Project 1, Part 1: Thinking in Writing

Before class on Wednesday, post your written response to Project 1, Part 1: Thinking in Writing in a comment to this blog post. Details from the assignment sheet are included below.

Choose a full day to carry your notebook (or notepad) with you. At least once every thirty minutes (at the top of the hour and at the bottom of the hour), spent a few minutes writing down what you have been or currently are thinking about. Include meta-information that provides context, such as where you are, what you were doing, what time you had that thought, whom you were with, etc. At the end of the day, you should have several pages of notes recorded. Some of your thoughts will be mundane, others might be insightful, and others might be daydreams about the past, present, or future. Try to capture as many of your thoughts as possible—those about surface matters and those of deeper importance.

Look for patterns in your thoughts. What do you see think about more often? What do you give little attention to? On reflection, what should you give more time and energy to thinking about? Write a 250-500 word comment to the appropriate blog post on our OpenLab site that addresses these questions. Discuss those patterns that you identified and include some of your thoughts in your short essay in quotation marks, and give each of those quoted thoughts some explanation using your contextual meta-data that you scribbled into your notes. Also, discuss what thoughts you think should receive more or less attention from you.

17 thoughts on “Project 1, Part 1: Thinking in Writing

  1. Beaton

    After reading my recorded thoughts, I realized that I have no patterns in my thoughts. My mind is always filled with millions of random thoughts that comes and goes. For example, in the thoughts I recorded, I wrote “I was in the school library on Thursday just reminiscing about my goals from high school. I remember every day I thought about the WNBA, I wrote journals on how to improve my skills and gain more confidence so that by the time I graduate I’ll be in a Division 1 school on a basketball team and people that know me will see me on tv and say “she did it”. Speaking about journals, I found that the best way to express myself is writing. I don’t know how to explain myself verbally” and I went on to talk about explaining myself. I read it and thought to myself “How in the world did I go from writing about basketball to explaining myself?” I confused myself! I meant to keep writing on how I improved my shot in high school and the obstacles I faced, but I wrote about that after I finished writing about verbally explaining myself. I found it difficult to keep track of my thoughts and recording it because they come and go so quick in my mind. Whenever I zone out and someone snaps me out of my zone by asking, “what are you thinking about”, it is like my thoughts vanish in a split second after, my mind goes blank, and I forget what exactly I was thinking about. So I usually answer, “nothing”, because at that very moment, my mind is blank. Sometimes I think about very important things to me, like my priorities and goals. I feel that I should be thinking about those more often. When I read what I recorded, I was writing about my goals, and how I plan to accomplish them. I made and organized my plans in my head. I wrote “By the time I am 25 years old, I should have a car. But first, I need to learn how to save money. I have to learn how to invest and earn more money by doing so. Then, open a savings account.” I’ve always wanted to own a car ever since I was a kid. That was and still is my dream, and of course I’m going to turn that into reality. I realized that if I keep thinking about my step-by-step plans on accomplishing my goals, It would be very beneficial to me. I would be able to execute my plans without being lost in the midst of trying to accomplish them.

  2. momo phelps

    Mohammad A.Diakite 02/09/15

    I am really confused about my current job. I hate it most of time, but there was something special about Saturday, February 07, 2015. I was at the pool around 9-10:30 am and I was telling myself that teaching people how to swim is great. I was excited because I was about to teach one of my classes like I always do. I usually tell people that I hate my job, I hate teaching, I hate kids and I hate being in the water, but I actually love those things. I guess on this day, I revealed my true personality on paper. That day I was honest with myself and my opinion came straight from the heart.
    On that same day I realized that I like those kids. When I saw a kid almost drown, it dawned on me the importance of teaching them how to survive in the water. Without those kids, I wouldn’t have a job; I wouldn’t do what I really love to do and wouldn’t be who I am today. This job does not only help me to get money, but it also prepares me for the future. Although I am not currently a parent, it prepares to be one. Not just a regular parent, but a parent who can handle kids with disabilities. It also puts me on the right path for who I want to be in the future. It would seem that this job prepares me for my future more than college does.
    Is going to college really necessary? I have known and heard of numerous successful people who didn’t go to college. Being successful isn’t just being rich, it is being who you wanted to be. For me personally the thought runs through my mind to not attend college and hope that I am lucky enough to still be successful. However, in today’s society, I know that with a college education, I have better chances to succeed in life.

