Author Archives: jeyson Paula

Exploring City Tech’s Nursing at City Tech and a Career in Nursing by Jeyson Paula

My name is Jeyson Paula, and I am a Nursing student at the New York City College of Technology (City Tech). In High school, I was interested in computers, but now I have other aspirations. As a City Tech student, I can say that it is not easy to choose what you are going to be doing for the rest of your life. However, I am inspired in Nursing with this training, I would like to become a Registered Nurse and work at Lincoln Hospital. I am looking forward to providing my service to the community. This is the best career for me because, I want to help people, and I want to inspire others. I want to interact with people, learn about their culture, and apply all my knowledge, to serve my patients. In this essay, I will guide you through my plan and show you the beauty that comes with becoming a nurse and the steps to become a nurse, so that I can be an example for others.


I called this Photo “City Tech”. This is where I am getting my education from.

In order to better, understand my decision of majoring in nursing and choosing to pursue a career at Lincoln Hospital, I will provide a detailed synopsis of what this life style holds. It is an advantage to know the following fact, According to New York City College of Technology, ( City Tech ) Catalog 2014-2015 ,“ Students are required to take the AT or Teas examination .” (City Tech. 176). The AT and Teas are test used as part of the admission process by nursing and allied health schools. In addition, I want to obtain a degree in nursing, because it will allow me to get a job at Lincoln Hospital as a registered nurse. According to Marquis, Bessie L. “RN perform a wide variety of job, educating patients about their condition, as well as establishing thrust.”  (Marquis Bessie L.56). Furthermore, being a registered nurse involved many responsibilities and vigor. For example, inform the patient about their health status. In order to give a good service, trust is the most powerful value used by nurse.

Now that we have been educated about the background of Nursing, I would like to introduce you to my first reason, projecting why nursing is the best career for me.  When I was younger, I used to observe my parents at their job. I remember that they opened a small school behind my house. They taught classes to all my friends, and me. I always wanted to be like them, that is why I decided to join the nurse program; I want to help other to make the world a better place. Here are some example that nurse do during their working hours, According to Lanes L. “when individual need long – term services for themselves they are demanding the necessary   nursing home care” (Lanis L. 1). As you can see a nurse not just work at hospitals, they also provide their services at houses. This is why I would like to become a nurse because no matter the circumstance, we always going to be there to support our patients. My first reason has a strong impact in choosing this career, now is time to know my second reason.

In addition, to my personal devotion to be a nurse, I want to be a nurse, because I want to serve as a good example for others. Since I was a kid, I always wanted to be a good example for others. In addition to that, I remember teaching my cousin the right thing to do, once I told him to never talk to a stranger.  I did this, because I wanted to be a role model to my family, I did it, because I wanted to inspire others to follow my steps. I want to show the world that we can always give back to the community no matter what career you have. Another way to serve as good example to others, it is by being a leader. Being a nurse involves leadership, According to Louise Saladino, “Nurse Leaders implement these national standards by facilitating staff time to meet the demands of patients and or ganizational goals for high – quality, safe clinical.” (Louise Saladino. 292) As you can see nurse have to make sure of many things in order to keep their patient in a safety environment. This is an important example, because it let us know that safety is first.  Moreover, I am trying to say that no matter what career you have, or what job you have, always try to do your best because people always see the effort, and time that a person put in to his work, and that helps to motivate other people. My second reason influenced me to choose nursing as a major, however my third reason even more. I would explain the importance of interaction with people in the nurse field.


I called this photo  ” Nursing practice” because shows how nurse practice in their field before go out there, in the real world.

