blog 1

Today was the first day of class and I was excited to begin pursuing internships. Professor Goetz went over the beginning stages on how to begin looking for a job. Through the resume process I was shown truly how many errors were in my initial document. The things also discussed were how your resume should be geared towards something you’re going for. That way you’re not pushed out by their automated system.  I have a lot to learn when it comes to the initial hunt but I am trying the best to my ability to make due with the pandemic going on. With what I currently have I know for sure that my portfolio is up to date with all the work that I have done in the past years. I need to present myself in a professional manner that would get me the job and show that I am qualified. 

We were told that we have to get 120 hours into the end of the semester and that I have to find an internship fast, as the professor said by week 5. This means I have to also make sure all of my portfolio work and personal information is in check. Overall, the first week went well and I can’t wait to start the work. I always wonder to myself how the hell am I going to find a job after I graduate? HOW DO I EVEN START? This class seems like a good stepping stone to get into the industry.  I can’t wait for the grind as well, the best part about being a student is having a pathway to work with others. With an internship I won’t be working with students but rather working with other employees. I need more knowledge in the field so I will be a huge sponge to these guys and leech their information. That sounds like such an evil intention but I am not using them but abusing their kindness  and will get as much as I can while I’m employed.