Author Archives: Elvin

Exploring John Jay’s Criminal Justice Management at John Jay and a Career in Criminal Justice by Elvin Shikder

My name is Elvin and I am a freshmen at New York City College Of Technology. My
current major is architecture but however, hopefully benefit semester I will be transferring to
John Jay to major in criminal justice management. This is the best career for me because I
believe I can adjust and blend well into field, not only because I like learning about enforcing the
law also because I have a passion for criminal justice and I love the action and studies. I have
past experience because my father works for the FBI and thus I’ve been experiencing the studies
since I could remember. I learn something new about the job everyday. In this essay I will show
you why my passion for my major and how it is important to me and my life, also how I am
developing this for my future.

Pursing a Criminal Justice Management Major in the federal field of studies is about law
and it’s practices. Pursing a job in the federal field by majoring in criminal justice management,
is useful to facts about law, criminal justice, paralegal studies , etc. The 2014-2015 John Jay
college of criminal justice, “Criminal Justice Management major focuses on the development of
leadership, supervision and analytic skills of students who aspire to executive positions in criminal justice agencies. (John Jay pg1.) Majoring in Criminal justice management will help me
get into the federal bureau by ranking top with my expertise and knowledge thought the studies
in my. Knowing how to manage in the criminal justice field is a huge gain because
knowing how to do so takes brains, time, knowledge, and experience which i can gain from
internships through my major.

Thus pursing a job in the criminal justice field is a bit of time and knowledge consuming
but it is worth it. One of the reason s why i am pursing this career field is because of the high
pay and benefits this job offers. To better understand my career choice as a criminal justice
management major pursing a federal position, I will talk about the job’s pay and benefits of the
job. According to the Bureau of labor statistics “A freshly graduated Special Agent’s salary begins at approximate $43,000 per year but this salary can increase to anywhere between
$63,000 and $69,000 depending on locality pay and availability pay adjustments.” (BLS). In
addition to the salary the benefits include, “ Paid vacations ranging from 14 to 26 days a year, up
to 13 days of sick leave per year, 15 days of military leave and 10 holidays. The agency offers
several health plans for investigators and their families, with part of the costs carried by the
government. A Flexible Spending Account program allows employees to set aside up to $5,000 a
year tax-free for medical spending.” (BLS). Even though the job can be dangerous, it is very
exciting and beneficial and rewarding.

Some of the other reasons being on why to i want to join this field of study is because of
the action that takes place in the job. I’m a guy who is full of action and drama. I always have to
be doing something, i cant sit behind a desk all day with a pencil, I’m out in the field always
using strategic thinking putting them in action. I can’t find a better occupation to do so instead of
this field in the FBI or some sort of government team. In the New York Times, there always
action and some new news about the FBI or CIA. For ex, “Boston Bombings Suspect’s Friend
Convicted of Lying to F.B.I.” (New York Times). The bombing of the Boston marathon was a big
event for the FBI and they were all over it and they got the guy and the ones held responsible within no time.

Thus being an agent in this field is very important to me and excited because i believe i
was born to do this but it took me a while to figure it out. For years i wanted to be an architect
because thats what my father wanted me to be. However the respect one earns from the public is
a crucial part to me in this career. Later on as i got older i realized he didn’t want me to join the
Bureau because he knows how dangerous it can be, but i believe i was born to do that and i have
a passion for it just like he does. Cops get well respected in the public and federal agents get
twice the respect because of the position they are in. Walking down New York City streets with
respect and responsibilities of the citizens is one i am willing to take. Many cops, or majority of
the cops have lost respect from the public because of there actions but i can assure that i will be
the responsible authority and model for the public For example in this article by the New York
Times (NY Times), “The opposite of respect: Mayor’s empty words on cops” talk about how the
respect of cops has declined because of their action and will power.

Throughout my study in this career field I have learned a lot from sources and
experience, but now I have interviewed one who has first hand knowledge and experience in the
career. Interviewing this one individual has helped me gain more knowledge in the career field
and give me more reasons to pursue my study onto becoming an agent.