As a nurse, you need to have excellent communication skills. Ever since I remember I have always been a good communicator, making new friends or establishing a conversation with different people, has not been a problem for me. My third reason involved the following aspect. I  I love to interact with people. I want to become a nurse, and hopefully get a job at Lincoln Hospital. The reason why I always love to interact with people is that I can learn more about their culture, and beliefs. I want to apply that knowledge to my work. As we know nursing is about to have good treatment to our patients, a good communication will establish a successful way without misunderstanding.  According to Tracy Gosselin role of RN Nursing “Rn nurse need to understand their role, and the role of others in the multidisciplinary team, share information frequently with the patient”. (Tracy Gosselin. 5). As you can see nurse need to inform the patient on their health status all the time. In case a nurse does not meet with this requirement, it will bring misunderstanding, and worries to the patient. Now that we know my third reason, I will guide you throughout my plans that will prepare me for my career, and the opportunity that I have here, at City Tech College.


This is the liberty of the school,I decided to called this “My studies” because I spent most of the time here doing my work.

Now that we learned about my reason of me becoming a nurse, it is time to introduce my plan here at The New York College of Technology, Moreover, I learnt about the opportunity that we have in City Tech. Before going to City Tech, I was in a technology high school called Academy for language and technology, I have always been interested in becoming a nurse but my high school did not have many science classes. After I started college my first science class was Biology 1101, it is introduction to biology. I am looking forward to establishing a well knowledge in biology, that is why I took in consideration one of the opportunity that City Tech offer. I joined a science club, in this club, we review the lecture of the day. I believe that City Tech is the right school for me to study Nursing because, it provide us, all the classes we need to become a Nurse. Moreover, it provides review sheet to study every lecture class. As a freshman, I was confused, nervous and scared because, I did not know what classes I need to take for the next semester, I went to an adviser who helped me to make my plan for the future. I have the opportunity to go to the department of Nursing and I asked few question, According Aida Egues “you need to keep your GPA over 3.5 all the time, because nurse is very competitive, we take the highest score first then the other are placed in a waiting list.”(Dr. Aida Egues) Dr. Aida Egues helped me a lot because now I know that I need to get high score in my class in order to get into the program. Furthermore, I did not know that Nursing has a waiting list. Moreover, I visited the delta hygiene department for more information. According to Dr. Brown “you need to be strong in math and science don’t waste your time, take Biology 2011 and make sure to get an A in those class.” (Dr. Brown). I must focus on my studies to achieve my goals because I am not the only one other who is trying to get into the Nursing program. As you can see becoming a nurse involves hard work, and dedication, however I look forward to be a nurse, and there is no such thing I cannot do.

In conclusion, will finish my studies of Nursing  in City Tech, I am really happy because will never forget this years, being part of City Tech  community will help me  see the world in different way because now I am experiencing what it is like to be a grown man. Moreover After finishing my first part of Bachelor degree in Nursing; I will transfer to another school and work in my master, at the same time I will get a job at Lincoln hospital, and finally my dream will be come true, I will help others, just like my mom and dad did then, when they were younger. I hope this essay inspire other people to take nurse as a major, as you can see nurse save millions of life, and that is the best feeling a nurse should feel, not the feeling of getting paid but just knowing that someone is alive because of you.


Work Cited

Aida, Egues. Personal interview. 17 November 2014.

Gwen, C. Brown. Personal interview. 24 November 2014.

Louise, Saldino. “Nursing time to support Unit- Based Clinical Inquiry.” 25.3. (2014): 291-296. Wed.     26 November 2014.

Lanis, L. Hicks. “Nursing home cost and Quality of Care Outcomes.” 22.4. (2004): 1-19. Web. 19        November 2014.

New York City College of Technology (City Tech). College Catalog 2014-2015. 2014. PDF. 16        November 2014.

Paula, Jeyson. “City Tech.” Flickr. 4 December 2014. Web. 6 December 2014.

Paula, Jeyson. “Nursing Practice.” Flickr. 5 December 2014. Web. 6 December 2014.

Paula, Jeyson. “ My studies.” Flickr. 5 December 2014. Web. 6 December 2014.

Tracy, Gosseslin. “Engaging Research Partners to Advance Clinical Inquiry.” (2012): 1-1. Wed. 26    November 2014.

