Type Challenge – Typeface Selection


Type Challenges are design assignments and discussions

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will reinforce the typographic principles of the course through observation and critiques  of current
  • Challenges are paired with projects and course assignments thought the semester. They are structured to be completed in class within specific time and design guidelines.


  • Set your name in these case configurations:
    Your Name
    your name
  • Using InDesign or any other application to create an 11×17 document
  • .5″ margins
  • Page 1
  • Insert one text box with three columns.
  • Make copies of the words you typed in the previous step going through your font list from top to bottom, and applying any that seem
  • You’ll come across clear and expected winners, and other times you’ll discover unexpected choices that offer themselves irresistibly well to what you’re designing. Keep moving on to additional possibilities.
  • Search through your font menu to see which ones might work best You should have 40 or more typeface variations
  • Page 2 Try matching five different or more combinations of your name or initials
  • Page 3 Optional try one composition page with your name and or initials. try dynamic layout. explore large scale contrasts, repetition
  • Save your work as pdf named: “Last Name_First_Name_ TC_TS.pdf”
  • Upload to the TYpe challemge Drop box folder

Dropbox Homework Folder to upload homeworks
Dropbox Folder to upload Type Challenges
Dropbox Folder to Upload Final Projects
Dropbox help

Due Date(s)


  • Add assignment resources or readings
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