  3. Shawn Williams

    What my thoughts consisted of the most was my car and driving,then came my religion and last was my social life. Maybe the reason I thought so much about my car is because right now it’s not running right. My Wife drives it to and from work,so on the days I don’t have to go to school or work,I drive her to work and I run errands or just drive and enjoy myself. From the time I walked to the masjid at six in the morning and was coming back all I kept thinking about was getting my car fixed. Because I know I had to take public transportation,but I could be driving. Like one of my thoughts were “I hate having to take this bus.” Even when I was walking my step son to school all I was thinking about was getting the car fixed.
    The second thing that occupied my thoughts the most was my Lord and doing the things that would please Him and getting Blessed for it. You see I wasn’t always such a good guy. One time in my life I was the epitome of a bad guy. But not to degrees,the life I live now is based on my remembrance,love and fear for Alláh. That’s why when I took public transportation and I seen a homeless person it does something to my heart,because I know and believe that the only difference between me and him is Alláh’s Mercy.
    The least thing that occupied my mind is my Wife and I feel I need to change that. But I feel subconsciously she’s always on my mind,but due to the situation of my car and the meeting I had today she just seemed the least.

  4. PRM

    Writing down my thoughts for the past 24 hours were difficult. I was constantly looked at the clock every thirty minutes eager to see what I would be thinking about. Majority of the time, I sang music lyrics subconsciously. With my thoughts worth mentioning, I noticed they consisted of my current list of high priorities to-dos. The pattern between my thoughts’ involved me needing to “keep up”. Keep up with my training for the NYC Half marathon in March. Keep up with my doctor’s appointments- due to prior health history, there are a lot of doctors I have to keep in touch with or visit. Also, ambitiously going back to school after twelve years requires a lot of “keeping up”.
    Each thought occurred at the same locations, work and home, equal amounts of time. I feel my focus is in the right direction. The only drawback from my thoughts I have is that I don’t want them to consume me, and to achieve that I need to become very diligent with time management.
    I noticed I gave little attention to keeping in touch with friends and loved ones. Once I’m able to time-manage, I’m hoping to reach out and spend some quality time with great people.
    In analyzing my thought process, I believe my thoughts focus more on “the present”. Although I believe in having and saving for the future, I’m also a “ live in the moment, tomorrow’s not promised” type of gal. I would like to organize “my present” so that “my future” may fall into place.

  5. Kevin Braithwaite

    Writing down my thoughts every 30 minutes for an entire day was interesting. I wanted to believe that my mind was everywhere. Turns out I was wrong. I tend to think a lot about rugby. Rugby is a hobby. I have been playing it for the past 3 years and it has impacted my life in both a positive and negative ways. I would think about my past games. One particular game was my second to last game in high school and how I was the one to score the winning try that put my team into the plate final. Now it may seem like I am being very cocky but it’s hard not to think like that. I managed to recover a very bad pass from and not drop the ball or get tackled. I then ran up side stepped one player, then side stepped another. I keep thinking about the reactions of people on the side line and hearing them as I made my way into the try zone. I also thought about what I did the complete opposite and ended up being the reason we lost the game
    Another occurring thought was the last time I saw my grandmother. I saw her two days before she died and she asked me why I don’t come over anymore to at least sit down and talk or rub her foot. I told her that I had started school again and I would go straight home, do my homework, then I slept because I was so tired from school. I kept on thinking why didn’t I make more of an effort to see her. What made things worse is that I was planning on seeing her the day she died. I was on the bus heading to my aunt’s house (which was where she lived) and I saw an ambulance from inside the bus. It never occurred to me that my grandmother was in that ambulance. I thought about the call I got from my mother and feeling my heart drop. I didn’t know how to feel. One thought that kept reoccurring was what if I was just an hour earlier, what if I was able to see her and tell her I love her?
    Looking back at my thoughts, I also tend to think a lot about those close to me such as my girlfriend, my best friends from high school, and my family. I thought about what would have happened if I went to college with at least one of them such as if I would be partying a lot or studying a lot. I also thought about where or not I would be playing rugby at a college level. I tend to have a lot of thoughts that started off with “what if.”