Writing My Brain Project by Jeyson Paula

Introduction :

This project consist in take one day of my life to write all my thoughts, and also take picture that represent those thought. Furthermore write an essay based on the argument I make about my thought, then support this with three of thoughts and photos. The purpose of this project is to explore my thinking and make a plan for my future thoughts. 

Thinking in writing :

Monday 09/10/2014  
I’m so sleepy and have to go school. 6:00am
why the train is taking so long?6:32am
I don’t want to be late6:32am
five chapters to read , college is killing me 8:00 am
why I think about what i thinking , this is weird 8:30 am
the future scare me 9:30 am
how is going to be my future 9:30 am
do we make our own future or destiny is real 9:32 am
Im not sure about my major do I really want to do it 11:30 Am
life is so complicated 11:40 Am
I like those shoes 12:12 Pm
omg another test , well I better study 12:13 Pm
I forgot most my thoughts 12:13 Pm
I like go to school but there is too much work 1:00Pm
I’m scare of give up 1:32 Pm
I’m hungry 2:01 Pm
where are my keys , omg mom is not home 2:44 Pm
what a weird restaurant , but the food is good .. 2:44 Pm
I will be successful…. I have to organize my ideas to get there 3:12Pm
Lexus 350 is sport … I will buy that car. 3:12 Pm
I have to do homework and I have to go to work .. 4:00Pm
I want to go back home, I have so much fun over there 4:23 Pm
why the universe keep growing , there must be a reason :9:30pm
why the universe and brain are so similar 9:32 Pm
there are secret in our brain that human haven’t discovered yet , maybe we can do incredible thing and we don’t know how too…9:45 Pm
I’m hungry again.10:00Pm
I wonder if one day we can travel through time .10:15 PM
I’m crazy. 10:30 PM
I don’t like how life works . People work their whole life for nothing and sometime they don’t get to enjoy the beauty and the meaning of being alive.11:00 PM
life can change in one second. you never know when something going to happen to you .
what is happiness, happiness have different causes .11:00 Pm
I didn’t know that write my thought could be that difficult , I get lost in my mind .11:12 Pm
Thinking visually


The first photo I took which I called “which is the right path”. as you can see, it’s an street divided in two separate way, life is full of good opportunity but in some cases we get two different option but we are not sure which way to choose. I would say that the theme of this picture is insecurity.


I named this photo the “Unknown” as you can see is the earth, and the other planets of our solar system. The reason why I called this photo “unknown” is because we live in earth but we don’t know everything about our home , there are many secrets y that human have not discover yet. it just like our future we know is there but we don’t know how is going to be.


This photo I called “Homework” as you can see, it’s one of my math homework which represent hard work , and dedication . Moreover is a example of how I keep my  work organize in order to achieve my goals.


Thinking Rhetorically and Reflectively

My name is Jeyson Paula. The past four years I studied in a technology based high school, where I got many of my certification in computers. Even though, I am now a City Tech student, I decided to shift my path and go to the medical field. Moreover in the first semester I took five different classes, one of these classes is ENG1101 D377 English. The past few weeks, we have doing a social experiment in which we study how the brain works, how thoughts in our brain affect us in long terms, and the possibility that our thoughts reflect what we are going to be in the future. This experiment consist of taking one day of  our life and write everything that we have thoughts during that day and then  take some picture that illustrate those thought. I believe that people  might think that what we are trying to prove is crazy, but I  believe that this  is one of the most interesting projects  I have ever done in my life because involved theory  that  humans have not proved yet. Based on the theory that our thoughts reflect what we going to be the in the future, I argue that my current thinking is focused on the things that will enable my future to be successful.

Ever Since I started to writing  down all my thoughts in 09/10/2014, the most common thoughts I had were about my future and things that will help me to create a success future. I believe that “future” always have been my biggest fear, because I do not know what could happen before I achieve my goals, we cannot predict the future that’s why I think the future is always going to be a mystery. For example in my list of thoughts I wrote “I’m not sure about my major, do I really want to do it” (Jp1918 Pav 9). On this example you can see that I am questioning my academic goals, which now it does not look like a problem, but further in the future it could become a problem, because sometime when we are young we tend to make bad decisions and the outcome of this is reflected in our future life. I took a picture that I called “Which is the right path” This connects to my argument because is a picture of one street divided in two direction and the person does not know which way to go. Going back on what I said before, what we think affects the future, if we take what I wrote in my list, this could be a good example of it, because based on that thought I could change my major and end in a position I did not want to be. Life is full of big choices that can change your life, but just your brain and (thoughts) are able to decide what you want.

