Class 07

Class Info


Project 1: Continue Type Book Leading Page & Type Variations Page


  1. Type – Leading: Learn basics of leading the vertical space between multiple lines of type

Leading On Course Resources

Ellen Lupton Book Thinking with type

2. Type Variations:
Quick Reference PDF with variations on weight, width, posture, contrast and serif

Learn basic type variations in width, weight, posture, contrast, serif,


  • Type Challenge Leading Upload as per instructions to Dropbox Type challenge Folder
  • Create an 11×17 doc, 5 columns , 3p margins no facing pages, insert 2 pages name file _ Last name First name TC
  • Headline of page top left and you name top right can be any typeface or size you would like
  • 1 text box 3 columns wide x14p high
  • 1 text box 2 columns wide x14p high
  • insert place holder text in boxes Menu Type>Fill with place holder text
  • Create text boxes on top left of each
    Column 1 header text: “Minion Pro 10/13.5 10 pt text, 12pt leading”
    Column 2 header text: “Myriad Pro 7.5 pt 7.5 / 9”
  • You format the text: type face, point size and leading in each body copy text block to match the headline: See above
  • One you have this done you will duplicate the text boxes you mathc this layout example
  • You will then go down the a page to increase leading as per PDF example here
  • One you have page 1 done duplicate it Layout>Pages>Duplicate Spread
  • On page 2 change the left column typefaces to Myriad Pro keep size and leading the same, change the right column text to Minion. Pro.
  • If you have time Duplicate page 2 and on page three try your own exploration with leading try really tight leading and open leading, type different leading on the two columns next to each other

To-Do After Class

  1. The next Type Book page Leading – Follow specs
  2. Use the text from this page
  3. Upload PDF to Dropbox Homework Single Page PDF

  • Type Book Variations upload PDF – Optional If we get to this in class

Upload PDF to Dropbox Homework Single Page PDF


Assignments are always due the day before next class by 11:30pm, and must be posted to OpenLab or uploaded as instructed


Dropbox Homework Folder to upload homeworks
Dropbox Folder to upload Type Challenges
Dropbox Folder to Upload Final Projects
Dropbox help

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