Writing My Brain by Daniel DeMarco


With this project I have been given the chance to explain my thoughts for a day. By the end of the day i had realized that all of my thoughts were in a sense related. i have included pictures to explain what i had been thinking. I also explain why my thoughts were similar and how they affect me daily and how they affect my brain consciously and subconsciously.


Thinking in writing

Thursday October, 2

Thought 1: Ā thinking of playing video games with friends

Thought 2: While playing i realize the art of the characters

Thought 3: Watching a show while getting the urge to draw the characters

Thought 5: Starting to think about school the next day

Thought 6:Decide to draw all the characters while at school tomorrow


Thinking VisuallyĀ 

Godzilla Collection

My Godzilla Collection Including Characters I Like To Draw

WIP Drawing of Kakyoin and Hierophant Green from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders by me

My Drawing of Kakyoin and Hierophant Green From JoJo’s Bizarre AdventuresĀ  Ā (W.I.P)

Tribal Style Art

Tribal Style Art I Drew


Thinking Rhetorically and Reflectively

My Mind

The human mind, the center of all our thoughts. The hub for all our ideas and emotions. Some people believe that they fully understand their mind and its functions but, how could this be? Every second of everyday our minds are racing with thoughts. Now while some may be obvious as to why they appear others are not so simple. Some thoughts seem to come out of nowhere. We also don’t realize many of the things that we don’t pay a lot of attention to are actually entering our minds and being processed by our subconscious. I was asked by my professor to write down some thoughts throughout the day and try to understand why some of these thoughts had occurred and what they potentially mean.

I then decided to pick a day where every few hours i would note what I was thinking at the moment. I chose a day in which i had no school due to the fact that these days are the days i have my most vivid and rapid thoughts because i wasn’t focused on the work in front of me. I went about my daily routine, eating, playing games, watching videos, talking to friends, and watching television. As stated every couple hours I wrote what i was thinking. Personally i tend to think about what i am doing at the moment and things that relate to it. So as i wrote what i thought about there was exactly that, a series of thought pertaining to what i had done during the day. Although this may seem normal there was a pattern in my thoughts.

Not only did I write what i did but i realized, wow, most of these thoughts included drawing. I had thought about drawing characters from video games, the shows i watched, and even the friends i was talking to at those moments. This is understandable because ever since i was little I loved drawing and anything artistic. This includes scenery, props, and characters.

The next day i went to class and found myself drawing. I had the urge to draw what i had seen the day before, the same stuff in my thoughts prior to that day. I didn’t think too much about it because it felt normal and natural for me like part of my daily routine. Class had ended and i had an hour and a half before my next and final class. During this time i played video games on my Nintendo 3DS. Again i found myself wanting to draw the characters in the game I was playing. The game was Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. I wanted to draw the characters, the weapons they used, and the monsters they fought.

It was then time to get to my next class, English. In class we discussed our project which is this essay i am writing right now, The one you are currently reading. The professor then proceeded to go around the room and help those who were unsure what to do and answer their questions. I decided it may be a good idea to tell him that my thoughts were like this. He explained that he noticed how often i draw in class and asked if it was a way that helped me retain information. Thatā€™s when it hit me. Throughout the years of my schooling i had always started to draw when the teacher was talking.

This may sound strange but as i thought about it i realized that doing this helped me obtain information better than directly focusing on the teacher. The reason is because when i directly focus on the teacher and the work at hand i tend to get overwhelmed and get easily bored and frustrated. When i draw during class i get into a relaxed state and feel good. I don’t feel as if as large weight is on my shoulder and i can take in information without the stress. I have always done this and even though on the outside it may seem like i’m not paying attention, I actually am and better than normal. My subconcious retains all of the information while my regular conscious notes key words or phrases which i will then write down before drawing again.

I have always been very intelligent and one of the smartest out of my friends even when it seems like i do the least amount of work or paying attention. The fact was that drawing became my outlet for learning. Even when taking those learning style tests i was always a visual and kinesthetic learner. I now know that in order to do my best i actually have to do some drawing during class in order to obtain the most information.

Itā€™s incredible how the human mind works how simple things we think about can relate to our everyday lives. If something like drawing could affect how an individual learns imagine what other things would help. The mind is such a complex thing. We have thousands of thoughts a day, some we may not even realize due to the fact that our subconscious picks up on things we may not even notice. This is why many people belive in subliminal messages within cartoons. Most of the time the ā€œmessagesā€ are negitive and promote violence and things of an adult nature, but what if we use them for good?

Understandably everyone is different and may not be easily affected by these ā€œmessagesā€ but what about people like me? Ā People whose subconscious actually has an impact on their learning and daily life including their behavior. We have seen it before besides my case. Many people listen to music while studying and they may not even realize it but its helping them. They are learning more because they enjoy the music and it puts them in calm state of mind. If you were to learn in conditions that suit you, for example calm music and a quiet setting, it will bring you happiness, give you motivation, and a feeling of euphoria. Almost like Feng Shui or creating balance in a room that involves color, objects and light in order to calm the mind and ease the eye.

Though one may not realize it but the way a room is set up can greatly affect your thought process and state of mind. So many people should try to see what helps them. They should try to learn why they think the way they do during the day and see if it goes beyond just a thought. See if it has affected their daily routine and way of life. Once a person realizes it they will achieve more Ā in life and become smarter.


Work CitedĀ 

DeMarco. Daniel, dandema96, “Tribal Style Art”, Flickr, 2 October,2014, 18 October,2014

DeMarco.Daniel, dandema96, “Godzilla Collection” Flickr 2 October,2014. 18 October, 2014

DeMarco.Daniel, dandema96, “WIP Drawing of Kakyoin and Hierophant Green from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders by me”Ā Flickr 2 October,2014. 18 October, 2014

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