Pursing a Criminal Justice Management Major in the federal field of studies is about law
and it’s practices. Pursing a job in the federal field by majoring in criminal justice management,
Is useful to facts about law, criminal justice, paralegal studies , etc. After all my research and
facts learned about the career it has bought to my attention onto the amount to physical and
mental preparation i will be needing and I’m ready for it. Yes, it can be dangerous and
challenging but I believe I will fit in well to my surroundings and learn quickly. This occupation
is the best fitted for me but there are many other careers similar to this, such as an attorney, CIA,
Homeland, Etc.


John Jay College Of Criminal Justice (John Jay). College Catalog 2014-2015. 2014. PDF 28.

Nov. 2014

United States. Dept Of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Criminal Justice Management”.

Bureau of Labor Statistics. Dept of Labor. Sept 2012. Web. 25. Nov. 2014

WILLIAMS, TIMOTHY. “Boston Bombings Suspect’s Friend Convicted of Lying to F.B.I.” The New York Times. 28 Oct 2014. Web. 29. Nov. 2014

Patrick J. Lynch. “ The opposite of respect: Mayor’s empty words on cops”. The

New York Times. 5 December 2014. Web. 7 December 2014


criminal minds photo

Nypd on horse

Writing My Brain Project by Elvin Shikder

In this project i had the chance to reflect my thoughts on my future goals and ambitions and how I’m going to accomplish them and the steps I’ve taken. I wrote down day thought where I would reflect to to see my focus on my goals. With the thoughts i have written i was able to use them and reflect to several photos that I’ve taken that have a deep meaning to me. throughout this project I’ve learned much about my steps for me to achieve my future goals and made them more organized .

Wake up
Shower get dressed, need more sleep
Pack bag for work and class
Have breakfast
Feed baby Jake and walk lexi
Leave the house and get to class
Sit in class for an hour and half amd get on with it
Leave class and get a snack
Start the next class
Get on with that class
Have lunch finally
Get to work
Hang woth some coworkers and talk with them
Stand around and greet people and get payed to stand in front of a store
When I’m bored go for a walk in the store
Then leave and get dressed to go home
Wait for the train forever
Finally walking home
Shower and freshen up
Do hw
Back to sleeppppp finally.

This photo is a picture of my baby brother “Jake” who means the world to me and has everything to do with my future.

This photo is a picture of where i work and where i am most of the time ” Hollister Co.” this place has a lot of meaning to me because I’ve learned a lot from here and met many new people who mean something to me now.
WP_002764 (1)

In this Photo it has more than one meaning, this picture shows “Photography” the thing i do on my free time and a place where i go to relax, as well as the view of NYC of what i love so much.
Windows Photo Gallery Wallpaper

