Class 04

Class Info

  • Class Date: Wed. Feb. 7 – No Class next Monday Feb 12

To-Do Before Class

  • Know how to access fonts from external Sources such as Google Fonts and Adobe Fonts


Review Trace Type Exercise

Introduction to Project 1: Type Book
Multiple page document that will contain basic information about type.


  • Learn how to create an InDesign document. Setting up pages, margins, columns, gutters, guides.
  • Develop further comprehension on the classification of typefaces.


Start during class:

  1. General Book Specs: 15 pages
    • 8.5″ x 11″  (66 picas x Height: 51 picas)
    • landscape
    • 5 columns with 1 pica gutter
    • Margins:
      • top 3p (.5”)
      • bottom 3p9 (0.625 in”)
      • left 7p6 (1.25”)
      • right 3p (.5”)
    • DO NOT select FACING PAGES
    • name File “last Name first name Type Book

InDesign parent pages

InDesign Style Sheets

To Do for Next Class

  1. Complete Setup of 15-page InDesign document that was started in class.
    • Insert a text box ( bottom left corner margin ) insert folio text “Typebook |First name Last name” try 8pt size to your “Parent page”
    • Insert a text box ( Top right corner margin ) text “Header” try 8pt size to your “Parent page
    • Try to create style sheets for you rheader and folio for Apply style sheets in margin text
      InDesign Style Sheets

Name file “lastname First name Type book MASTER”
Package and UPLOAD the InDesign file and folder to Dropbox in homework submission folder

Dropbox Homework Folder to upload homeworks
Dropbox Folder to upload Type Challenges
Dropbox Folder to Upload Final Projects
Dropbox help

2. Optional Create your first Found alphabet post and insert 5 images of letters OPTIONAL
EXAMPLE and project specs here

3. Type Book Classification page

Upload one page PDF of the Classifications Page to he Homework Dropbox folder

Example here

  • Create a page with picture boxes for each of the classifications
  • Find one example of each and insert into your InDesign file as per example
  • Take five photographs of type styles (OldStyle, Transitional, Modern, Slab Serif, Sans Serif)
  • Classification of Type page for reference
  • In your InDesign file draw a square picture box the width your columns. Import each image individually into an image box, by going into File/ Place…
  • Resize the images by holding the shift key to constraint the proportions of each
    letter. Position each letter perfectly into the image box.
  • Export “Command E” as a PDF
  • Name file “Lastname first name Type classification page”
  • UPLOAD a PDF of InDesign file to Dropbox in homework submission folder

Dropbox Folder to upload type challenge

Dropbox Homework Folder to upload work

InDesign User Guide:

Make New Doc InDesign

InDesign Keyboard Shortcuts:

InDesign Page Layout

InDesign Multi page Doc Set Up

InDesign Change Doc Set Up

InDesign Page Numbering

InDesign Style Sheet Resources

InDesign Apply Style Sheet

InDesign Style Sheet Panel

Set Existing Text to Style Sheet

Drop Caps

Text Wrap

Type On A Path

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