Class 09

Class Info

  • Class Date: Wed. Feb 28


Bring your packaged InDesign file


Project 1: Continue Type Book

Quick Reference Alignment


Package your InDesign file and have  it for class

  1. Choose File > Package.
  2. In the Package dialog box, click Package.
  3. In the dialog box that appears, enter a name and choose a location for the folder that InDesign creates click Package, then click OK.


  • Learn about type arrangement and legibility through alignment:
    • Flush or Align Left
    • Flush or Align Right
    • Center
    • Justify
    • Justify all lines (Forced justification)
  • Understanding the different scenarios of their uses
  • Continue page setup InDesign


Add the information covered in this class (class activities, readings, videos, slides, notes, recordings of class meetings conducted via web conference)

Type Talk Discussion –  Drop caps

Type Challenge –  Drop Cap

Course Page Drop Caps

Course Page Drop Caps

To-Do After Class

  1. Type Book 5c-Classification- Alignment MULTIPLE PAGES

download some from Google Fonts

Text for Type Book 5a, 5b, 5c

2. Complete (or refine) Type Book Variations page

Upload PDF to Dropbox Homework Single Page PDF

3. Find an image you will use for the last page of your Type Book “Type On a Path”

It can be on anything you want. It should be something that has an interesting shape if you can find one on a white background or you can silhouette it in Photoshop. We will go over that next class

Dropbox Homework Folder to upload homeworks
Dropbox Folder to upload Type Challenges
Dropbox Folder to Upload Final Projects
Dropbox help

Assignments are always due the day before next class by 11:30pm, and must be posted to OpenLab or uploaded as instructed

Dropbox Homework Folder to upload homeworks
Dropbox Folder to upload Type Challenges
Dropbox Folder to Upload Final Projects
Dropbox help

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