Emmanuel DeWalt ePortfolio

Communication/Graphic Design

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Internship – Ethics 2

Image: https://influenceonline.co.uk/2016/11/11/the-ethicsfest-index/

The designs that I have done in the past came from inspirations of other art pieces but I have not used someone else’s work and credited it as my own.  Using photos from the internet for either layout designs or advertisements designs were the only times I used work that was not mine, however you must always give credit to those who took the photo in order for that designer to get the recognition they deserve. That is an example of copyright and many people have their social media accounts blocked sometimes because of the copyrighted music they use in their videos.

Source: AIGA Business_Ethics 47556757-Guide-to-copyright-1-MB

Shepard Fairey thought that modifying a photo that he did not capture himself and using it for public use would not bring him any trouble.  However, The Associated Press took action and sued Fairey for copyright infringement and I believe that decision was the appropriate action to take.  Fairey stated that he will reach out to The Associated Press next time in order to gain a license for future photographs.  Using ones artwork and claiming it to be your own will not get you very far in the design industry as many people will believe that you are not only a lazy designer but a thief was well.  The outcome should have went another way as Fairey got off too easy, even so with the outcome being as it was and with what lead up to the hearing was needed to be done in order to; as stated in the article by Gary Pruitt, the president and chief executive of The Associated Press “ we hope this case will serve as a clear reminder to all of the importance of fair compensation for those who gather and produce original news content.”

Source: https://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/09/07/shephard-fairey-is-fined-and-sentenced-to-probation-in-hope-poster-case/

Internship – Ethics 1

Image: https://uxplanet.org/design-ethics-vs-dark-side-ux-15a703870ec6

In order for employees to know what is right or what is wrong in the workplace they must follow the standards that is business ethics. For the logos that were used in my designs,  I was given a guideline to follow to keep the look and theme of the company consistent.  In no way should I have changed the color or the style of the logo as it was not my place to do so.  Every design that I’ve done all flowed together because I used the logo I was required to use but also using the color palette that was in the guideline as well.

Source: https://www.aiga.org/sites/default/files/2021-03/Design-Business-and-Ethics.pdf

To keep company information private and away from the public eye comes in the form of a nondisclosure agreement.  After the employer lays out in writing what the employer should not say outside of their work it will be then up to the employee to uphold to that agreement, if not it can cause a rift between the employer and employee.  As for my internship position, my employer did not require me to sign a nondisclosures agreement.

Source: https://www.scribd.com/document/91894008/Non-Disclosure-Agreement

Journal Blog 10 – 120 Hours

Image: https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/groups/comd-communication-design-internship-coordination-site/

As I reached 120 hours of my internship, I can say that this experience will be one that I will never forget.  When this course was on my mind 2 years ago the pandemic have not occurred yet and I thought that I was going to be doing internship in person.  However, the world changed and every class was switched to online. Sceptical at first, I hesitated when the course started which became the main factor that lead me to obtaining an internship late within the course.  As stated before with the help of Prof. Nicolaou I was able to obtain the internship position at Unity for Equality.  My experience at the internship was new but I was able to keep the work flowing and achieved 120 hours of my internship in the process.

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