My name is Bidemi Akinrolabu, I am 18 years old and I am a freshman student of New York City College of Technology. I major in Fashion and Marketing and am working harder to complete my course, and enter into a specific career field such as Macys. This is the best job for me because, I have the taste of fashion and hopefully for me, I got the opportunity to major in it. I enjoy making comment on cloths. I told most of my friends and family what type of cloth they should wear for different type of occasion.  I was eleven years old when I discovered this talent in me, then I was advised by my aunty to major in fashion when I get to college.

The second reason I chose this job is because, I want to have connection with top designers and models. To be honest, I have always wanted to become a model. The moment I started growing up, I made a promise to myself that I am going to model for different types of shoes, cloths and bags so that I can make some connections and have my own fashion trend.

My third reason that I think this career is the best for me is that of the money I am going to make and how famous I am going to become.

For better understanding about my decision to major in Fashion and Marketing and also to pursue a job at Macys, it is important to know the following fact about my major.

According to the 2014-2015 New York City college catalog College of Technology (page 126), it makes us understand that, ‘’City Tech-Fashion and Marketing will teach us the theoretical Knowledge and practical skills necessary for my career, including fashion merchandising, textiles and fashion buying.’’ Also it (city tech catalog) states that, ‘’ this program is designed for the student in the dynamics of fashion, both as a business and as an expression of contemporary culture.  Graduates are employed in business organizations in the United States and Europe as executive or administrative trainees in the growing field of fashion marketing and business management. Some establish and operate their own businesses. Among the employers of graduates are Saks, Macy’s, J.C. Penney, ENYCE, the Gap, Bloomingdale’s, Dolce & Gabana, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Victoria’s Secret and Graduates have a history of success in the industry and many advance to higher executive positions. Many continue their education and receive baccalaureate degrees of contemporary culture.

Here are the photos that i took to support my research.




I read a book at my school library titled the vogue factor by Clements Kirstie. This book talked about the inside story of fashion’s most industrious magazines and how important fashion means to the world.

City Tech is helping me prepare for my career by providing me with great and wonderful professors that are teaching me what I need to know in my future career. According to Professor Roosevelt Bartholomew (Essential of marketing professor), he made it clear to me that, ‘’ Students in fashion marketing are introduced to buying and management careers in fashion-related manufacturing firms, showrooms, retail stores and electronic commerce’’.

I will recommend those who are interested in my major or those who are already in it to ask a lot of question and do more finding because this major calls for research, but I will advise that the school (city tech) library should be used for anything we need to research on.


The New York City College of Technology (city tech) college catalog 2014-2015 states, ‘’ city tech-fashion and marketing will teach us the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for my career’’ (city tech 126).

 In my interview with Professor Roosevelt Bartholomew, he says, ‘’ Students in fashion marketing are introduced to buying and management careers in fashion-related manufacturing firms, showrooms, retail stores and electronic commerce’’ (Roosevelt Par.3).

Kirstie tells us that, ‘’ this book talked about the inside story of fashion’s most industrious magazines and how important fashion means to the world’’ (Kirstie Par.3).


New York City College of Technology (city tech).College Catalog 2014-2015. 2014. PDF. 12 Nov 2014.

Kirstie, Clements. The vogue factor. San Francisco, 2014. Chronicle books.

Roosevelt, Bartholomew. Personal interview. 12 Nov. 2014.