Author Archives: christopher peralta

Exploring City Techs computer science at City Tech and a career in software engineering by Christopher Peralta


Future is bright


Society tends to diminish hard work if a person does not attend or graduate from college or university. My name is Christopher Peralta and I am a full time student in city tech. City tech is a school who wants their students to choose there major as soon as possible. The major I want to be in is computer science. The career path that I want to pursue is a software engineer for a private or major company. This career path is best for me because I always wanted to help with programming and the way the software functions so it can be easier for others who don’t really understand technology and a engineer makes good amount of money.

In this essay you will read about how the career path I am pursuing is the right for me and how my major plays a big role in my road to my career choice. Also I will be using some research to make m case a lot stronger and some other sources I will use in this essay is using my counselor in a interview to help support my thesis statement. I am here in city tech but I will transfer over to another school to finish my degree. This essay is constructed for those who need help in what they want to become in life and my essay is just one example out of many others.

I have never been a money hungry person but growing up was tough and the neighborhood I am from is not the best either. I am not going to sit here and lie and tell you I was extremely poor and things like that, I do have both of my parents and they did support my brothers and I growing up. Just looking at how hard they work to pay for everything for us really motivates me to get a good paying job. One reason why I am pursuing software engineering is because it is a good paying job and according to Ted Samson (a staff writer at info world)“software engineer’s base salary is currently $92,648 and marking an increase of 2.5% since 2011”. So even if some people think $90,000 plus is not enough it’s only increasing according to Ted Samson. This is one reason why becoming a software engineer is best for my future plans.

Me being a programmer can be essential to society because not only would I be helping a major firm in the future I would also be planning a program in computers to help those who don’t really understand advanced technology. In the near future once I get my degree I want to be in a place where I can make a difference make programs to help others just like how Steven Kelly said in a article “allowing expert developers to encapsulate their expertise and make work easier, faster and more fun for the rest”. What Steven Kelly is saying is let the professionals do their work and the rest can just enjoy it. I love to help people and if that’s me making something to make your life a little less stressful it is something I am looking forward to.

I had an interview with my brother Roberto Peralta and he is currently in the computer science major and one of the many questions I asked him was switching from criminal justice to computer science easy? He replied, “Any major you’re in is never easy you just need the motivation to go through all the obstacles”. This really helped me personally because if you set your mind in something you can always accomplish it. Having an interview with your older brother was kind of normal to me because I look for advice from him all the time. The career he is pursing is different than mine he is pursuing becoming a database developer which is slightly different from mine but towards the end of the interview I asked him what is one thing you noticed while being in college that can help in your future? “Good habits” at first I didn’t really understand but as he explained it to me it made a lot of sense. What that means is if you build good habits starting from now in the future everything will become second nature to you, like if one of my habits is to always do my homework on time no matter what, in the future if I have a big project from my job its something normal for me to complete it early and hand it in on time. This interview relates to my thesis because interviewing my brother was really helpful it was like a blueprint on the key components to succeed in college and I succeed in whatever college I plan to go to its more likely I will get the job/career I want.

One crucial example is security while you are on your computer. I know there are anti virus but that anti virus cant help you if someone is trying to steal your identity or your credit card number in a cyber way. Discover magazine had a interesting column on cyber thieves and all the money they took from big companies. According to Jeff Wheelwright from Discover magazine said “Cyberthieves stole credit- and debit-card numbers from up to 56 million customers of the retail giant Home Depot, even more than the 40 million they stole in 2013 from Target”.


Computer science is something I am really intrigued to because as I said before a software engineer is my main focus as a career choice. In this paragraph I will talk about what are some required things I need to do in order to succeed in my major. According to the city tech catalog “The College will grant an associate in science (AS) degree with a major in Computer Science upon satisfactory completion of the required 60 specific credits”. Some of those required credits come from English, calculus, and physics. The reason why I am transferring is because I want a bachelors degree and city tech only offers an associates but in the mean while this is best because I am getting some of those credits done while I am here so by the time I transfer I will have some credits for my major. This helps me because its one step closer to the main goal, which is becoming software engineer.

At the end of the day people don’t really know what they want to do in the future until they try something that eventually leads them to there goal. For me is college right now which will lead me to the career I want which is computer science. Anyone who is interested in this major will really like it because it keeps you thinking and always learning something new. Even though the computer science department in the city is not at a high level according to Eliza Krigman said, “trying to draw attention to the fact that there is a crisis in computer science education in our country”. If you are in the computer science department in city tech I recommend you going to the library to learn more about it or if you just want to talk Danny Murphy from seek is great to talk to.

My First computer







Newer technology  



Works cited


Krigman, Eliza. “Standars for computer science education need improvements” U.S. News. Web. April 28, 2014

New York City College Of Technology. College Catalog 2014-2015. 14 Nov, 2014. Pdf.

Samson, Ted. “Demand for software engineers keeps climbing and so do the salaries”. Info world. Web. Oct 18,2012.

Kelly, Steven. “Improving developer productivity with domain-specific modeling languages”. web. July 3, 2005.

Peralta, Roberto. “interview”. Verbal. Dec 5, 2014.

Wheelwright, Jeff. “a path to better cybersecurity”. Discover magazine. Web. February 2014.










Writing My Brain By Christopher Peralta


In this project I have been able to take time and reflect on what I really think about during my every day. I was able to realize by taking pictures also writing what I actually think during the day this project seem more like an experiment. This project opened my eyes and forced me to think about me and my future.

