GA6: Reflecting on and Discussing Our Collection of Personal Narrative Literacies Essays

GA6: Reflecting on and Discussing Our Collection of Personal Narrative Literacies Essays  

You have all written some wonderful essays about reading and writing practices.  While we have spent some time discussing these in class, there is still more to discuss and think about.  Please use this week’s Group Assignment to 1/  write a one to one paragraph reflection on your essay in relation to essays written by other students in our course, and 2/ make suggestions regarding how we can best share these essays with one another and incorporate them into our ongoing work in this course over the rest of the semester.

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35 Responses to GA6: Reflecting on and Discussing Our Collection of Personal Narrative Literacies Essays

  1. Account Deleted says:

    Reflecting back on my essay, I tooked advice from some students that read mines. The group I was in actually, we all gave each other advice to make our essays better. With that being said, I think the relation with my essay and other essays from other students is just to have them be read by others. Since we’ve talked about “ audience” lately, the students would be the audience ( they’ll read your essay to see what they can understand about it, what stands out in the essay, what they can learn from it and even share it).
    If you want to share your essay, then just share it with whoever. To be more specific, if your essay is on like for example “ Living in Europe”, some people may be interested in Europe and would like to know more about, however some people may just not bother to know about Europe. So some people will find your essay interesting, some may just not be interested in your topic. All depends pretty much on who reads it. That’s my small suggestion.

  2. Kyle Brunson says:

    Well I haven’t read that many essays by other students. Of the two that I did read, in comparison to my own, I thought they were better. Their essays talked about struggles and challenges when it came to reading and writing in their lives. Mine, on the other hand, was just a story that I hope was entertaining to read. Our essays serve different purposes, but I think that Tyra and Huilin’s essays were more compelling to read.
    The first thing that came to my mind when I thought of sharing essays with one another was reading aloud in class. But that would get tiresome after the first few so I’m not completely sure. We can continue to do peer review classes.

  3. Anika says:

    The only other essay I read was Demba’s when we were peer editing. In relation to his essay I realized we had similar situations. I wrote about how I learned to read. He wrote about how he came to America and had to learn to read and write again. We both included how we used to love reading, lost interest, and got back into it.
    We can share these essays with one another by doing more peer editing. Instead of editing one persons essay we can do three. This way we get to read each others work and get more feedback from different people to help us with our future work.

  4. I had the opportunity to read Alex’s essay and I consider that he was able to better approach the subject. He did not add too much information in his introduction (as I did). I liked reading his essay because I felt identified in some passages.
    Read the essays of other students and that they have read mine, made me see myself in a mirror and I used all the advice they gave me to make the text more comprehensible. We could exchange the essays every week to polish it completely.

  5. I didn’t get a chance to read many essaies except Ein. Reading his was essay was very helpful because I realized how different culture could give a different meaning of a word. Also reading his essay made me realized how I could write little more about my topic. In addition, we both made some suggestion to each other, which I considered it on my next draft to the final.
    As a suggestion, I think I would be great idea to open a openlab blog post where we all will able to post our paper. From there other student can choose the one that interests them.

  6. T. Mohamed says:

    The only other essay I read aside from mine was Akram’s. Compared to my essay, his essay was very short, and it seemed a little lazy because it was straight to the point. I’m happy with the way my essay came out because it came out a lot better than I had imagined. Another thing I learned was that although the topic was basically the same for everybody, everybody’s essay was different because their reading and writing was impacted in different ways. For example, a lot of people were influenced by technology but their were different outcomes. Some say it advanced their skills while others say it facilitated their reading and writing and made them lazy in a way.

    One way we can help each other go over our essays is read others’ essays and see how we can incorporate their way of writing and ideas into our own essays.

  7. After reading two of my classmates essays, I learned that we all share similar experiences on the topic of reading and writing. I notice the effects or influences of technology play a common role on our attitude towards reading and structuring on writing. The tips and critique I recieved help me re-arrange my essay strong points and revise my paragraph
    structure into a better final draft. I also shared positive feedback with both classmates, on their narrative, which help our team reformat our organization skills.

    I believe the exercise of working in groups to evaluate each other work is brillant and helps reinforce skills, but sharing each other essays would benefit us more if we can post and share access toit on open lab.

  8. Alex says:

    The essay that I had read is Jazmin’s essay while we doing peer editing. Her essay was very long, like about five to six pages. She used third person point of view in her essay which confuse me in the beginning. Also reading through her essay, I learned that there are many ideas that I can add into my essay. Our essay have different ideas in it because duel to different nations, but the topic is same. It’s about how we came to America and learn new language about how to read and write.
    One way I think we can share our essay together is post our essay on to openlab and other people can read them when they have free time.

  9. Chadel says:

    This essay really was a big step for me, one it taught me that reaching out for help really can go along a long way like seriously I dont really like people reading about my personal life and my life in general but i took a chance and i liked the response that i got back from my friends and my classmates was really helpful, it taught me that you really should start doing this more often and read other people’s essays so they can get help and you can try to build off them and maybe use some of there work (with their permission of course) to help you when writing yours.

    2) I dont really know whats a good way to do it, but i like the peer review in all honesty because it gives me a chance to get ideas and help from other students thats writing the same essay for the same grade so we can help each other.

