Using all principles of Color from Project #4

Project Overview

Problem: Create Abstract Painting Composition, using principles of Color explored in Project 4.

Materials: Sketchbook, pencils, Bristol Board 9×12″, acrylic paints, brushes, palette, rags, water container, scissors, exacto knife, ruler/t-square, glue/adhesive.

Concepts: Hue, Saturation, Pure/Prismatic Color, Muted Color, Desaturated/Chromatic Gray, Achromatic Gray, Luminosity, Primary Colors, Secondary Colors, Complementary Colors, Warm, Cool, CMY, RGB, RYB color models/systems.

Technical Skillspainting techniques, Drawing, Thumbnail sketching, graphic tools.


  • Ability to recognize and define major color properties: hue, value and saturation (chroma)
  • Ability to see individual hue in terms of it’s value, in relation to other hues.
  • Ability to identify and create Gradation and Contrast in color relationships.
  • Use of abstract shapes and composition elements to create overall interest and rhythm using color palettes, monochrome, analogous, complimentary, triads (primary, secondary) etc, geometric shape and Modernist Principles.
  • Comfortable with paint mixing, paint application, formatting page, using rulers and tape for edges.


  • Research for inspiration Modernist Artists Sonia Delauney and Johannes Itten
  • Choose two images for Inspiration board in Milanote
    • Look for compositions that interest you for color variety, color value relationships, and qualities of shape and rhythm.
    • Analyze color properties throughout paintings. Warm, Cool? Analogous, Gradations..
      • Write short paragraph for one or both paintings, color analysis
    • These are for inspiration only; you won’t copy but will interpret in your own composition
  • Thumbnail Sketching
    • Sketchpaper – 3-4 large thumbnail sketches 3″x5″
    • Use bars, stripes, circles, arabesque, triangles, and overlaps, with Ambiguous Figure/Ground relationships in an interesting dynamic.
    • Over the composition, create 6 Divisions of entire frame, using only straight lines.
      • Refer to in class demonstration and discussion- take notes.
    • The 6 Divisions will become different color Value segments – 3 will be in dark values, and 3 will be in light values
  • Painting Process
    • Decide best composition from sketches
    • Redraw onto Bristol, leaving 1″ border all the way around.
      • Use rulers and circle templates for precise edges
    • Palette: Painting must show use of:
      • Gradation (such as a hue changing incrementally to another hue or a darker value
      • Contrast: larger changes from color to color or dark to light.
      • Palettes: choose amongst Monochrome, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Complementary, Achromatic, analogous.
      • In divided areas, switch from Dark hues to Light hues (by adding white mainly) so that there are clear separated areas, that also create contrast and unity for entire piece.