- William Little and Ron McGivern, Introduction to Sociology, Ch. 11 (‘Race and Ethnicity’), Sections 11.1 (‘Racial, Ethnic, and Minority Groups’), 11.2 (‘Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination’), and 11.3 (‘Theories of Race and Ethnicity’)
- David Reich, ‘How Genetics Is Changing Our Understanding of “Race”‘ , New York Times (23 March 2018)
In Class
- Attendance
- Reminder: Cell Phone Policy
- In the News
- Review: Class Participation for People with Stage Fright
- Thesis: There are ethnic groups and populations, but no races. I also seek to eschew bogus pseudo-scientific categories like ‘Caucasian’. Here’s a brief explanation as to why.
- Q&A
- Keywords: Social Constructionism
- For Next Time
- Final Questions
For Next Time
- HW: Annotate a Scholarly Article Assignment
- William Little and Ron McGivern, Introduction to Sociology, Ch. 11 (‘Race and Ethnicity’), Sections 11.4 (‘Intergroup Relations and the Management of Diversity’), and 11.5 (‘Race and Ethnicity in Canada’)
- Rebecca Tuvel, ‘In Defense of Transracialism’, Hypatia (2017)