Author Archives: Elizabeth910

My Brain Thought Process by Elizabeth Mederick-Harrow


In this project, I reflect a lot on my life and what I want to achieve for the future. I found out different ways I change my past self into a better person. Thinking and recording my thoughts allowed and motivated me to think deeper into where I see myself in five years and to see if that is the position that I truly want to be in.

Thinking In Writing 

My goals for the next five years is to join the military after I get my bachelor degree. The military has many different offers such as schooling and traveling. The idea of traveling and seeing new things is very exciting. I want to pursue a career as a military doctor. Helping and taking care of other’s has always been a passion of mine. I onstantly think of difderent quotes to motivate myself and it helps me a lot in my daily life, because life comes with a lot of challenges and it is a preparation for the future. I feel the military is a big challenge and will eventually form me into a better person because you do not have to only be physically strong you also have to be mentally strong.
After serving in the military, I want to further my education to become an Obstetrician. Going into the military is that extra push I need because, I will come out with more hands on experience as a doctor. However, I want to go to medical school to gain more insight into being an Obstetrician, because it is way different than a military doctor. My family is my main prority. I just want to make them proud of the person I am becoming because if my future is bright I will always do my best to keep them happy.

Thinking Visually – I have this stethoscope as a constant reminder of my goals as a child. It has always been the same which is to become a doctor and I don’t think it will ever change.– I have always had a passion for poetry. I just recently wrote a book and currently working on my second one. – My family is from St. Lucia. I love traveling there every summer it is just a good way for me to relief stress and just relax. -I know I want to eventually join the military. However, I am not sure if I should leave school and join or just wait two more years when I am finish with school then join. I just want to experience something new while I am still young. That’s the main reason why this has been on my mind a lot. – Working in a restaurant it is very hard not to think about food. I love to try different kinds of food. – I think about music a lot because it keep me very calm and mellow throughout the whole day. It helps me relief a lot of stress. I could not imagine my life without music.

Thinking Reflectively

I always imagined how my life would be five years from now. I see myself getting my bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts and Science. Although, it is very tough I am willing to work very hard and accomplish what I came to college for. Shortly, after graduating with my bachelor’s I hope to start my one year journey with the military. When I join the military I want to pursue a career as a military doctor. I feel the military will make me into a more diligent student which will help me to better my future. So, when I am done serving my time in the military I will continue to further my education, knowledge and experiences to become an Obstetrician. My family is a big factor in my decisions because I want to make them proud of my accomplishments. I want to show them that I wanted to be a doctor for a long time and I am willing to make changes to be steps closer to my goal.

My plans for the next five years are to join the military after I get my bachelor’s. The military has many different offers such as schooling and traveling. The idea of traveling and seeing new things is very exciting. A military doctor is what I am striving for. Helping and taking care of others has always been a passion of mine. “They thought I fell when I did not even touch the ground”. I made this quote and I constantly repeat it to myself because it helps me a lot in my daily life. Life comes with many challenges and I am just trying to fight through my obstacles. I feel the military is a big challenge and will eventually form me into a better person because you not only have to be physically strong you also have to be mentally strong.

After serving in the military, I want to major in Biology so I can further my education into becoming an Obstetrician. Going into the military is that extra push I need because I will come out with more hands on experience as a doctor. I want to go to medical school for four years to gain more insight into being an Obstetrician, because it is different than a military doctor. Then, eventually do my residency for four years and get my doctor’s license. I always tell myself that hard work and dedication gets you far in life because you are always pushing yourself to do better and if you really put your mind to do something you have a passion about you will be able to achieve it.

In the future, I want to think about my family more. They support me in everything I do and I just want to thank them for all that support by showing them that when I set my mind to something I aim to achieve. I am close with most of my family members and I care about their opinion at times because I know they want nothing but the best for me. I just want to make them proud of the person I am becoming because if my future is bright, I will always do my best to keep them happy.

One of my major setback is I tend to procrastinate and fall behind because I sometimes bring my personal life into my work life. If things are not going the way I want it to I will start to procrastinate and not complete what I started. I am slowly trying to phase out that bad habit and change my attitude for medical school. At that point, my studies will be more challenging and I have to stay focus to be on top of my academics if I want to achieve my goal.

Another setback is I have poor sleeping habits. My schedule can get hectic because of school and work. So, I always stay up extra late just to have to my assignments due on time which causes me to have lack of concentration in class because I am so tired and not well rested. However, I noticed while traveling to work or school, I do not do much on the bus or train I just listen to music when I could be doing my work. Also, I need to try to go to sleep earlier at night and wake up early the morning to complete my assignments before work or school. It is not easy trying to balance between work and school but I know it will all pay off for the future ahead.

My final setback is I get distracted very easily. Technology is advancing and I get caught up in it.  My phone is my number one distraction and it is very hard to stay away from it. I want to distance myself away from my phone in the future. It will help me concentrate a lot better because I will not stop what I am doing just to answer it. It also prevents me from doing my work right away because I am constantly on the phone for hours and I always say to myself I have time later so I will complete it when I put the phone down. Sometimes, I end up never getting to my assignment and end up turning them in late.

In conclusion, I do not take good advice very lightly. I want to have a better sleeping habit, learn to stay away from my main distraction and take my work more seriously. Changing myself now will have a better impact on my future. The little steps I will be taking now will help me to completely get over my bad habits and accomplish where I want to be in life. I may not see the outcome now but I know I will look back on my past self and say I do not want to be that person anymore. I finally achieved the main goal I planned to do since I was a child. If you dedicate yourself to a plan or a goal and you want it bad enough, you just have to put in the hard work and it will happen.