For Wednesday, 3/25

For those of you who were unable to log in during our first scheduled Zoom meeting, I will try to upload the recordings shortly. Wednesday’s meeting will be asynchronous, meaning that we’ll all likely be logging in (to Slack) and discussing the material at different times over the next twenty-four hours or so.


  • Conley (2015), Ch. 15 (‘Authority and the State’): ‘Radical Power and Persuasion’; ‘Beyond Strawberry and Vanilla: Political Participation in Modern Democracies’; ‘Policy: What if the House Is Too Small?’; ‘Conclusion’

In Class

Rather than meeting online at a given time Wednesday, you have two days to do the assigned reading as well as review Chapter 5 in our textbook, then join the online, ongoing chat in Slack. Detailed instructions for the exercise can be found HERE.

For Next Time

  • Conley (2015), Ch. 5 (‘Groups and Networks’): ‘Social Groups’; ‘From Groups to Networks’; ‘Network Analysis in Practice’

2 Replies to “For Wednesday, 3/25”

  1. I’m having difficulty accessing this course on blackboard, well any course due to registrar issues. I’m not sure if you’ll continue to use open lab , but if anything changes please let me know. Thank You.

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