Writing My Brain Project By Samuel Collado


In this project I used my thoughts, a pencil, paper and a camera to compress all of my thoughts into a  blog. While reading this blog you will see in one part all of my thoughts in one day, in another part you will see my pictures that represent some of my thoughts and in the last part you will see my essay that I have written about my thoughts.


12:52 PM – I just woke up and I want to go back to bed, I woke up thinking I had English class so I rushed up from bed but as soon as I got up I noticed I did not and went back to sleep.

1:23 – Playing some destiny, wondering when to do my homework.

1:54 – Helping my girlfriend with her homework, also watching a show. Relaxing day.

2:28 – Doing some homework, thinking of college

2:58 – Thinking how stupid it is to drink alcohol and go clubbing

3:30 – Trying to analyze a passage with my girlfriend. Too confusing, I’m re reading it over and over.

4:03 – Finishing up the passage finally understood it, the brain is a crazy machine

4:33 – I hate my math professor, he is never prepared to teach us.

5:03 – reading some brain rules, great book.

5:43 – Feeling happy because my girlfriend was in a bad mood and she finally laughed

6:14 – Finished doing all my homework except this one and stopped playing destiny. Now I’m just in my bed relaxing, what a relaxing day

6:45 – Going to watch a movie, also relaxed still.. Nice day

7:15 – Just saw a great movie named fireproof, it’s amazing how a movie can influence a person In real life

7:45 – Talked with my girlfriend on the phone and We spoked about our favorite part of the movie

8:15 – Reading brain rules, trying to stay up to date with my class.

8:45 – Why is our brain so limited?

9:15 – answering a survey to figure out if I’m a perfectionist or not, I’m not.

9:45 – Finishing off my night with some food and some nice destiny gaming.

10:10 – Time to sleep! Not a very interesting day but it was a day.


Our Brain

The first photo I took which I titled “Our Brain” focuses on the book that I am currently reading in class. Our brain is an amazing machine and we still have yet to fully understand it, something that controls use and yet we do not understand, pretty insane right?


The second picture I took I titled “Math” , My math professor is horrible and I hate math, combining these two ruined my world, seriously.


My third picture is titled “Fireproof” , While watching this picture I was amazed how a movie can change someone in real life. After the movie ended I had some introspection myself and wanted to change my life.


My fourth and last picture is titled “Bed” , who doesn’t want to stay in bed? Everyone’s bed is the best thing to them in their life, I guarantee it.

Thinking Rhetorically and Reflectively

            Thoughts are uncontrollable, it happens to everybody. Some thoughts are amazing and will help our world a ton. Like our buildings, cars, airplanes, cell phones and a ton more. But thoughts can also be very frustrating and distracting, like thinking of playing a game while reading or spacing out during class and thinking of your house and that comfortable bed. Those are the thoughts I receive. My name is Samuel Collado and I am an undergraduate student at City Tech. I love to read and write and I also love to exercise and play video games. My concentration is horrible unless I’m exercising or playing a video game. But when I read or when I write, for instance right now. I easily get distracted and start to think about several different useless stuffs. I need to find a way focus my thoughts a lot A LOT more, I can’t get through a studying session with this brain that I currently have, and it must be enhanced. My thoughts are all over the place, I can’t seem to concentrate on one thing and I know it’s normal but I wished it wasn’t like that. Sometimes I wish I can just connect my book to my brain through some sort of cable, therefore no disruptions will occur.

Throughout this essay you will see how amazingly connected and concentrated my thoughts are (Yeah Right). When I woke up on the day of my thoughts assignment, I was prepping myself the night before. Why? I simply did not want thoughts that were horribly stupid and lame. But like I said in my introduction, it is uncontrollable. I woke up wanting to go back to bed, “I just woke up and I want to go back to bed” this thought is called “The Perfect Place”. People may think that’s normal, sure everyone wakes up wanting to stay in bed all day but that’s not something I want to wake up thinking. I want to get up from bed, jumping off as if my bed was a trampoline. I want to be ready for school instantly and I want my thoughts to be “Let’s go learn today and become smarter” or “Can’t wait to study and test myself on the answers”. Those thoughts have never gone through my head in a morning, unless I have a test which, but those aren’t positive thoughts.

