Author Archives: Ayesha Javed

“Exploring New York City Tech’s Computer Engineering Technology and a Career in Computer Engineering Technology by Ayesha Javed”

Ayesha Javed
Professor Jason W. Ellis
English 1101
May, 11, 2015

ayesha project


Choosing and coming to City Tech has opened many doors of opportunities for my career. My name is Ayesha Javed and I am studying Bachelors in Bachelor of Technology in Computer Engineering Technology. After obtaining my degree in this field I would be pursing my career working for technology companies that I have always wanted to work for in New York. Getting this degree will open up a wide range of jobs for me from semiconductor design and fabrication to operating systems. As said by Oprah Winfrey, “Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” which leads us to why I know this is the best career for me. You have to be passionate about everything you want to achieve in your life. Technology has always amazed me and I always wanted to know how computers were built, and worked. What parts did what function and what parts went where in the computer system? Also in this field I know not only do I have many career opportunities but a high range of pay as well. The average salary of a computer engineer in USA is $89,000 per year, which is 97% higher than the average U.S. salary. In Computer Engineering Technology not only must you know how to fix a computer but also how to explain technical things to non-technical people and that is what companies look for in their employees. Deloitte was a company I visited while I was studying Net + at Per Scholas. While being there it attracted me more since that was a company I had always wanted to work for. Deloitte was one of the reasons why I basically “fell in love” with Technology. From being so passionate about this career field I chose, to having my goals set for my future all I lack is the knowledge which I will get at New York City College of Technology. In this essay I will talk about the main things that you should know about Bachelors in Computer Engineering Technology, all the background on it, my reasons to why I chose this as my career and how City Tech will help me prepare and achieve this goal.


Computer engineering technology students learn the technical skills they need to help computer engineers design computer hardware and software. Class topics include computer electronics and programming, computer installation and testing, and report writing. Being in this field I will learn to select and apply the knowledge, techniques, skills, and modern tools of the discipline to broadly-defined engineering technology activities. Also I will have “An ability to select and apply a knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to engineering technology problems that require the application of principles and applied
procedures or methodologies.” (City Tech). Being a student and taking all my required courses will give me the advantage of knowing how to design systems, components or processes for broadly-defined engineering technology. I will be able to work with computers to a far depth and know as much as there is to be known. Besides all the technical abilities that I would have City Tech also teaches you how to apply written, oral and graphical communication skills in both technical and non-technical environments. Having as many more skills as you can makes you more valuable and another set of abilities that City Tech provides you with is ” a commitment to quality, timeliness, and continuous improvement and the ability to function effectively as a member or leader on a technical team.” (City Tech). This leads us to what would be expected when I graduate from this college. “Graduates of the Computer Engineering Technology program are expected to be employed, as engineering technologists or the equivalent, in positions beyond the entry-level for which this program has prepared them.” (City Tech). For progression in and graduation from the Computer Engineering Technology (CEB BTech) program, a minimum grade of ‘C’ is required in the following courses in the major: MAT 1575, MAT 2680, Computer Engineering Technology 3625.Since you have gained all the knowledge that you needed to be qualified as a engineer then you must be able to achieve this goal. This was just an over-view to what my career is and what advantages I would have. Being able to study in this college has given me a lot of hope to moving closer to what I want.


ayesha pro
“Computer engineering majors are some of the highest paid workers in the country, according to new data analyzed by the Brookings Institution.” (“Computer engineering graduates are some of the top paid workers in the country”, October, 8, 2014). Who doesn’t want to earn money when they are working? That is the only reason we are working so we can get paid not only to pay our bills but fulfill our desires. This was one of the reasons why I chose Computer Engineering as my field because you are considered to get a high pay. My parents have done a lot for me and I want to do something back for them. As much as they would be happy to see me achieving my dreams, I want to do something in return for them so they don’t have to struggle when they are older and money is one factor that would help me achieve this. Students who graduate with engineering degrees across a variety of fields are rewarded with high-paying jobs and have strong earning potential throughout their career. Computer engineering has grown the fastest over the last few decades and computers now permeate our everyday lives. With the increasing demands of computers so are more chances of you being successful in this field. The average salary of a Computer Hardware Engineer is $106,930 annually. Salaries start from $64,620 and go up to $154,810. In this case not only money is earned but more knowledge as well with your experience in this field.

