Author: Janel king

Reading like a writer.

Janel S King

Janel S King



It was the setting he was in which helped him focus and understand the author’s purpose. Once learning how to read like a writer the technique used can influence one as a writer also. If an essay began with a quote would that be helpful? He was trying to see if someone else’s technique worked for himself. Instead of reading normally the author is explaining that reading word by word sentence by sentence helps with comprehension. Reading like a writer is a series of making choices and in doing so it helps you see things from a broader perspective. It becomes an opportunity to think and learn about writing.

What are some questions to ask before reading ? consider the context around what you’re reading. It’ll be easier to answer the questions you asked before. Depending on the writing, there are different ways to understand the writer’s purpose as well as feeling connected to it. When you understand what type of genre you’re reading you would be able to determine which technique is best for that specific text. For example; a student said “If i’m reading philosophy, i always look for signaling words (however, therefore, furthermore,despite) indicating the direction of the argument”

When reading fiction or creative nonfiction, he looks for how the author inserts dialogue or character sketches within narration or environmental observation. He realized how these different approaches are utilized to achieve an author’s overall effect. Knowing what you’ll be writing yourself can also help you prioritize. Another former student said”

“The reading that i have done in college writing courses has always been really specific to a certain type of writing and it allows me to focus and experiment on that specific style in depth and without distraction”

When thinking about questions to ask as you are reading. Remember, for most students this is a new way of reading , and you’ll have to train yourself to do it well. Also keep in mind that youre reading to understand how the text was written and how the house was built more than you are trying to determine the meaning of the things you read and assess whether the texts are good or bad. Taking notes, the most common suggestion made by former students. Students found that highlighting, underlining and marking up the text are all great techniques when it comes to reading like a writer. Keeping the readers intrigued can be difficult. Finding synonyms and other interesting words to replace common or other basic words can help keep the reader’s attention. overall as u can see from the text you’ll learn to notice techniques that seem newer and pay less attention to the ones you’ve thought about before.

core value

A core value is principles that guide who u are. I value my family.  Having beliefs, morals, discipline and knowing your priorities creates structure in life. What I do in life is very important and informative for me and my two daughters. With or without an educational background I am teacher on a daily basis. My children looks at me as their role model. Not being able to provide a positive, educational and healthy leadership role as their mom will definitely have a huge impact on their lives as well as their future. Valuing my family has brung me here today re admitted back into city tech and  ready to take on what learning has to offer. I speak things into existence and in my home we often speak positive affirmations. my oldest is a 11th grade honor roll student who is currently doing her pre reqs in Baruch College now program. Getting through this nursing program successfully will influence her in so many ways.Â