  6. Jo

    During the day, exactly February 5th, I took down notes of what I was currently doing at that time, and my thoughts that I was thinking during or around that time in increments of 30 – 1 hour periods. I found interesting patterns in my thoughts that I don’t really notice, due to how frequently busy I am during a week period. Putting it in a log has helped me analyze it and find that I tend to think a lot about things that are particularly not about the current activity, or situation. I usually think about things that are related in the future, and I analyze it in a way that helps me prevent problems, if said situation comes along. I also found out things that I pay very little attention to the current situation and think of the outcome more. For example, at around 1:02PM, I was meeting a friend of mine for lunch and right before that I just got out of the train station and I thought, “The amount of people holding the train doors could’ve saved me so much time” I ended up being late for that day in our little meeting, and instead of thinking the severity of my lateness which I usually do, I thought about the time I could’ve saved if commuters didn’t hold the doors every station that we stopped on. 6:32PM my friend and I from earlier split off and I met another group of my friends that were planning to go bowling. I decided to tag along. At this point we were already done bowling and were off to a place in south street seaport to eat. We found a seafood place and decided to eat there. While we were all enjoying our orders, I thought to myself “Usually I don’t go to seafood places cause most of my friends do not like it, I wondered why is it people can enjoy certain food and not others, how people developed their taste buds.” I brought this conversation up to my friends I was with and they didn’t really know an answer for it, maybe I’ll never know. Instead of thinking of how great the food is and the restaurant name so I can go back to the place in the future, I thought about other people’s taste buds and how it was developed. I’m not exactly sure if my thought process is out of curiosity or just pure randomness, which thinking random isn’t always the best thing to do. My thoughts now I see it is more random than it needs to be and there are more important things I should be thinking about during that time than thinking of how people developed their taste bud or how if commuters didn’t hold doors, it can actually save me time. Some of the things I really should be thinking about was finishing my website, which has been unfinished for quite some time now or scheduling my time much better to fit the needs of my friends and family while balancing work, and school.

  7. Michelle V.

    I’m reviewing my notes on my thoughts and one of the patterns I noticed is I’m always planning for the future. Since young I always had to do a list for the day in my mind. I believe this “evolved” into me being organized and liking to know where things are. So I like to know where I’m at and what’s left to do until I have accomplished my goal and how will I accomplish my task for the day. This includes my education and everyday life. It became a habit to think ahead the night before I go to sleep or from the moment I wake up. The next pattern I realize is asking what time it currently is. Maybe because I don’t like to keep people waiting or be kept waiting that I’m aware of the time. It could also be that I don’t like to do nothing on my spare time, being aware of the saying “you can’t relive moments of the past so make every moment count”. Which leads to the next pattern of my thoughts, self-reflecting. I have to it’s a must for me to self-reflect on my day. I wrote in my notes that during a class my mind wandered off to what impression I left on people I just met and whether it was a decent or horrible one. Last but not least are thoughts on my family. I always think about them no matter where I go. In my notes I wrote about how I look at an item and wonder who else in my family would benefit or like this item that is in my possession or within my eyesight view. Also how my future actions affects my family. For example I want to get a job and most likely to happen is me giving my paycheck to my mom who handles most of our money so she’ll know what to do with it. Another example is my sister in three years if she decides to go to college my notes might come in handy to her so I’ll keep them for her. I would like to think more of funny and less serious thoughts. I do have thoughts like these but they don’t last long enough for me to enjoy them. “Blank” thoughts do happen often and its a neutral feeling I have towards these moments. I would like to think more of what interest me and my hobbies.

  8. connorkempf

    For the last 24 hours I’ve been recording my thoughts. This recording of thoughts is easier said than done. The Thoughts are marked with a time as seen below; This is the transcript of my thoughts. Until today, I never realized the complexity of my thoughts and actions. I thoughts about my thoughts for a few days, and I come to the realization that my thoughts are in need of channeling Into something productive. Then I realize my mind is normally doing something, thoughts are like shadows or echoes. My thought directly relate to the actions I take. Who would have thought that thoughts would be so important not just to my life but to the people around me.I come to realize that my thoughts tend to revolve around school, entertainment, myself, and the people around me. I then come to realize the mediocrity of it all. I visualize myself, my standing in human existence, I think, I’m insignificant, now, how do I change that? I also realize a 5 day a week school schedule is for me, the most effective way to study. My obsessive playing of video games could lead to some off color thoughts, I should ration my time just a bit better. As for tv, I give thought to how little of it I actually watch. As for school, it’s basically the same old grind that I have gotten used to all my life, wake up, eat breakfast, get ready, got to school, few hours of work, lunch, next few hours, go home, do homework, dinner, watch tv/ video games, unwind, rinse and repeat. Life tends to be a never ending cycle of day and night. My thoughts include the past to predict and possibly change the future. Now I remember, I really need to find a way to channel my thoughts into something constructive. That is this project. How can I change these thoughts? How can I improve the effects of these thoughts on my life? Who would be a good person to ask about my thoughts? Why do these patterns of thought appear? That is what I have been asking myself all my life, now what if I share the same thoughts as someone else? Now I question whether things in life are necessary, education, things of the like, more on this in a few years.

