Writing My Brain Project By Bidemi Akinrolabu.

In this project, i used a day of thought, photo and essay to explain my thought and plan for my future.


Waking up very early in the morning is freaky annoying.5:30 am
I can’t do without eating popeyes.8:00am
This weather is too cold for my liking.10:00am
WOW!I want that french fries.10:30am
I don’t want to do the dishes but do i have a choice?.11:30am
Am tired of standing for this ‘A’ train.1:00pm
I wish i could have my own car.3:15pm
Can’t wait to get home,am hungry.9:00pm
i can’t wait to get to the mall.
my couin taking pictures of me is fun.
I’m freaking out,what kind of pictures is she taking.
I think i need my photographer.
i can’t wait to become a model.
I love watching korean and taiwanese drama.
I don’t know why i’m been criticized of not having a boyfriend.
Studying and praying is my key to success.


“https://www.flickr.com/photos/127558502@N06/15501933901″ title=”waking up by bidemi akinrolabu, on Flickr”><img src=”https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2949/15501933901_884c7ab879_s.jpg” width=”75″ height=”75″ alt=”waking up”></a>

This is my first photo[waking up in the morning].

“https://www.flickr.com/photos/127558502@N06/15502027471″ title=”boys issue by bidemi akinrolabu, on Flickr”><img src

This is my second photo

<a href=”https://www.flickr.com/photos/127558502@N06/15318520637″ title=”make up by bidemi akinrolabu, on Flickr”

This is my third pretty self.

“https://www.flickr.com/photos/127558502@N06/15501887681″ title=”pweety by bidemi akinrolabu, on Flickr”><img src=”https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3937/15501887681_7803414525_s.jpg” width=”75″ height=”75″ alt=”pweety”></a>

My last photo


My name is Bidemi Akiinrolabu and am 18 years old, I was born on February 5th 1996. I was born in to the family of four and I’m the eldest and also the first born in my family. I love dancing taking pictures of myself and I love dancing to dancing to Nigeria music because I was born and raised in Nigeria. I have a lot of thought going on in my head and I decided to put all my thought into writing. Most of my thought are all about my future and where I will be when I grow. In my life I have been placed into an up and down situation, to the extent that I gave up to be a successful person, then I was called by my pastor who counselled me and told me never to give up and strive for success. So I began to focus on my future and thought of how wonderful my life is going to be great. I began to do so many thing and the thought of the positive things I have done made me start thinking about how wonderful my future is going to be, then I decided to put all my thought into writing. I will be arguing about the fact that my current thinking is focused on the things that will enable my future success.

I hate waking up very early in the morning because it is so tiring and annoying. This happens to almost everybody but I definitely hate it. This habit of waking up late made me missed three important things in my life. Then I thought of waking early so I will sleep immediately I get back from school and wake by 10:55 pm, then I will study from eleven o’clock in the night till four o’clock in the morning, then I will go prepare for school. This was how things worked for me but it looks weird but this is the best I can do and I believe this method of mine will be beneficial to me in future.

I am been criticized of not having a boyfriend, but why would they criticize me, this is my life am talking about here. This is personal but I don’t mind putting this into writing. Like I have said earlier before, this is my like here, ‘do I need a boy? No. I don’t need a guy to create a distraction to my studies because I don’t think am going to focus on my studies. To be honest, I have never had a boyfriend in my life, I know it is hard to believe but that is the true. Before I lost my mum 10 years ago, she once told me that in this life, we all have one chance to do what we want because time wait for no one and also I shouldn’t go out with a guy that will stop me from achieving my goal in life. This word has been ringing in my head that is why am scared of guys that asked me out. Everything about me are weird but that was how I was brought up. I just hope that I achieve my goal so I will have time for my partner, so I will know that am been blessed by GOD and my Mother.

I have wanted to be a fashion model in future and advertise different types of cloths all over the world but family members and relatives are degrading me, they never wanted anything good to work out for me which is never possible. I thank GOD that am growing from a child into an adult, no one to tell me what to do and what not to do. Now am taking steps to be the model I have wanted to be  by taking a lot of pictures of myself, so when am old enough to move out I can pursue my career because of that I have decided to study fashion and marketing in college so when I grow I would be able to market my own cloths. I just hope all my effort don’t go in vain. With this I hope being a fashion model will enable my future success.

I can’t do without watching Korean and Taiwanese drama, if I was asked the numbers of this Asian drama I have watched, I will round it up to 5000 dramas. Am also using that opportunity to learn how to speak in their language because I will like to extend my business to that two particular countries. But the main reason am watching this drama is because I love the way to write and act the story, to be honest it is fun watching this drama and I believe I will learn the language fast so it will be useful for me

                                                                                Work Cited

Hannah [Bidemi H. Akinrolabu]. Project 1 ”Re: Project1: Thinking In Writing”. Open lab.English.1101 D377 English Composition 1, FA 2014, 19 Sept. 2014. Web. 11 Oct. 2014.

Akinrolabu, Bidemi. ”I hate waking up’ early”. Flickr. 11 Feb. 2014.

Akinrolabu Bidemi. ”Boys issue”. Flickr. 28 Feb. 2014.

Akinrolabu, Bidemi.”Make up”. Flickr. 11 Feb. 2014.

Akinrolabu, Bidemi.”Pweety”. Flickr. 11 Feb. 2014.

During my day of thoughts, i wrote,”this wonderful things about what i am doing today” [Hannah Par. 4].

When i visited the mall to get some cloths, i took a picture of myself. [Hannah,”myself”].