You must be passionate, you must dedicate yourself, and you must be relentless in the pursuit of your goals. If you do, you will be successful. This is what always has derived me to pursue my education in Computer Studies. My mom has always said that always choose what interests you since you will never get bored of it and it will seem more like a hobby rather than a job. You cannot do what you don’t find happiness in. Computers have always amazed me and I have been learning about them since middle school. From the very little parts such as a CMOS battery in the motherboard to all the software’s used to run a computer have always kept my attention. My curiosity has led me to this point that I want to continue my career in this field and as said by Albert Einstein “I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” Ever since I was a child I wanted to know how things were built and what made them work and as I grew up I realized that I was into Technology and devices even more. In high school I took Computer Studies as a subject and I learned how to make programs and learn different computer languages such as Visual Basic 2010.” Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing and what you love doing. ” (Mubin Ejaz. Personal Interview. 26 March 2015. While being at Per Scholas an institution that I went to, to get my Net + certification I had 500 hours of extensive hand on experience with computers, fixing them, putting and breaking them apart. As hectic it was it gave me joy just to learn how to fix it. These experiences I had made me more passionate about this field and made me want to continue what I was doing. It pushed me further to achieve my goals and get the knowledge I did not have yet about computers.

If you’re convinced that technology can help solve many of the world’s greatest challenges. Driven to make a difference. Eager to make big ideas a reality. Open to learning from preeminent leaders in the business. Searching for a stepping-stone to a bright future. And, above all, if you have confidence in yourself and your abilities, then you basically have the potential to succeed at Deloitte. There are a lot of technology companies out there and I had been to quite several of them but Deloitte attracted me the most and upon achieving my Bachelors Degree I always wanted to work for Deloitte as a Computer Technician.” Technology at Deloitte isn’t simply about using technology for technology’s sake; it’s all about how our clients use technology to achieve their desired business outcomes. Consequently, we require individuals with a passion and enthusiasm for technology and a desire to innovate to solve the unique challenges facing our clients and their business.” (Bill Frauda, “What makes Deloitte different.” March 30 2015). It’s not only about fixing computers as said by Bill Frauda but it’s about how it would give advantage to others as well since it’s not only about taking but giving back to your people. You must know how to interact with people and how to talk with them and I have always been good at that. Deloitte has been one of the most successful companies we know of and still advancing in the field. Being at a company like that you would get to learn so much and so many more doors to opportunities would open up for me. Today business and technology are inextricably linked. And keeping pace with the emerging technology landscape can be difficult for even the most tech-savvy leaders, and that is what Deloitte is for. From the environment, people, to all the experience I will be able to get in that company I would want to work there for every reason there is and I hope to achieve this goal when I get my Bachelors degree in Computer Engineering Technology.


“The Computer Engineering Technology Department takes a multi-disciplinary approach with theoretical and practical foundations in current and emerging technologies. The department is dedicated to prepare students with the fundamentals of electrical technology, electromechanical technology, computer hardware, software, networks, using engineering principles to integrate these technologies to control electromechanical devices, and develop computer controlled and embedded systems.” (Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2014-15). This is the main things you will get to learn while being enrolled at City Tech and these skills are what employers look for in a candidate when on an interview. Learning all these skills will benefit me in my future since it would give me more chances to get a job that I want in Technology. At City Tech students are prepared for entering into the fields of computer engineering technology related industries and for pursuing an advanced degree. Through excellence in teaching, hands-on laboratories, internship experience, and innovative use of technology, the department provides a friendly atmosphere for each individual where learning, creativity, and personal growth can flourish. The classrooms are equipped with modern computers, embedded system development platform and tools, computer network equipment, simulators, design and application software, and measuring instruments. These are some of the equipment’s which we will use later on in our jobs as well and we would already have practiced on them. Being a student at City Tech I have already learned so much and there is so much more to come. “The Computer Engineering Technology department is proud of having accomplished faculty members who bring a wealth of knowledge from academia, industry, and business. In addition to being experienced teachers in classrooms, Computer Engineering Technology faculty are involved in a wide variety of research activities such as Mobile Robots and Multi-robot Systems, Network Science, Embedded Systems, Conformance Testing, Software Engineering, Control Theory and Application, and etc.” (Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2014-2015). In this quoted part you are able to see that City Tech doesn’t only give you the knowledge but it gives you the opportunities to explore more into your career and advance. Events like these open up students minds as well as mine and that is more one achievement for students like me who are also doing Computer Engineering. There is a saying by Franco Bacon that “A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.” but I think that New York City College of Technology will give you all the opportunities that you need.

