Writing My Brain Project by Christopher Mena


During the last couples of weeks I have been reflecting about my thoughts. I only not record them by writing but I also made the decision to show the visually. I realize that my thoughts show more that I was expecting, I realize that my mind and brain has an immense amount of power and we don’t know all about it.

Thinking in Writing

1: Can wait to see my girlfriend

2: Why am i the only one without an iPhone ?

3: I’m Bored.

4: Music is my passion

5: I need write something on the English’s Posts.

6: Now Play some games.

7: Would I pass all my classes.

8; I would like to buy a pizza.

9: Finally get the book.

10: Is time to cook!

11: I can’t wait anymore to eat.

12: The iPhone 6 bends!

13: Big screens are better?

14: Call of Duty is not the same.

15: My obsession is the music. I live for the piano. But I’m still learning.

16: Why do I have to walk so far?

17: The Walking Dead is coming.

18: Ufff..! I’M BORED!

19: I wish I was rich.

20: I wish I could live where there’s always rain.

21: Getting ready to Go!

22: Good Night Everyone.

Thinking Visually


Listening to some music.


Looking something to play


Biggest disappointment

Thinking Rhetorically and Reflectively

My name is Christopher Mena, I was born on February 6 of 1997. I am the type of person that is afraid of many things as public speaking, but although it could be terrorizing, I always try my best. The  human’s brain is considered the most powerful machine in the all  known universe. It is capable to go beyond our understanding and even now it is hard to explain certains functions or how it works.The human brain is powerful but at the same time is out of our common understanding . I’ve been reflecting my thoughts,  and found ideas that I never imagine of our brain.I argue that  my current experience are shaping my future goals and thinking.

I am obsessed with music. While thinking I said “Music is my passion”(CMena0602 par.4). It is incredible how a person can love such beauty and being unable to play.  Classical Music is one of my favorites, I’ve been trying to be a pianist from along time ago but help never came. My passion for music started 2 years ago. In the photograph “Music” (Mena, Music) we see some of the most beautiful piece of music created by Frederic Chopin . Music for me is the representation of what is really beauty, but it was rejected for me. For the last couples of years I told my music teacher who is a principal of a music school that I wanted to go to his school, but of most of the time, if not always he said “………..” nothing. I just get ignored. But that did not end at that point. There was a classmate name “Josue”,we can see him seated with his hand on the piano. He  is the most talented student in the whole school. In a couples of months he was well known in the school while I had spent 2 years in the school some people just realize I have been there. My music teacher saw his talent and he did not twice to get him in music school, not his own but one even better. Disappointment and depression got into me. “Why?” I asked myself several times. But then it came again to me “Music is my passion”. I could not let go off my dream. Every Time I’m listening to music I think “One day I will show Him”, although I had this experience, I told never my music teacher how I feel. Instead I joined a choir. I took AP Music with him and improve my musical skills. As a person, I wasn’t the most romantic guy, but even if I wasn’t I always give the best impression of me. Love was something that I felt for sometime but it always end up breaking my heart. I hid my emotion from the world, nobody knew my deepest feelings. Frederic Chopin is considered one the best, if not, the best composer from the romanticism, he became of my idols. Chopin’s music make him the greatest, it was music like nobody else. But despite his music Chopin died alone. As the time was passing by, I realize the same thing would happen to me. No one would like a honest guy, I asked myself  “Why?” I could not understand why did that happen. But suddenly everything changed. “Can wait to see my girlfriend”(CMena0602 par.1) . As a matter of fact is rarely to find someone with your same values. As most people see females as objects, I see them as the greatest creation ever, while most people take advantage of females, I wasn’t, I was not everybody. My girlfriend was the same person as me, I even called her my “ twin angel”. It seems that everything could be possible in life, from the lonely person to the the happiest of all.

As a teennager I love videos games. That is the main source of entertainment that any teen can use. But compare to my parents, they think the other way around. In the photograph “Games”(Mena,Games) we can see the interface of an  Xbox 360 with some the games rated for a mature audience.  But there is a problem when ever I say “Now Play some games”(CMena0602 par.6). My parents had differents beliefs when it comes to videos games. My parents grew up when consoles like “The Super Nintendo” were the future of games, and for them videos games were created for kids. They grew up their whole lives with that idea that videos games are for children. In our generation games are made for everyone, kids, teens and adults. But my parents won’t understand that. It is hard to explain to them, games could be rated “E” for everyone and also can be rated “M” for a mature audience. We are growing up in a society that is constantly changing, in a future we are going to disagree with our children in some of the aspects of life as we do with our own today. Games can be the greatest experience to play but some of them were greatest at its time, now are just declining. “Call of Duty is not the same “(CMena0602 par.14) the Call of Duty franchise is one of my favorites. I remember I used to enjoy playing this game with my friends. In the photograph “Ghost”(Mena, Ghost) we see its last game. Call of Duty ghost is the worst game in the Call of Duty franchise. I rather play any older game that this, because of declining of this franchise I’m very aware that the franchise would have a soon ending. For this reason the developers of Call of Duty game had made a lot of difference. Some people argue that the game is dead but it is not. Although its bad reputation Call of Ghost had a good audience. Most of time I am alone, I mean being alone does not mean not being social but I am one of those person who likes to be in quiet places, but has been changing

My future goal and thinking is now moving forward,and even now I realize that I changed they way I think, most of the time I was afraid to go first, now I am the desperate to go first. My thoughts are moving  the best direction, moving in the right path, my goal are clearer than ever. If everything goes right in college, I’ll see my mind in stable position, not to full of ideas but with unforgettable memories of my classmates, professors and friends. My past had shaped the way I think, my thoughts are very positives, and if I continue with this not only my personal life would be affected but my academic and professional life would change for the best


Work Cited List

CMena0206[Christopher.Mena]. “Re: Project 1: Thinking in Writing.” OpenLab. ENG1101 D346 English Composition 1, FA2014, 29 Sept. 2014. Tue. 14 Oct. 2014.

Mena, Christopher. “Music” Flickr. 14 Oct. 2014. Tue. 14 Oct. 2014

Mena, Christopher. “Games” Flickr. 05 Oct. 2014. Tue. 14 Oct. 2014

Mena, Christopher. “Ghost” Flickr. 05 Oct. 2014. Tue. 14 Oct. 2014

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