Tomorrow! EcoFest 2022

Greetings City Tech community,

EcoFest has been the College’s Earth Day-centered event for the past 7 years. It is an opportunity for faculty, staff, and students to celebrate environmental successes and educate each other concerning the huge challenges we face.The theme of this year’s EcoFest Conference is Crisis: It’s Time to Take Action. The event will have a hybrid format: there will be live panels and presentations in the Academic Building lobby and theater, and it will be shared synchronously as a Zoom webinar.   Last year’s conference had 140 viewers and more than 50 participants. We are planning on even more viewers for EcoFest 2022. The conference schedule is designed so the panels coincide with the times college courses are taking place. Faculty are encouraged to bring their classes. 

Join us in person in the New Academic Complex Theater or, if you cannot attend live, join via Zoom webinar at the link below. EcoFest 2022 Conference webinar registration:

EcoFest 2022 promotional video:

Please see the EcoFest 2022 Schedule and poster for more information.We look forward to seeing you on the 28th!

Thank you, City Tech Campus Sustainability Council