Author: De'Asia Butler

De’Asia Butler – Core Value

Hello Class,

For my Core Value I chose Respect:

There is a saying “Respect others the same way you would want to be respected” this saying is important to me because I feel respect goes a long way. We are all human beings and we all have feelings. I give everyone around me the respect they deserve, because i want the same treatment in return.  At work I hold a management position, I am the lead dental assistant, I have employees who work under me. The catch to that is we are all still dental assistants, yes I may have a few extra tasks then my workers, but we still do the same task overall. Does that mean I should treat them any different or act mean and disrespectful towards them because I have lead assistant in front of my name. I say no I will not be mean to my workers, I will not treat them differently, even more importantly I will not disrespect them. My workers are human just like me, and have feelings and I want them to give me the same respect i give to them.

For the future I would hold this same core value of respect because I want to open up my own business. I’ve been in the dental field for many years, that means I have worked in different dental practices and different work environments. I’ve worked with some pretty nasty people, who don’t understand the true meaning of respect. I have even worked for some employers who were rude and disrespectful. One employer I worked for would scream at us and punch the walls, you would think as an employer they would have carried themselves in a certain manner of professionalism, we thought wrong. We all want to be respected and not screamed at by our employers, so when I open up my business, no I will not scream and punch walls, I will respect my employees and treat them like the humans they are.

For a person like me who has the goal of opening up their own business, I would need money and lots of it, starting a business is not cheap. I would possibly need investors or possibly business loans to get started. That means I will need to communicate and write to my future investors so they would want to invest in me and my vision for my company.

De’Asia Butler



De’Asia Butler – Introduction

Hello Everyone,

My name is De’Asia Butler, and I am studying Restorative Dental. I am 36 years old and very nervous of returning back to school since it has been many years since I was in school. I have been in the dental field for over fifteen years and I love dentistry. No dentistry was not my first career path, I was actually forced into my field by my mother, it just so happened I fell in love with dentistry. My plan is to open up my own Dental Lab one day, that’s why I decided to return back to school.  I love reading and writing even though I may not write well (that’s why I’m taking english lol) being able to tell a story on paper makes me happy. I plan to put my all into learning and passing this class, and all my other classes for that matter. I look forward to working with all my classmates, and us passing this class.

De’Asia Butler