My name is Elvin and I am a freshmen at NYCCT. I am 18 years old and I curentley am an architecture major but I am planning to change that to criminal justice management. Thus I plan on transferring out to John Jay. The reason I want to study criminal justice now is because I basically grew up with law enforcement because my father is a supervisory special agent for the FBI. And as he has a passion for it I also grew to have a passion for the study. But the reason I took up architecture because I always did like to draw and my father told me to study architecture ever since I was in 8th grade but I wanted to study criminal justice but he would always say no but never said why. As I got older I decided to take charge of my own life and study what I had a passion for and he also knew I was getting older so now he is encouraging me to follow my dreams. But the fact on why he told me in the first place on not why to study criminal justice is because it is a dangerous field and he has gotten shot before but he did have a vest on. And he was scared that it might also happen to me. Now he knows I am bigger and that is life so I have decided to take that field of study.
I currently do work, as a model for Hollister Co. I been with the company since last year and enjoy my job. I basically stand in one spot and greet people. I’m a greeter. As though my job is stated “model”, I can’t stand around all day. I’m an action guy, so a month ago I got promoted to mode/LP. LP stands for lost prevention agent or now the name was changed to asset protection AP. I am trained to apprehend shoplifters. This part of my job is interesting because for me at a young age I already have started my criminal justice and law enforcement career. I have a baby brother. His name is Jake and he is two years old. He is everything to my life, and he is one of the most important reasons on why I didn’t leave for college out of state. I can’t live without him. Every day when I come home from work he would be up and not sleep till I get home. I do everything for him bath, feed, play, love etc. last Halloween he was a Lion. But I don’t know what to make him this year. Even though he might bother me and be annoying I still love him because he is blood. Since I got Jake I don’t need anyone else. I take him many places, just us. One of our favorite place is Brooklyn Bridge Park and Gov Island. When I go to Brooklyn Bridge Park I do photography. I just started my photography hobby a couple of weeks ago and I’m beginning to like it. I love taking pictures of the city and nature. New York City is a beautiful place to live in. I was born and raised here but nationality wise I am part Cuban and Hawaiian. Every time Jake and I or my friends and I go to the city I still am amazed by its beauty. Jake and I often go to gov island, that’s our little play island he loves it there. And that’s where I can get away from everything and get be alone. That’s my spot but for a quick relaxing time for example after class or before work my place to go is Brooklyn Bridge Park. Thus I argue that my current thinking is focused on the things that will enable my future success.
My current actions are focused on my future success because I have already taken the step to start my career and study field in criminal justice management. I work for Hollister as a model and a LP agent which shows that I already took an action to move forward with my career. I prevent thefts and apprehend shoplifters on a daily basis, which in this case I work with law enforcement. Last two summers ago I participated in an internship for my dad at the bureau. I’ve worked with the FBI and gotten a taste for the job. But I’ve been looking at the job very since the day I was born because I lived with my father ever since I was born and have been growing interest in his field of study. Law enforcement is in my blood. The only thing stopping me now is time because time is what will tell my future as though I’ve already taken a step to start my career successfully.
I might also do modeling in the future. I took this step ahead because now I model for the company I was recruited to work for, Hollister Co. I’ve been with the company since last year and been a model for them since. I was recruited by # modeling agencies so far and I declined for all of them because I thought it wasn’t the right time for me to juggle work school social life and my family. As of now I am an in store model and my schedule is really flexible. Since I was working with the Company my managers love me and I learn new management tactic every day from them. This will also help me for my future. I’ve learned a lot from this job. I’ve learned management skills, inventory, and lost prevention training, marketing, cashier closing, etc. but at the end of the day I’m still considered a model for the company who represents the brand and greets people. Which is great because I get paid to stand and talk to people and take pictures with them! Soon I will move into an agency with bigger goals and work with many more people hopefully.
My past experience with my internship with the FBI and my current job are great examples for my future plan. The time I spend with Jake is helping me become a great future father but currently I believe I am a great big brother. My past experiences has helped me develop my future. My current thinking is focused on the things that will enable my future success. Without a doubt I believe I am heading in the right path. I spend most of my time at work, I call that my second home because my coworkers are like family epically my mangers. I have two favorite mangers and they always have my back no matter. I told myself that when they quit that’s when I quit. My friendship with them is that strong. But I love being there because were like a big family there and plus the store is a big mansion! Sometimes I stayed there till 1 am doing floor sets. I don’t do this job for the money I do it for my friends there. Being with them means more to me than making money. And the environment is so chill there. Also I meet new people every day, a lot of tourist and then they take a pic of me and them with them back home to here country. It makes me feel happy that I can make someone else feel the same way. Thus everything that I’m doing now is helping me become a better person physically mentally and successfully.

Elvin007 [ elvin shidker]. “Re: Project 1: Thinking in Writing.” Openlab. ENG1101 D377 English Composition 1, FA2014, 21 Sept, 2014.Web. 17 Oct, 2014

Shikder, Elvin “Jake.” Flickr. 15 Oct, 2014.Web. 18 Oct, 2014

Shikder, Elvin “Work Hollister Co.” Flickr. 21 Sept, 2014.Web. 18 Oct, 2014

Shikder, Elvin “Photography.” Flickr. 15 Oct, 2014.Web. 18 Oct, 2014