Class Info

  • Date: February 1st
  • Meeting Info: Monday/Thursday 2:30-5:00pm, Zoom link in email
  • Video Recording: To be added after class
  • Topics: Course Overview, Introductions, Learning on the OpenLab, Your Visual Library

To-Do Before Class

  • Create an OpenLab Account
  • Join this Course
  • Take the Student Survey

Discussion: Course Overview

COMD1100: Graphic Design Principles 1

This design and color theory course explores graphic communication through the understanding of the elements and principles of design, as well as the design process, from idea development through final execution.

Let’s take a look at our course site and review the course materials.


Activity: Icebreaker

  • Add description of activity

Discussion: Introductions

  • In the menu of this site, find Student Work > Discussions > Introductions
  • Add a comment to the post, introducing yourself to the class. See How to Comment and Critique for help.
  • Next reply to someone else’s comment!

Break (15 min)

Take a break.

Your Visual Library

Every week throughout the semester you will add images to your Visual Library. This collection of images will serve as inspiration for class projects, presentations, and discussions.

You can post anything you find inspiring or intriguing. It can be beautiful or ugly, quiet or loud, disturbing or comforting, sad or happy. Let’s get started!

  1. Look around your space for things that inspire you. These can be objects, signs, scenes, people, colors, light, shapes, anything!
  2. Take a well-composed photograph of each inspiration. If you can’t find anything that inspires you, keep trying!
  3. Follow the How to guide: Build your Visual Library and post your first images!

To-Do Before Next Class

  1. Join our OpenLab course.
  2. Create your Visual Library gallery post using the photographs from the class activity or something else that inspires you.
  3. Respond to one of your

Materials for next class

Items from SUPPLY LIST**

** Note: if you are unable to purchase these items due to financial aid delays, please contact me BEFORE the next class.