Following ethical guidelines within graphic design is important because keeping your brand’s visual identity is important. Plagiarism is an important topic in the design world because creative ideas are so valuable. Having them stolen is just not ethically right but this does bring into the question of what is right and wrong when it comes to the design choices specifically using past ideas and expanding on them. The Fairey Copyright Hope Poster case is a good example of how using past images and changing them slightly could be seen as plagiarism or fair use. The Fairey Copyright Hope Poster case in my opinion was a perfectly fine way of showing off the presidential campaign poster having changed the iconic photo into a poster. I felt as if he used just the photo and claimed he took it, it would’ve been a different case. After the settlement the court came to an interesting insight that, Though both photos at issue were shot by the same AP photographer, the fact that the solo shot of Obama was the source was important because the more one transforms a photograph, the higher the chances that the resulting art constitutes a fair use of the original work. I find this interesting because it leaves creative work to be used and make adjustments and have their work basically have a different meaning, whether or not this is okay is up to the beholder but to me I think it’s fair but ethically not that okay.