Thinking in writing

Tuesday September 23, 2014

  • Have to get to class on time
  • Later got to help my mom with the groceries
  • Need to read this book for next English class
  • I’m bored and hungry might play Xbox
  • Just saw an interview of mayweather he makes so much money I need to make money like day one day
  • Am I really writing down my though? Is this like a diary
  • Wish I could play baseball right now
  • Don’t know why professor is making us do this but I guess it’s part of our project
  • I wonder who has more money warren buffet or bill gates
  • It sucks that city tech doesn’t have stock broker as a major
  • Music always calms me down and gets me thinking about life especially when I am listening to meek mills
  • Just seen a rap battle Charlie clips vs. tay roc it was good I think tay roc got that one
  • Wow my mom just bought a lot of food that’s good I am happy now

–          Going to sleep now good night need to wake up early tomorrow early class

Thining Visually

“A Good Day To Think”



“Car Goals For The Future”



“Money On My Mind”



Thinking Rhetorically and Reflectively

College the first step to the real world sounds intimidating but if you have a gist of who you want to be in the future college is more like an obstacle you need to get pass. My name is Christopher Peralta but I rather be called Chris I am Dominican and live in a Dominican house hold. I am a freshman in college and I am 18 year old. I live in Bronx New York not one of the best neighborhoods but also not the worst. My motivation is to get my family out of here and move somewhere a whole lot better. The way I think is somehow unique because not only do I have an idea on who I want to be in life I also know the steps become that person. People might question that the way they think holds them back from moving on in life but my current thinking implements me to focus on the things that will enable my future success.

For an assignment our professor asked us to take pictures of something that represents our major or what we want to be in the future, the first idea I thought of was Wall Street because business is my major what other place is better than Wall Street. I had so many ideas so much famous business men I thought of right away. My mind is focus on what I need to do to become a business men someone like warren buffet or Donald trump. My current thinking implements me to focus on the things that will enable my future success because I have something you call tunnel vision and all I think about is money and making it and that’s why the picture assignment was a good example because I was so quick to think of places, people, and things that relate to business.

One picture that really stood out to me was the picture I took of Wall Street. It’s interesting because when I showed some of my peers they knew right away what my major/future was. At first that surprised me a lot because they knew instantly the message I was trying to portray but then I thought about it and said to myself like no I shouldn’t be surprised the picture was clear in the message I was trying to deliver. That let me to believe that my initial thinking is set out for me to succeed in my future.

My daily thoughts throughout a normal day varies, the reason I say that is because I wrote down some of my thoughts on a Friday and also wrote some of my thoughts on a Tuesday and they were completely different. It’s different because it depends on what you are doing that day and what is your mind focused on that day. For example on the Friday thoughts one of them was “should I get a haircut for tonight” and clearly my mind was set on that party I was going to later that night. On the Tuesday thoughts I was thinking of my books that I still need to buy and it was obvious that my mind was set on school. It’s strange that you don’t think about the same things everyday but there is some specific things that run past my mind more than once in different days and that constant reminder is what I lead the believe is my motivational factor. That’s why my current thinking implements me to focus on the things that will enable my future success.

My mindset right now in the short term is to go to college have fun and stay focused on the bigger picture. What I mean by that is don’t get too ahead of myself because you only take it one day at time. A quote from my daily thoughts was tomorrow “I have English I need to read this book”. This quote represents how my thinking if focused on the short term goal which is to read a book for my English class so I can be involved with the lesson. This is another example on how my thinking is focused on my future because even though it was a thought for my class the next morning it shows where my priority is which is school and school is a pathway or my future.

Some people may argue that some of my thoughts have nothing to do with my future. For example in one of my thoughts of the day I said “I need to help my mother with the groceries” or with the thought of “playing xbox”. Some of the quotes has nothing to do with my future or maybe it do but doesn’t benefit me but I am human and some random thoughts are going to occur. These thoughts are really more for personally issues or comfort and thoughts like these can hold you back from progressing like me wanting to play xbox instead of studying for a midterm. There also thoughts that you have to think about because they are obligations. Me thinking about helping my mother is more of an obligation than personal comfort. I would not blame society if they feel that I don’t always think about my future because I don’t always think about it.

Society is our worst judgment they always want to label a person or even tell them what they are and aren’t. What society doesn’t know is what goes on in our mind and that’s really important. Its important for the simple fact that they can’t tell you what to think about, they could persuade you to think a certain way but can’t sense what you’re actually thinking. My thinking does enable me to succeed because even though some of my thinking isn’t always about my future most of it is. Also its key to realize that it’s not always what you think it’s what you actually do and the important thing is most of the time the smart thinking I do I actually display it physically. As far as thinking it’s pretty clear that my current thinking implements me to focus on the things that will enable my future success.

Work Cited List

In conclusion, I can’t say that I am perfect because no one is but I always try to maintain my mind in the right mind set which is my future. This project has made me realize that I still need to improve on my focus but for the most part my vision for the future in my eyes is bright. Sometimes you don’t pay attention to what you think but there are thought that make you realize like how is this going to better me and those are the thoughts you need to listen to.

Cperalta [Christopher Peralta] “Re:project 1: Thinking in writing.” Openlab. ENG1101 D346 English

Composition 1, FA 2014, 19 Sept. 2014. Wed. 14 Oct. 2014

Peralta, Christopher “A Good Day To Think” Flickr. 19 Sept. 2014. Tue. 14 Oct. 2014

Peralta, Christopher “Car Goals For The Future” Flickr. 19 Sept. 2014. Tue. 14 Oct. 2014

Peralta, Christoher “Money On My Mind” Flickr. 19 Sept. 2014. Tue. 14 Oct. 2014