If you were to picture a student, what do you think his thoughts are while he’s at school Maybe “Wow that’s interesting, I did not know that”. Not me, while I’m in school I think of so many different things it’s embarrassing. During my English class, my professor was explaining how our brain works, how it remembers things and how it learns. That’s amazingly interesting now that I think about it, but while he was explaining I was thinking of Destiny, A Video game that just recently released for the Playstation 4. “Playing some Destiny, wondering when to do my homework” this thought is called “Gaming before School” unbelievable. A college student wondering when to do homework, I should knock that off the same day I receive it, but I never think of that. Instead I think of playing a game that will not help me one bit in neither life nor education. I sometimes think of staying home the entire day and just play Destiny. Max out my character to the highest level possible, do the intense raids with my friends and rinse and repeat, sounds so productive. I want that to change to “I want to stay home all day and finish this book, re read my notes and make sure all my homework is done”.

Everyone expects college professor to be amazingly intelligent and the perfect people to listen to. But listen carefully, change that mind set because you’ll want to change that course or run out of the classroom when you receive a professor the opposite of that. Although my thoughts are still all over the place I do not consider this one a bad one. “My math professor sucks” this thought is titled “He Sucks”, pretty rude but is amazingly true. This guy comes in 20 minutes late and teaches us based on his Galaxy Note 3. If you’re teaching a subject I imagine you’ll be an expert at it, right? But let’s go back to my thoughts. So far it went from bed to destiny to math sucks. As you can see none of my thoughts are about education, well one of them is but it’s not exactly something positive. During his class I sometime try to force my thoughts onto math, it happens for about five minutes but it drifts away, a lot more than usual. I personally don’t think I’m the one to blame here, because according to my psychology professor it takes five minutes to keep someone’s attention, if you fail you’ll lose their attention. Pretty selfish to think like that, so I’ll take the blame, they are my thoughts afterwards. Nobody controls them, wish I at least could.

My thoughts never drifts away when I’m watching a movie and I never understood why. Maybe because I’m curious as to what will happen at the end? But regardless it’s extremely rare that my thought stays focused on one thing. I was watching a movie titled “Fireproof”, it was an amazing Christian movie. Throughout the entire movie I did not think of something else. I was just reading the subtitles and watching the movie, the entire movie and no other thoughts. I still remember everything that happened in that movie, which is also something rare, my memory is horrible. After the movie I stopped for a second and thought “I literally did not think of anything else but this movie, how weird “, I title this “Everything Should Be a Movie”. If everything was a movie, maybe I would never lose concentration or at least I hope. But re reading this thought, maybe I find the brain interesting and maybe I might work as a psychologist in the future. Then it hit me! , that’s the first thought that was about my future, not quite but the “how weird” part shows that it caught my attention and I’ll love to look into it, when I’m done with this essay I’ll definitely do some research as to why we lose concentration.

Some would assume that these are all normal thoughts. That every teenager goes through this because we’re still kids. But that’s really ridiculous, I know people younger than me who can focus on one thing until they’re completely finished. Now, thinking about games may be normal. But not while I’m in class, that should be the last thing on my brain until I get home and still not until I finish my homework or study. Others may assume that staying in bed when you wake up is totally normal, hell everyone might agree with that. But I do not want to wake up with that thought, no matter how normal it is. I want to wake up thinking about my future, my classes, and my career. I want to wake up asking myself, how am I going to find a job to gain experience? I want to wake up ready for the world, not sleepy again. It’s incredibly amusing to myself how strictly I talk about changing my thoughts but I never do anything about it, this has to change.

There has to be some sort of solution for this unorganized thoughts of mine. I was thinking of ways to help myself and I finally created some steps to secure my thoughts into one thing at a time. Let’s say I’m in class and I’m losing concentration, I thought maybe it’ll be perfect if I look at the teacher. I can’t stare at him because it’ll be weird, but I’ll try to maintain eye contact as much as I can. Another setting would be if I was home and I had to study. I was thinking of locking myself in my closet (pretty depressing) with a lamp. From there I’ll leave all technology out and focus on the paper in front of me, there I will not have any distractions. My last and most distracting situation is doing homework, the reason to this is because I know I have a couple of days until it’s due therefore leaving it for last minute. But I think I may have found a solution, right after my classes’ end I will head directly to the school Library and do my homework there. When I get home I will be done and no thoughts would’ve distracted me. As you can see I want my thoughts to be focused on school and nothing else as of now, that’s where my priority stands.


asuratraitor [Samuel Collado]. “Re: Project 1: Thinking in Writing” Openlab: ENG1101 D377 English Compisition 1, FA2014. 22 Sept.2014. Monday.13 Oct.2014.

Collado.Samuel “Bed.” Flickr. October 3, 2014. Web. October 13, 2014.

Collado.Samuel “Fireproof.” Flickr. October 3, 2014. Web. October 13, 2014.

Collado.Samuel “Math.” Flickr. October 3, 2014. Web. October 13, 2014.