  10. Huilinmei says:

    I had read Kyle‘s essay while we working on the peer editing. Kyle has a really cool title for his essay. Which is “From Fantasy to fiction”.We actually have the same length for our essays. But he discussed how he falls in love reading in school. In my essay, I discussed how I struggled with reading because of the language. During the class time, Kyle asked me what can he improve in his essay, I said he can add some more in his essay, such as the problems he faces when he read or did he have different thoughts toward reading before? But because English was his first language, therefore I think he might not have the same struggle like me.

    I think we can share our essay on the open lab, therefore everyone can get the chance to read it. Being honest, I really think working in the group is a brilliant idea. The teammate can point out the small problems in my essay. Because I am the one who wrote the essay, therefore I cannot really found out the “mistake” in my work.

  11. Tyra Daniel says:

    My essay has overall taught me a lot as it was my first “College Essay”. The topic itself was something different for me to talk about, and after our group work in class I learned that I wasn’t the only one who experienced the same struggle. My essay was Similar to Anika’s essay in which we spoke on the differences of growing up in a Caribbean household, and how it can impact reading and writing skills. This interested me and proved my point as Anika was the only student (also from Trinidad) who wrote about this when majority of the class spoke about the impact of technology. We can share our essays by grouping them up with other essays in the class that are similar in topic. This way, Students (also the audience) will get the Narrative being told. We can each look back at our essays throughout the semester to see how we improved as we learn more things in each class.

  12. demba diop says:

    the essay essay I read is Anika’s .she was talking about how she learnt to read . the essay was awesome because it helped me knowing how to set paragraph . I would say that in my first draft ,I just mixed different ideas in the same paragraph . my essay was about how I used to be a good writer and after a while I didn’t write I lost my skill. it was a little bit complicated because in my curriculum I used to write in french and it’s different to the writing process in english. I would like to know if at the end of the conclusion ,we could introduce a sentence that would expand the subject in another way.

    • Thanks! I can’t wait to hear more about the differences between approaches to college writing in French and American English. I would encourage you to add a sentence in the conclusion to expand the subject. Further, depending on which draft you are working on, you may find that what you write in your conclusion is actually a very important point that you end up expanding on in the body of your essay.

  13. Didn’t get a chance to read others essays, but I feel like the essay I wrote, refreshed my memory on how to become a better writer. I feel like in class, reading each others essays and giving each other feedbacks would be good because it would also help us become better writers. Other students might bring up ideas or show you better ways to write. I also think that this essay started to prepare us on how to write “college essays”, if we keep on practicing we will be able to write longer essays in an easier way.

  14. chemar prussia says:

    Well, I haven’t read that many essays by other students I only read one person essay but I forgot her name right now but in class I could tell you who it is. In relation to her essay I realized that we had learn to read and write two different ways. I had learn to read by driving around with my mom and dad and seeing billboard and shouting out words with help correction from my sisters. My peer editor had try to learn to read and write from technology at home school but had fail so she had to get place in a regular school where she had struggle at first but manage to overcome.

    I think we could continue work with in group or accordingly to Mohammed Emran “As a suggestion, I think I would be great idea to open a openlab blog post where we all will able to post our paper. From there other student can choose the one that interests them.

  15. Samuel Lau says:

    I didn’t get the opportunity to read any essay written by other students in the class because I was absent during the revising week. However, I noticed that some students in the class wrote about how technology changed them and how they learned to read. I feel that I chose a topic that discussed about my experience in the past more than about how an experience affected my literacies. I suggest that we can best share our essays with one another by making groups and discuss about their topic choice and writing style. That way, everyone can incorporate these strategies to write in the future.

  16. Stefan says:

    As I discussed with other students about topics and their practices. I was interested in how other students prepared for writing and how they learned to write as well. And, I have found out that most of us have similar or overlapping ways of writing and reading. We pull from ideas from others and relate those to our own. I believe this was essential to go over our essays with other students because it added another layer, in my eyes, who they are as a person and a writer. I got a deeper understanding in their writing process and in return Learned a thing or two from my peers.

  17. Stefan says:

    As I discussed with other students about topics and their practices. I was interested in how other students prepared for writing and how they learned to write as well. And, I have found out that most of us have similar or overlapping ways of writing and reading. We pull from ideas from others and relate those to our own. I believe this was essential to go over our essays with other students because it added another layer, in my eyes, who they are as a person and a writer. I got a deeper understanding in their writing process and in return Learned a thing or two from my peers.

  18. Stefan says:

    As I discussed with other students about topics and their practices. I was interested in how other students prepared for writing and how they learned to write as well. And, I have found out that most of us have similar or overlapping ways of writing and reading. We pull from ideas from others and relate those to our own. I believe this was essential to go over our essays with other students because it added another layer, in my eyes, who they are as a person and a writer. I got a deeper understanding in their writing process and in return Learned a thing or two from my peers.

  19. omayra garcia says:

    Reflecting back to my essay I learned so much by reading my classmates essay because it made me realized what I was missing and what I also needed to work on. Its also cool how a lot of us have different point of views because In the last class, one of my classmates in group 2 wrote about how technology changed his reading in writing in a positive way, but in my case it was in a negative way. A suggestion that I can give with sharing our essays with one another is to post our essays on open lab and have our classmates read two a week and make some suggestions.

  20. Ojanny says:

    After I read my peers essay’s it gave me a better understading of how to implement evidence in a way that it doesnt seem force. I also learned how to write a better thesis because I notice that all of the other essays I read had a thesis but mines didn’t. I would say that peer review helped me a lot because in many aspects it helped me figure out what I did wrong and what I did right. I also seen a lot of different opinions when reading my peers essay which opened my mind a lot.

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