  9. Hyone.Kim

    While I was record my thought on last Sunday February 8th, I found one thing about myself that I am obsess about time. When I started to do assignment, the day before night, I set my cellphone alarm exactly every 30 minutes for 18 hours. On Sunday, every time when my alarm sound ringing, I tried to write all the details of my thoughts time by time. Most of my thoughts were related to the events and my feelings that time. Then, I found one pattern of my thought that I might to much think about being perfect. If I did something on time, I feel relieved and happy. Because of that I am trying to do everything be on schedule. For example, I woke up right after when my first alarm rang at 8 a.m. and wrote memo that “I am so happy with I’m off to a good start. It seems everything going to be well today.” When I was in Sunday service at church, or in the middle of conversation with my friends, having lunch, I wrote my thoughts every time when cellphone alarm rang. All of my thoughts going to positive way that time. Then, I missed some of alarm during the day, I just missed time to write my thought. After that time of my thoughts and feelings were going negative way, blaming or annoying at other things such as “Why the trains are so noisy?”, “Why MTA always have schedule changing?”, “Why they don’t care about homeless in the subway station?” Those thoughts were not going so long but, since one thing was twisted; missed time, it effects on my thoughts, too. When I forgot to write my thoughts several times in the afternoon, I wanted to give up on that day and then start new from Monday. Then, I was think about myself on my way home, why am I obsess about being on time or being perfect. At first, I thought that is because that is me, myself I was born that way. Then, or maybe I think of myself I am behind than others by language. Because as an English Second Language Student, I always thought that there’s no perfect bilingual person in the world. Or maybe I am here as an international student, I am paying for double tuition than other students, that situations make me to be more tense? I do not know the answer so far. So, those are the thoughts that I want to give more attention to in the future.

  10. alejandroco

    This was not exactly the easiest thing for me to do. While attempting to record my thoughts, several times i found myself forgetting that i had to jot down what I was thinking, which surmised the thought that I really need to focus more and stop getting distracted by the extremely small things. I thought about giving up and trying again another day but I hate quitting, I couldn’t do that. Common thoughts that kept recurring were thoughts on my family, my job, school, skateboarding and the future. In the morning, seeing both my parents leaving for work in the morning made me think of how I can repay them back for all they were able to do for me that their parents couldn’t do for them because of the job that I have and that of my parents. I think about my job frequently as I work 4 to 5 days a week. I found myself thinking about my upcoming work week, wondering which days will be a pain in the ass and which days will be bearable. I have been skateboarding since the 7th grade, so skateboarding is something of a hobby that enjoy doing, so of course, thoughts of skating comes extremely often.
    I found that my thoughts usually wander around the concept of the future or what’s to come. I usually try to consider what I am doing and how that choice will affect me later in life. However, I usually fail or do not consider short term decisions or what’s happening “now”
    or in the moment. I also find that I have not really thought of anyone who isn’t in my immediate circle of friend or family. I realized that I do not keep in touch or think about those people often even though they do of me, and I should do the same. I also need to think more about eating and staying healthy, because usually I have no appetite and I don’t think about eating or food and when it is really cold I do not bother to protect myself adequately for the weather. I hope some of these can change in the project or if not, upcoming years.

  11. S. Spencer

    While recording my thoughts on February 9th, my thoughts to me seemed all over the place. When I woke up at 5:13 early in the morning I decided to record from there, although I couldn’t barely open my eyes. There we’re so many thoughts running through my head. As I took a look at my television I saw Elmo was on for some reason and I was thinking “damn I haven’t saw him on t.v. in years”. Then I just turned off the t.v. and just layed there and starting thinking about my future and whether or not my plans is going to work to get me where I want to be. Then I thought lastly “oh yeah im going to see my mom today” I got to rest more and I went back to sleep. It was then around 10:49 I’ve arrived to see my mom and found out that she was sick badly and had an asthma attack. I called the ambulance and ever since they took her I’ve been just thinking “please be alright, please be alright” and turns out she had came later that night.
    From looking back on my thoughts overall, I’ve mostly thought about my mom and my future. I didn’t really notice a pattern my thoughts it probably did but I didn’t notice. What I’ve should’ve been thinking about more was basically what I’ve thought about which was my future and my mom. I was thinking about my future mainly because I really want to become successful and have the best for my family and I was thinking about my mom because she means the world to me and I would just want the best for her and for nothing to happen to her.

