Category: Our Community (Page 2 of 11)


Both my classes got canceled today. Which in a way was fun but both because I got time to spend with my best friend. We are currently having McDonalds and talking about basketball. I’ve been trying to discuss my basketball fashion essay with him but I don’t know what to currently write about. I think I want to focus on Kyrie Irvings fashion skills, his clothing line and how he changed the dynamics of fashion overall in the basketball community.

I recently passed my fashion midterm with a 105% which I am pretty excited for.

Core values

I have many core values but out of many learning and gaining knowledge will be one i feel that is very vital core value to have. When i say this i mean in the aspect  of being able as well as willing to receive and process information. Knowledge is power but being willing to learn is also  a power because you are showing you are willing to learn . Another core value i have is my interest in music, i feel music is life and its a show of creativity music could also make you feel happy or sad, etc however i say its a core value for me because through my music i could express myself.


In the Read Like a Writer we learned how to read like you’re in the writer’s shoes. The setting he created for the reader was that reading like a writer made him understand the author’s purpose (of what they were reading) more. That reading like this consisted of a series of choices. That these choices the author made can help you better understand even one’s own writing. Once he learned how to read like a writer he could apply this style or technique to influence his own writing according to the passages on page 7. The author of RLW goes on to state that he would try to apply other writers techniques to see if they worked for him. 


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