blog 3

So after applying to all of professor Goetz emails and job offers, I was able to strike up a conversation with one of the brooklyn college employers who just so happens to be a professor here at City Tech. At the time writing this I was finished with the application process and can happily say that I had gotten the job and am now an employee at brooklyn college marketing department!  This is a wonderful opportunity and was one of the places I was praying that I had got. This is going to have me working on graphics and doing research for marketing strategies for the college. This institution is part of cuny so this is indeed a public establishment. I was taken quickly under the wing of Lisa who will show me everything there is to being a junior advertiser.  

How the interview went was extremely well. It was over zoom and I was terrified of course. This slowly faded away when Lisa was talking about how good the work I was showing her was. I really wanted this internship so this was understandably shaky and nervous behavior. We went on to discuss the type of programs I was able to use and when I was talking to her about motion, she was understandably impressed. I learned something from this interview that I knew when I applied to jobs outside of my career. I know what I am capable of, it’s just confidence at the end of the day. We continued to talk about things I didn’t know but that’s also something that I had learned. You have to be eager to learn. As soon as I said I would figure things out she explained to me that when she knew I was a good fit for the job. Finally employment! We exchanged information and I start next week.