What can you not do with this degree is the question instead of asking what can you? After getting Bachelors in Computer Engineering Technology it would be a dream come true for my parents and myself. With this degree I will be able to get many job opportunities at companies which include Verizon, Deloitte, Bloomberg and many more. But not only will I be able to get a good job I will save a lot of money as well since I would know how to fix computers I wouldn’t have to spend money on getting them fixed like I do now. This degree would give me advantage in every way possible. If anyone interested in this field would want to learn more they should at least visit some colleges to find out about their programs, and visit technology companies to see if they do interest you. Often working on teams with engineers and designers from other disciplines, computer engineers can contribute to a wide variety of compelling projects. From designing new microchips to developing industrial robots, computer engineers use their skills to help businesses and consumers solve all kinds of problems. With computers integrated in more and more products around the world, a computer engineer’s career choices are nearly limitless. They will be able to explore more exciting new opportunities in their career and this is one thing that I want the most. “No thief, however skillful, can rob one of knowledge, and that is why knowledge is the best and safest treasure to acquire.” as said by L. Frank Baum.

                                  Work Cited

New York City College of Technology (City Tech). “Bachelor of Technology in COMPUTER ENGINEERING Technology ”. New York City College of Technology College Catalog 2014-2015. Web. 27 March 2015.

Mack Gelbordy. “Computer engineering graduates are some of the top paid workers in the country.” Article. October, 8, 2014)

Mubin Ejaz. Personal Interview. 26 March 2015.

Bill Frauda. “What makes Deloitte Different?” Web. 30 March 2015

United States. Computer Engineering. U.S. Department of Tech. Occupational Outlook Handbook. 2014-2015. Web. 23 April 2015

Hardwork Pays Off By Ayesha Javed

1. Introduction

From noting the down all the activities we thought of the whole day to taking pictures of those thoughts and transferring everything into a single essay. This activity made me realize what I am doing, thinking of the most, and what should I concentrate on the most to get what I want. Every step made me realize something, such as I don’t spend much of my time with my family and that’s one of the things I wanted to concentrate on the most. It made my future goals even more clear. In the following project I have divided into three sections. First is the part where I wrote down all of my thoughts, second is where I transformed those thoughts into pictures and captured them, and last but not least is the essay.


2. Thinking In Writing 
As I looked down on my thoughts that I wrote for my day I noticed most of them were related to my career. Where I am standing at the moment?; What do I have to do to be successful?; And what path do I have to take in order for me to achieve what I want. It’s the ambition I have towards my education and to achieve a successful career is what keeps me going. Education has become my first priority, which was the reason why I joined Per Scholas to get my A+ and Net+ Certifications. Throughout my day I basically thought about my classes at City Tech and Per Scholas and how I have to manage my time so I don’t get left behind in anything. But while thinking about that I also felt I was under a lot of stress trying to manage the timings and classes in both places. Here and there while I took breaks I just thought about my family and my country, Pakistan. How much I missed the times there with my cousins and days full of laughter. While thinking about that I realized and thought how easy life was in my high school years with no worries about anything. I just had to worry about my homework’s and tests, or what places to hang out with my friends after school. I spent most of my time worrying and thinking about all my classes and tests, and what I needed to complete and do (Including all my assignments). No matter how much I tried to distract myself by listening to music or watching random videos to relax my mind, I always ended up thinking about my studies. It has become the center of my thoughts and maybe it always will be until I have something in my hands.


3. Thinking Visually
-This picture shows how I’m always concentrated on my education and how it is a first priority for me now since my ambition to achieve what I want.

– Per Scholas- A place where I’m taking my first step towards a successful career and learning so much on what I can do.

– This was a wall where there many pictures posted of my family, it always reminded me of them and how much I missed being around them.

-Novels! Something that I want to spend more time on and what I think of doing but don’t get enough time. It was always a hobby and I would want to spend more time reading Jude Deveraux.

-I have always loved travelling and its what I would like to think about more and travel to new places. It gives me joy and I would want to visit new places.

-Since I barely get time to do anything, I would like to pamper myself and spend more time on myself.

