Core Value

My core value has to be culture, especially my own. I loved my home country very much. The food, music, and people made me happy about where I came from. I always visit Peru every year to see my friends and family. I spend time with them because they are the people who made me the person I am today and I thank them for being there for me by my side ever since. I also loved my country because it’s a beautiful place to visit.

This value relates to me for my future goals to who I’m friends with and how I can overcome the obstacles I’ll be facing them during life. When I struggle with something during the moment, one of my friends back home show me to take a breath and relax. It really works like a charm and I’m glad I learned it from them to get out of my system.

My writing and communication skills has improved a lot when I got back to the United States. Of course it was hard at first, but once I got to practice over it I got better at it step-by-step. I would like to thank my English professor where I went to the CLIP program, for pushing me to be better in my English grammar and I thank her for that. If it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t be here in class and city tech.

1 Comment

  1. Gianlucca

    Hi Stephano, I understand what you mean about loving your homeland’s culture, because it is part of who we are today, also the Peruvian culture is rich and amazing, without mentioning the fantastic food. I’m looking forward to sharing more of my culture with you in the future.

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