
During school time many students focus on education, grades, high GPA, and receiving a diploma. But unfortunately they are not prepared for the realities that wait for them. Nowadays many job interviews are being held in fine dining restaurants. Meeting with clients are also being held during lunch break. Our good manners prove ourselves. Behavior can largely effect on our lives, both personal and professional. Person well acquainted with the “savoir vivre” is seen as a person of cultural world. Business lunch is just a ritual, in which there are certain rules, nothing more nor less. Your behavior at the table requires more discipline than the time at a family dinner. That is why we decided to create a website that will show students basic rules how to behave in fine dining restaurant. We would like to guide them through our Web pages. When it comes to fine dining restaurants, people are usually afraid of how to behave, especially during business meetings or job interviews. Besides education and intelligence, our manners are important as well, because people judge us how, for example, we treat a waiter, and how we eat.

Banquet Table Setup

This website is a tool to guide students, so they will be prepared and not surprised when they will see many forks and glasses at the table.

First we talk about basic fine dining table setting. From Emily Post website “Table Setting Guide” we found information how fine dining table is setup for a meal. It shows a picture, that we used for our project, and description of utensils and glasses. It is significant how to start a meal and from which fork. In table setting page we also used a short video that shows and explain table setting. Also it shows what to do with utensils when we need a break during a meal, or when we finished.

On the other page we provide general business dining rules. “Dining & Business Etiquette” website gave us all information we needed for this project. It explains about punctuality and how many minutes we should arrive before the meeting. It should be noted also how important is to greet and introduce yourself. Never forget that you only have one opportunity to make first impression. How to order a meal is discussed on “General Business Dining Rules” as well. Our source also talks about finishing a meal and how to properly pay the bill.

Also on our website students can find information about rules, what to do or not to do. The “Business Dining Etiquette” website of University of Delaware provided us information about rules at the table that we used for our project. Keep it mind that the business meeting or job interview that is being held in restaurant is not about having fun, and it might sound crazy, but it is not about food. That is why it is important to know the rules. For example, what to do with napkin, how to sit in our chair. Also it is significant do not forget to compliment the dish and our server. People observe us how we interact with server, and based on our behavior they draw the conclusions.



According to “Mastering the Business Meal” article by Dana May Casperson, “more than half of all business deals are finalized over a meal, and higher percentage of business discussion in general occurs while out to lunch or dinner.” We believe that our website will help and prepare student for business meeting or for a job interview that it might occur in fine dining restaurant. We would like to also suggest students to practice how to eat properly, even at home. Practice makes the master. We cannot forget that our behavior will be judged by others, and we never cannot assume that people will not notice or will tolerate poor manners.

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