  12. Angel

    Writing your thoughts at the bottom of every hour was no easy task despite how easy it sounds. I reviewed my thoughts and didn’t see a pattern. It would vary at the bottom of every hour but one thing i noticed about my thoughts it was more stress involved than pondering about random things. For example before I went to bed at 12:30 A.M. I was thinking about how I was going to work and go to school at the same time. I’d usually think about how I’m going to balance school and work once I was able to find a job so I can be more financially secure than just relying on financial aid from the state. I would’ve like to have been thinking about managing school work just alone because it’s been 3 years since I have really put my brain through the studying and deep thinking my classes make me do. I’m just thinking about my future after I have hopefully graduated from City Tech and earned up money along the way by working and attending college.

  13. Nicole J Lopez

    My thoughts throughout the day were relatively different, but they all had a certain flow to it. One thought would be about a certain anime I like to watch, while another would be about something that has to do with school, while another would be about my family or friends, and then it would round back to anime. I noticed that, while my thoughts branch from one thing to the other, that they relatively revolve around things like worrying about school, music and anime. This is shown when I wake up thinking of an anime theme, and when I think of nothing but anime as I watch a few episodes before bed that night. Although, in between my thoughts ranged from worrying about my school work to thinking I should learn how to cook. I also noticed that when I do think of something important, I always find something else to think about. I realize I should be thinking about other things, like my family and future more. Though, I do not want to stress myself, it would still be better to have some kind of plan for the future instead of just wondering what’s going to happen like I am now. I also realize I should get into other things other than anime, since it takes up most of my time. But writing all these thoughts down has made me aware that not only am I dedicated to the things that I like but that I can be pretty tough on myself and others. This is shown when I think about how sometimes I feel like ranting to others whenever I see them do something I don’t like or whenever they don’t take my advice.

  14. Elizabeth910

    Recording your thoughts every thirty minutes was very difficult for me to do because I was at work. So, my thoughts were all over the place and they were so unclear to me. However, I did notice a big pattern throughout the day when my thoughts did get a little clearer. One main thing I kept thinking about was if I should join the military as a reserve. I have always been interested in the military since high school but I never acted on it and my parents always told me think about my decisions very hard before I make them. So, I ended up getting a little discouraged and figured I was too young at the time to make such a huge decision. Now that I am in college it has been on my mind a lot more because I feel like I am ready to make the decision and it is a perfect time for new experiences.
    Another main thing I kept thinking about were my goals for the future. When I was younger, I always had big dreams and hopes of becoming a doctor. I still do have hopes and dreams of becoming a doctor and I am always researching new ways to become a doctor and what kind of different doctors are out there. Also, I have tried to narrow down which kind of doctor I want to be. I always knew that I wanted to help people overcome whatever they are going through in life that is why I have tough time deciding which kind of doctor I want to be and I am constantly over thinking the matter.

  15. Moises

    The human mind is a crazy thing. To try to write down even just a couple thoughts I had throughout the day was almost impossible. You think of so many things in a day. It usually is set up by certain events. For example, as I was recording my thoughts I noticed a pattern where I would go from simple or deep thoughts to more annoying ones in a matter of seconds. As I’m walking whether its to the train station or back home my thoughts go towards the deep side since all I’m concentrated on is my surroundings and music. When I actually get home or in the train a lot of things seem to annoy me. Train delays or my nephew smacking me awake every morning. Little things like that caused my thoughts to stray towards less deep thoughts to more simple ones. Now I did have a issue with the thoughts that I was having in the first place.

    As I recorded my thoughts I noticed one basic thought that never stopped coming back in line. Money. It’s all I thoughts about, second to none. I feel like that’s a really bad thing. I was raised to see money as just defensive means in life. There are other things more important than money like family or God. I don’t want to sound like a complete jerk though, I of course thought of other things like my family and in the end of the day I want to make so much money so I can provide for my family. I wish that I was thinking more about school because in most cases the best way to make money would be to finish school in the first place. I also had many thoughts about materialistic things like sneakers or clothes. I wish I could have thought more about getting my permit then license like I promised myself I would. One more thing I wish I was thinking more about is how to better adjust myself so I can get all this homework done so I won’t be doing it last minute like I am right now. It’s not a good habit, not a good habit at all.

