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A core value is a belief that a person operates from. For me a core value that guides me is love. They are what continue to keep me pushing toward success in my life. As a young mom the first time I ever felt genuine love was when my son and I touched the day he was born, it was a love unlike any other that I’ve ever experienced before, it was real it was pure and it was everything I imagined love to be. I’ve struggled with my own mental health due to all the stressors life can be, but the bond between my son and I is unlike any other. I live for him and he lives for me. I never had the family dynamic and my parents and I don’t have the best relationship so for me loving my son the way I always wanted to be loved has changed my perspective as a women and as a parent. It made me a better person because it was what my inner chid and soul craved- to be loved.

Having the love of a child and knowing that the bond and the love will forever be their is something I can’t fathom to put into words. I hope one day everyone can experience a life changing love and a genuine love that won’t hurt or leave. I believe everyone in life needs to be loved to have a purpose or ad rive to succeed and be better.

Love for me has me wanting to be a better mother, a better friend, a better daughter and overall a better person.  Therapy has even showed me that self love sometimes is all that you really need as well and their isn’t honest nothing better than loving yourself too. I hope for one day that the love I show people can change them into who they need to become and that eventually love and compassion can change the evil that lies in this world and make it a place were everyone is happy and is spreading love and not hate.


Core Values by Dwayne Taylor

My Core Values is my family. This value is very important in my life and it always will. I don’t think i would be able to live without my family in my life. They can get on my nerves at times but id do anything for them. I have 2 sisters, 2 younger brother, an older brother, my mom and my dad. This value relates to my goals for the future because of the type of person i want to be in the future. I want to be someone that they can count on and someone they can call for help when ever they need it. I want to be able to provide for them when they are not doing well or is having bad luck. So i need to work hard and get a good paying job and great communication and writing skills can really help that. I am not a talkative person when it comes people I first meet so I can be a little awkward at times so hopefully these communication skills will help me with this.

core value

A core value is principles that guide who u are. I value my family.  Having beliefs, morals, discipline and knowing your priorities creates structure in life. What I do in life is very important and informative for me and my two daughters. With or without an educational background I am teacher on a daily basis. My children looks at me as their role model. Not being able to provide a positive, educational and healthy leadership role as their mom will definitely have a huge impact on their lives as well as their future. Valuing my family has brung me here today re admitted back into city tech and  ready to take on what learning has to offer. I speak things into existence and in my home we often speak positive affirmations. my oldest is a 11th grade honor roll student who is currently doing her pre reqs in Baruch College now program. Getting through this nursing program successfully will influence her in so many ways. 

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