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Blog 5

After having last week off and coming back from holiday, Daniel and I were given a new assignment. We were responsible for finding the information about college viewbooks because Brooklyn College will soon be redoing their whole book system.  This was exciting because I finally got what I wanted which was to do more analytical research for a project. Daniel and I discussed how we would go about it and Lisa wants us to have different information in our findings. I plan on doing  research from two different types of universities one being from privates and another coming from public universities. 

When looking for a college, I tend to look for two things. First the college has to have a good program. The college could be amazing however, if I can’t depend on it to give me a proper education then it’s just worthless to me. Second would be statistics on why this college would be a better fit than other colleges. Is it financially better? Is it a better college for making friends? What does this college provide that other colleges don’t? What I came up with was  Adelphi University, Buffalo State, Hunter, and Cooper union. These colleges always came up with ways to make the viewbook experience enjoyable with giving everything I had asked for.  Daniel came up with a list that had colleges that I didn’t expect. He said something similar to me: the college has to have a good program of course. The college has to have a good residential life, and the last thing was it has to have some sort of affordable cost or student forgiveness. I agree because during college the industry doesn’t understand that we have other things going on and still would pack all the work onto students.  After researching we handed in our research and are waiting for the design phase.

Blog 4

After working here for a bit I have learned so much so far about what goes into making a campaign and industry creative marketing. I’ve learned about basecamp which is a great way to connect with multiple people on a project. Every project includes the tools all teams need to work together; message boards, to-dos, schedules, docs, file storage, real-time group chat, and automatic check-in questions. You can rename them, turn off the ones you don’t need, or integrate with third-party tools like time trackers to tailor things to the project at hand. I like this more than emailing because to be honest; I have to answer so many emails about college in one day that making it so that I have one more thing to memorize makes it hard. I am glad that I know about base camp now and wish I knew about it earlier.   

Lisa gave us this week an assignment that was about revising four letterheads. First I was confused because I was working from scratch and didn’t know the exact increments of the spacing, but as I continued I was able to finish off with making up ratios that could be compared to the original. When I was working on this project I was working alongside my coworker Daniel which I am 100% grateful to be working with. If I wasn’t working with him then I am pretty sure this job would’ve been more difficult to work through. We are approaching the halfway point and the semester is getting harder and I’m hopefully able to continue to learn more from the Brooklyn college team. 


blog 3

So after applying to all of professor Goetz emails and job offers, I was able to strike up a conversation with one of the brooklyn college employers who just so happens to be a professor here at City Tech. At the time writing this I was finished with the application process and can happily say that I had gotten the job and am now an employee at brooklyn college marketing department!  This is a wonderful opportunity and was one of the places I was praying that I had got. This is going to have me working on graphics and doing research for marketing strategies for the college. This institution is part of cuny so this is indeed a public establishment. I was taken quickly under the wing of Lisa who will show me everything there is to being a junior advertiser.  

How the interview went was extremely well. It was over zoom and I was terrified of course. This slowly faded away when Lisa was talking about how good the work I was showing her was. I really wanted this internship so this was understandably shaky and nervous behavior. We went on to discuss the type of programs I was able to use and when I was talking to her about motion, she was understandably impressed. I learned something from this interview that I knew when I applied to jobs outside of my career. I know what I am capable of, it’s just confidence at the end of the day. We continued to talk about things I didn’t know but that’s also something that I had learned. You have to be eager to learn. As soon as I said I would figure things out she explained to me that when she knew I was a good fit for the job. Finally employment! We exchanged information and I start next week. 

blog 2

So after last class we were given time frames in which to apply for internships and the application process. I applied to a few companies from the list of internships provided by professor Goetz and am waiting for their decision. The least I want is an answer, because when I apply to jobs I never get a response back when it comes to applications in my field. It is definitely harder to get your foot in the door without prior experience. It will be extremely beneficial to begin looking at what makes an employer choose someone also applying to junior positions. 

What was interesting today was how we began to discuss how we should apply to some sort of networking event. These events are usually hard to attend because of time and coming to see them in person however, with covid it made everything online and able to have large gatherings and seminars that normally wouldn’t be able to happen. I plan on going to the adobe summit where they discuss how to maneuver in the industry during these troubling times. They’re going to have a few initial meetings and then will go into the new web series they have as well. Now I will continue to apply to internships and begin fixing my resume and my cover letter. 

blog 1

Today was the first day of class and I was excited to begin pursuing internships. Professor Goetz went over the beginning stages on how to begin looking for a job. Through the resume process I was shown truly how many errors were in my initial document. The things also discussed were how your resume should be geared towards something you’re going for. That way you’re not pushed out by their automated system.  I have a lot to learn when it comes to the initial hunt but I am trying the best to my ability to make due with the pandemic going on. With what I currently have I know for sure that my portfolio is up to date with all the work that I have done in the past years. I need to present myself in a professional manner that would get me the job and show that I am qualified. 

We were told that we have to get 120 hours into the end of the semester and that I have to find an internship fast, as the professor said by week 5. This means I have to also make sure all of my portfolio work and personal information is in check. Overall, the first week went well and I can’t wait to start the work. I always wonder to myself how the hell am I going to find a job after I graduate? HOW DO I EVEN START? This class seems like a good stepping stone to get into the industry.  I can’t wait for the grind as well, the best part about being a student is having a pathway to work with others. With an internship I won’t be working with students but rather working with other employees. I need more knowledge in the field so I will be a huge sponge to these guys and leech their information. That sounds like such an evil intention but I am not using them but abusing their kindness  and will get as much as I can while I’m employed.