4. Thinking Reflectively

Working in Deloitte for the past five years and moving from just an entry level technician to the position of help desk support specialist have finally made me satisfied with myself. As I sit in the CafĂ© of Deloitte, I remember the time when I was struggling with my classes at Per Scholas and City Tech, how I ran from one institute to another just to manage my classes. I never had time anymore for anything, not even myself back then because I was so concentrated towards my education and I was so career-orientated. Although I had to face so many struggles, now I think it was worth it. I do not think I would be sitting in the company I always wanted to work for the most if I had not done what I did five years back. Not only have I managed to start my career but I also did what I always wanted to do the most – make my parents proud. What seemed as a bitter trial back then is a blessing to me now. Life has offered me so much and I managed to accept and accomplish so much of it because of hard work. I would not want to be anywhere other than where I am now in my life, and of course Deloitte. Sipping on my coffee and sitting in the cafĂ© makes me realize this is what I always wanted to do. How much joy I have gotten from accomplishing all this. How I built this firm foundation for myself with the bricks others have thrown at me I feel proud of myself.

I had to sacrifice a lot of stuff to get to this position and one of them was time with my family. Back then I was so caught up with my studies and my career that I barely got to spend any time with them. In the “Thinking Visually” part of this project I posted a picture that I took of the family photo wall and I remember how I used to look at it when I used to miss my family. They have supported me in every possible way they could and they also have helped me so much to reach to this point today. I regret giving them really little time because now sometimes it feels as if they’re so far away from me even though they’re right next to me. I had such a strong bond with my sisters but now we barely sit and talk. As you grow older and go towards your career you have more responsibilities, no one is going to do anything for you, you would have to do it yourself. I still miss them and now since I’m all settled in my job at Deloitte, I usually visit my mother and father in Brooklyn. I’m working on getting the bond back to where it was five years before. My family has done so much for me and I couldn’t love them any less. Not only did they support me financially but they have always encouraged me to go on further. Every memory I have made with them I still remember those moments and smile, they’re so precious to me and that’s what I will do now to make more memories with them.

Summer is on its way! Right now I just need to focus on my studies and my career. Everyone needs time off since it relaxes your brain but traveling at the moment would cause me a lot of problems. Of course you can travel on weekends to other states or other areas of New York where you would feel relaxed. Not only that but you can always travel in summers when you get time off of college. You wouldn’t have to worry about that you have to complete a project for Physics class or do a assignment for Math’s class. You would be free of worries and you would be able to relax you body and mind. While on vacation then you can pamper yourself as well since you never got time to do that because of your busy schedule. The Peru Palace in Virginia which offers the best back and hot oil hair massages, the Vanessa Nail Salon which gives you the best Pedicure and Manicure. All are waiting for you, but just get through this college semester first. Then you would have all the time you want to travel to any country you want and to do anything you want with your time.

Per Scholas – The first step to a successful career. I know its hard for you to manage your time at Per Scholas and at City Tech, but its worth it. If you get these A+ and Net+ certifications a lot of doors of opportunities would open up for you. You would be in the job market already making so much money and getting all the experience you need later on to get into your dream company – Deloitte. You create your own opportunities and if you don’t work hard for this one then its only going to b a great loss for you not anyone else. You’re capable of all this, this is nothing compared to all the struggles you have faced in your life already. With getting these certifications it would make your parents even more proud of you. Isn’t that what you always wanted? To make them happy and give them something in return for all the hard work they have done on you? Imagine the tears in your mothers eyes when she hears that you have passed and graduated Per Scholas, Imagine your dad giving you hugs and saying ” I’m proud to have a daughter like you.” You would have a job already in the career field you want to go to without even having a degree yet. “Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life–think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.” as said by Swami Vivekananda. This is what you need to do Ayesha, grip onto this goal and make the most out if it, it is only going to give you advantage and opportunities that any other person would probably get in their late twenties.

Life is not about finding yourself but it’s about creating yourself. The steps that I will take right now will be the result that I will have in the future. The only way to be successful is to put effort and hard work into it. Don’t let any opportunity to pass by just because you can’t handle the situation. If you have a busy schedule just like I do talk to your teachers and professors and they will always help you work it out. You have to use your time wisely and the priorities in your life such as your family always give them importance and time no matter what. Even if you sit down for half an hour with them it will make a huge difference. You wouldn’t have to regret later on in your life, because it’s not the days we remember later on but it’s the moments we have spent; Make them worth the while because the future isn’t guaranteed and these are the things that will always help you get through your struggles in your life. Remember “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” because that is how you will get through it and reach the place you want to go to.