  16. Ayesha Javed

    As I looked down on my thoughts that I wrote for my day I noticed most of them were related to my career. Where I am standing at the moment?; What do I have to do to be successful?; And what path do I have to take in order for me to achieve what I want. It’s the ambition I have towards my education and to achieve a successful career is what keeps me going. Education has become my first priority, which was the reason why I joined Per Scholas to get my A+ and Net+ Certifications. Throughout my day I basically thought about my classes at City Tech and Per Scholas and how I have to manage my time so I don’t get left behind in anything. But while thinking about that I also felt I was under a lot of stress trying to manage the timings and classes in both places. Here and there while I took breaks I just thought about my family and my country, Pakistan. How much I missed the times there with my cousins and days full of laughter. While thinking about that I realized and thought how easy life was in my high school years with no worries about anything. I just had to worry about my homework’s and tests, or what places to hang out with my friends after school. I spent most of my time worrying and thinking about all my classes and tests, and what I needed to complete and do (Including all my assignments). No matter how much I tried to distract myself by listening to music or watching random videos to relax my mind, I always ended up thinking about my studies. It has become the center of my thoughts and maybe it always will be until I have something in my hands.

  17. Mohammad Hassan

    Executive Summary: This memo consist of job listing, company back ground, description of the position, and my preparedness for this position presents my goal to obtain at TEKsystems Cable Technician. In this writing i tried to express myself in different way that help me to get this job.
    Job listing: Cable Technician at TEKsystems.
    TEKsystems is a leading IT staffing, IT talent management and IT services firm, and get your career on the fast track. We have more than 100 offices worldwide, and we partner with over 6,000 clients and place over 80,000 consultants per year. At TEKsystems, we seek to understand our consultants’ skills, goals and interests, allowing us to present targeted job opportunities on a contract, contract-to-hire or direct placement basis. TEKsystems’ leadership in the market stems from our sincere and personal commitment to driving the success of our customers, consultants and each other.
    Job Description: Teksystems is looking for qualified cable technicians. Opportunities are for commercial sites working thru out the Tri-State area. Reliable transportation would be a plus and hand tools are essential. Technicians will also need there OSHA 10 certification within the past 5 years.
    Job summary: Technicians must be familiar with: color codes, punch downs, Cat 5 cable, rack installations, and wire wrapping. Experience with both voice and data cables is a key as well. Terminations on patch panels, 110/66 blocks and data jacks are required for these opportunities.
    Company Background: TEKSYSTEMS is a subsidiary of Allegis Group, the largest private talent management firm in the world. Our longstanding history and industry-leading position speak to our success in providing the IT staffing solutions, IT services and talent management insight required for you to actualize ROI and sustain a truly competitive advantage in a fast-changing market.
    Businesses are challenged to stay ahead of the latest trends and competitive developments while building a responsive and agile IT capability to support growth. However, since everyone has access to the same tools, technology alone does not offer a competitive advantage. Your advantage depends on how you apply technology—more specifically, on the people who lead, support and optimize your IT initiatives.
    Why i choose TEKsystems TEKsystems is a great organizations for great IT. To stay on budget, on schedule and maintain high quality standards for IT initiatives, organizations must align with the right service providers—those that can truly improve and enhance the initiatives they support.
    We bring together an unparalleled network of credentialed IT professionals, real-world insight into how IT gets done and demonstrated methods to optimize business’s most variable and only renewable asset: human capital. Our solutions are straightforward, delivered by teams with proven talent and based on experience with what works where it matters most—in practice.
    Job description: Job Description: Teksystems is looking for qualified cable technicians. Opportunities are for commercial sites working thru out the Tri-State area. Reliable transportation would be a plus and hand tools are essential. Technicians will also need there OSHA 10 certification within the past 5 years. Technicians must be familiar with: color codes, punch downs, Cat 5 cable, rack installations, and wire wrapping. Experience with both voice and data cables is a key as well. Terminations on patch panels, 110/66 blocks and data jacks are required for these opportunities.
    My Preparedness to get this position: I think I am qualified for this job because I have some work experience and education and some computer software knowledge.
    I have education. I have bachelor degree from New York city college of technology (CUNY). my major is Telecommunication Engineering.
    Work Experience : I had some work experience. I was working in Eagle Electronics company as a Electric Machine Operator and assistant technician. My responsibility was following:

    • Responsible for running equipment and machine tools at production or manufacturing facilities.
    • Replaced the parts. Analyze the defects and efficiency of parts and equipment.
    • Performed assembly and testing of electronic & small mechanical assemblies at Co.
    • Reports directly to the Production Supervisor Dept.; may take directions from Assembler.

    Computer Knowledge: MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint and MS Office.

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