Class 10

Class Info

  • Class Date: Mon. Mar. 4


  • Project 1: Continue Type Book:


  • Learn about the relationship between type selection, size and spacing:
  • Understanding more type terminology and how it differs from print to screen: Leading or line height, tracking and kerning (space between letters)
    • Leading or line length refers to the space between the baselines
    • Tracking refers to the adjustment of space between all the letters of a specific word or heading
    • Kerning refers to the adjustment of space between two specific letters
  • Understanding the different scenarios of their uses
  • Continue page setup InDesign


Course Page Drop Caps

To-Do After Class

1. Create Two Drop Cap pages
Type Book Drops & pull quote Example Page

Create two pages
Duplicate two pages from Classification of Type Styles

Add a One Pull Quote and one Drop Cap to each page
Be creative use scale and typeface contrasts.

Can be any typeface you want

Create one multi page PDF “Lastname firstname Drop Cap” Upload to Dropbox Homework Folder

Type-Book-6a-Drop Cap & pull-quoteDownload

2. Look for an image you can use for Type on a Path page. Can be anything you are interested try to get an image that can be something that can be silhouetted
UpLoad your image to Homework dropbox.

You can use any image you would like should be something that have no background. You can use any topic subject or object you would like.

Find some text on your selected image one or two paragraphs of text

Object select Tool Photoshop

Drop Caps (See how to create a drop cap here, and here at Adobe website)
Pull Quotes ( See here for some nice examples of Pull Quotes

Create Drop Caps–cms-36394

Dropbox Homework Folder to upload homeworks
Dropbox Folder to upload Type Challenges
Dropbox Folder to Upload Final Projects
Dropbox help

Runaround and Wrap

Text wrap call out InDesign

Paragraph Styles

Assignments are always due the day before next class by 11:30pm, and must be posted to OpenLab or uploaded as instructed

Dropbox Homework Folder to upload homeworks
Dropbox Folder to upload Type Challenges
Dropbox Folder to Upload Final Projects
Dropbox help

Dropbox Homework Folder to upload homeworks
Dropbox Folder to upload Type Challenges
Dropbox Folder to Upload Final Projects
Dropbox help

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