoughts doesn’t show your current thinking overall. People can also quote from my day of thought and show that not all my thoughts are looking to prepare me for the future such as “Happy about this Jewish holiday even though I’m not Jewish and all no school sounds like a break I Needed.”(kelvin169par.3) but then again I am here to prove them wrong, although it is true this is just one day of thoughts this day of thoughts is consistently reminding me of goals or what is needed to do for the week. Till those goals or things i need to do isn’t done i am constantly going to be thinking about them and making sure i do whatever is needed for me to do to complete them showing that my overall current thinking is about preparing me for the future. Also even thought that quote for from my day of thoughts doesn’t really show me thinking about the future, it is because that thought of me thinking about the holiday that i was able to plan a mini vacation on that day as shown in my Day of thoughts ,”I finally finished all my homework for the week so now I won’t have to worry about anything for the vacation coming up.” (kelvin169par.2) You could also see more evidence of this thought in my photos titled “Rochester University”(kelvin,”Rochester University”)

More evidence showing that I am preparing my self for the future is also including in my day of thoughts saying “I should start working on creating my clothing line , I’ve been working on it for a while now I should come out with it soon.” (kelvin169par.3) Another example like this one would be “can’t wait to become a professional already make myself alot of money buy cars , houses , clothes. That’s awesomeness” (kelvin169par.3) This two thoughts are very similar and very different but ultimately comes down to the same outcome. The first thought talks about creating my clothing line , something that could be a short term goal in the near future or could really be long term. The second thought consist me thinking a lot further , talking about buying car , clothing and houses. But these two thoughts are still thinking about the future and preparing my self for that moment , when i do make my clothing line or when i do become a professional.

Still people can argue with this essay and say my current thinking isn’t preparing me for the future. They can argue that my current thinking is all over the place as shown in my day of thoughts , that I talk about my clothing line then i go on talking about the vacation coming up and so on and so forth. Also from my pictures I have a picture titled “food”(Kelvin,”food”) showing food and a picture title “Rochester University (kelvin,Rochester University”), that is pretty much all over the place. But although this may be true, there are still technicalities that play a part of that. In the day of thoughts I recording my thinking ever 30 minuets or so. So i didn’t just continued on from my last thought thirty minuets ago I wrote down what i was thinking that moment. Even thought my thinking was all over the place mostly every thought was preparing me for the future. It may not be in an orderly fashion how it could be but it is definitely preparing me for the future.

In conclusion I can argue that my current thinking is preparing me for the future with evidence from my “day of thoughts” and pictures representing those thoughts. But that doesn’t mean this is the way i want to think. Although i pay a lot of attention to the future and whats coming up which many people want to do, i find myself wanting to think differently. I want some how convert my current thinking from think about the future in general to thinking specifically about what needs to be done now. For example in order to go to FIT you need to make sure you have a 3.5 GPA, I want to be able to just focus on getting the 3.5 GPA and not think about what i am going to do in FIT when i get there. My plan to change my thinking is by focusing on my short term goals intensely. So if my real goal is to get into FIT i will only focus on getting the 3.5 GPA or if my goal is to create a clothing line I will only focus on making designs and different small things that will later create the clothing line. With doing so i should be able to slowly change my current thinking. And still ultimately prepare my self for the future.

Work Cited

Kelvin169 [kelvin galvez]. “Re:Project 1; Thinking in Writing Open Lab. ENG1101 D377 English Composition , FA2014, Sept 24.2014. Web 14 oct.2014

Galvez, Kelvin “Food” Flickr. Sept 24. 2014. Web14 oct.2014

Galvez Kelvin “Rochester University” Flickr. Sept 30.204. Web 14 oct. 2014