Writing my Brain Project by Nicholas Tam


This project gave me a opportunity to write down what i did on a certain day and reflect upon it. I also had to take pictures of the places i went to when i wrote down my thoughts. Last of all, I had to write an essay based on what i wrote and write a argumentative essay on it. The purpose of this project is to think back on the actions i take and make a plan for what i should do in the future.


Woo, I’m finally awake.
I think I should go out and eat something.
Just kidding I’ll just cook food.
This soup is so hot, have to let it cool down.
This drama is getting good.
Time to go out to play basketball.
This game is too intense.
I want to go home and take a shower.
Should i eat dinner at home or with my friends tonight?
Popeye’s, tonight it is.
Why is it so expensive?
Thank god I have my bike to go places.
Showering after playing ball is the best.
Time for some computer games.
This game pisses me off so much, i don’t know why i play it.
Its getting late should i sleep?
These videos are keeping me up, they’re so funny.
Now I’m tired, going to pass out.


My soup of the day.

This is the kind of soup that i drank. I love canned soup, It’s so easy to make and warms my heart. It’s perfect for the cold weather outside and it fills me up.

Biking with my boys.

This is a picture of me and my friends biking around the neighborhood, looking at the sunset. We always bike around the time when it’s sunset because we want to see the sight of the sun go down.

This computer game that gets me pissed off.

This is a picture of my desktop screen and my keyboard. League of Legends is the game that i always play before i go to sleep and it gets me so frustrated.


Hello, my name is Nicholas Tam. I am still seventeen years old unfortunately due to the fact that i have a late birthday. It is on November seventeen, coming soon but still quite not eighteen yet. I was the only sibling until my sister was born couple years ago.  I am currently a student at New York City College of Technology, first year. I’m suppose to major in computer systems but I want to transfer school, I didn’t want to take a class that other schools might not have. Thankfully i only have school 2 days of the week but my days are long. I don’t know if i can handle the stress when midterm and final time come because it’s going to be test after test. I will be arguing that what i am thinking right now is not focused on my future success.

The day that i wrote my thinking was one of the days where i didn’t have school so i woke up really late in the afternoon because i stay up late night to watch movies. I usually eat when it is afternoon so i needed something to eat but I didn’t feel like making something hard to make. So i just went with my favorite canned soup. While drinking my warm soup, it was time for my daily drama. While i was half way through my drama, my friends texted me and asked me if I wanted to go out and play basketball. The weather was nice so I said yes. A lot of my friends came so we got a full court game going on, everyone was hot and sweaty. It was a very intense game but in the end my team lost. It was a really good game though. I live really close to that park so I bike home in a second and took a shower. I was really in the mood for some Popeye’s because its been a while since i had fried chicken. I went to grab some Popeye’s with my friends. I use to know a friend that works in Popeye’s so he gave us chicken for free but ever sine he quit we haven’t went. This is the first time in a while that i paid for Popeye’s chicken, boy it is expensive. After that I biked home and play my computer game. It’s a game you play with five people, the game requires a lot of experience and skill. Most of the time when you are not doing that others expect you do, they look down on you and yell at you. That’s why this game gets me really mad sometimes. It’s getting late, I think I should go sleep but I just found some old funny videos of people doing stupid things. i was watching those for a while because I think it’s hilarious when people do stupid things. After a while my eyes got tired and i just laid on my bed and fell asleep.

Many times have my parents asked me what i want to do in the future and i told them i just don’t know yet. i haven’t decided on something i really like to do for a career. They told me i should do something that can make enough money so i can take care of myself. Since i was born my parents really had their own business and they really got me everything i wanted and needed. I really didn’t think that the time would come when I would have to start being independent. I’m more of a kind of person that just really let things flow. If my parents really don’t force me, I just choose to do what is fun for myself and i go do it. Like in (Paragraph 9) “Should i eat dinner at home or with my friends?” they don’t force me to go home to eat dinner and I felt like eating Popeye so I went and ate Popeye with my friends.

I thought about working for a gaming company because i actually did get a job offer from one of my favorite games: Hearthstone. Their company is Blizzard Entertainment, and they offered me a job to do server maintenance. I couldn’t take the job because it requires you to be on the server for quite a bit of hours due to the fact that the game has only been released for a mere year. Computer is one of my better subjects but a lot of my friends are better than me at what i do.


I have to admit that i have been slacking and really sitting back and letting things happen. So i haven’t been thinking about my future too much. Most of the things i do is hang out with my friends, go out to different places to eat, go biking, and stay home to play computer games. Sometimes i pick up jobs from my friends that are bike messenger and do one or two jobs for them because they pay me back and treat me to drinks so i don’t mind. Biking is one of my bigger hobbies. If there was something i ever thought about doing in the future it would be being a bike messenger because I’m already half of one. I’m pretty sure my parents wouldn’t like it if i become a bike messenger because it is really dangerous biking in the streets of NYC. Those taxi drivers really hate bikers, they would never yield to them. After college if i really can’t find anything i like to do, i plan on opening my own bike shop. That is the only thing i have been seriously thinking about towards my future. In the end, who knows what events will unfold in the future. The future is a mystery to us all, that’s why I want to sit back and watch these moments happen.


aznfatty17 (Nicholas Tam) ” Re: Project 1: thinking in writing” Openlab. ENG1101 D377 English composition 1, FA2014 1:02 19, Sept. 2014 Web 14 Oct. 2014

Tam, Nicholas “My soup of the day” Flickr. 14, Oct. 2014 14 Oct, 2014

Tam Nicholas “Biking with my boys” Flickr 9 Oct. 2014 14 Oct, 2014

Tam Nicholas “This computer game that gets me pissed off” Flickr 14, Oct. 2014 14 Oct. 2014