What I trying to say is that our brain control everything in our life, even emotions. Decisions like what you want to be in the future, are the most difficult because your choice will dictate where your life going to go. Although we have many chances to choose what are going to be, you can- not go back to the past. Therefore there will be a time where you will have to choose and there will be no way of going back.

Furthermore evidence that supports my argument is when I thought about “I will be successful…. I have to organize my ideas to get there” (Jp1918 Pav 19). This time, I am telling myself what I have to do in order to be successful and at the same time is related to my argument because I am using my brain to set two different concepts. One is encouraging myself, by telling myself that I can do it, without any problems. In the other hand, I’m telling myself what I have to do to get what I want. I believe that the best way to get something is by being confident because when you are confident of yourself people tend to take you seriously. People know what you talking about, and that makes you a better organizer of ideas. Connecting my first thought with this one, we can say that this one is the answer to my first thought, because as you could see on my very first thought I said that I was not sure about my major, and in the second one I am telling myself to think more about it and that I have to be more confident of the decisions I take in my life. Based on this we could say that the brain creates another thought based on the previous thought you had, which let us know that our subconscious works without we knowing it. This is also related to one of the pictures I took that I called “Unknown”, It’s a picture of the solar system which is very close to us because lives with us and we do not know everything about it yet. There are many secrets that have not been discovered yet, it’s same with subconscious within us, but we do not know everything. Now you might wonder what does this has to do with our decisions and the answer is very simple, our subconscious works behind our thoughts and somehow persuades us to make a decision.

Going back to the argument that my current thinking is focused on the things that will enable my future success. I am one hundred percent sure that everything I am thinking right now is connect to my future success. For example, on my list I wrote “I have to do homework and I have to go to work” (Jp1918 Pav 22). I do not know if it’s just me, but every time I have to do Homework and go to work I always choose to do my homework first,  like a said before , I am scared of the future; that is why I am always trying to complete my homework first, because I believe that experience change the path of your life . I do not want to be like some young people in this time that just because they are making money they drop out of college that is why I always prefer to do my school work first rather than anything. I took a picture that connected to what I am saying which I called “homework,” This picture represents one of the most important things in my life because based on that, it is how my future would look like. Everything I do in a homework is like a practice of what I am going to do in my workplace, because homework take few steps to get it done, and there are dedication, responsibility and willing of being success. In other words, you must work hard to get what you want, because you know that you are not the only one who is trying to get what you want. Therefore you have to prove others that you are the best option. The best advice is to not give up on your dreams.

After doing this project I feel different, because now I know how the brain save so many data in one day, The six examples I provided where nothing compares to the amount of thoughts  I had that day. Writing them down was a bit of difficult and I was personally impressed of the potential of our brain. I want to keep thinking just the way I am thinking right now because I believe I am in the right path. The correct direction to achieve my goal and become one of most successful people in my family and the world too. I think that by moving forward my thoughts are going to change, but I am pretty sure they will change for good, like I said the future is full of surprises and we do not know when our life is going to change.

 Word cited:

jp1819 [ Jeyson Paula]. “ Re: Project 1: thinking in writing”. OpenLab. ENGL1101 D377 Composition. September 20, 2014.Web. October 7, 2014

Paula, Jeyson. “ Homework”.flickr. October 5, 2014.Web.October 7, 2014

Paula, Jeyson. “ Unknown”.flickr. October 5, 2014.Web.October 7, 2014

Paula, Jeyson. “Which is The right Path”. Flickr.October 5, 2014. Web October 7, 2014