Drop Caps and Pull Quotes

Type Book 6a Drops & pull quote

Create Drop Caps



Runaround and Wrap

Text wrap call out InDesign


Paragraph Styles


Class Info

  • Class Date: Mon. Oct. 4


  • Project 1: Continue Type Book:


  • Learn about the relationship between type selection, size and spacing:
  • Understanding more type terminology and how it differs from print to screen: Leading or line height, tracking and kerning (space between letters)
    • Leading or line length refers to the space between the baselines
    • Tracking refers to the adjustment of space between all the letters of a specific word or heading
    • Kerning refers to the adjustment of space between two specific letters
  • Understanding the different scenarios of their uses
  • Continue page setup InDesign


To-Do After Class

1. Type Book 5C Classification Alignment

Some Typefaces for typebook 5c

Text for Type Book 5a, 5b, 5c 6a

Create a PDF “Lastname firstname Classification-Alignment” category “Student post Homework” upload to media library

2. Start create two pages we will work on this in next class|
Type Book 6a Drops & pull quote

Create two pages
Use pages from Classification of Type Styles

For each of the select text from link add a Pull Quote and a Drop Cap. Try two different
sizes and pull quote placements

Can be any typeface you want

Create a PDF “Lastname firstname Drop Cap” category “Student post Homework”
upload to media library

Drop Caps (See how to create a drop cap here, and here at Adobe website) Pull Quotes ( See here for some nice examples of Pull Quotes

Text for Type Book 6a

Create Drop Caps


Bring your packaged InDesign file


Project 1: Continue Type Book

Quick Reference Alignment


Package your InDesign file and have  it for class

  1. Choose File > Package.
  2. In the Package dialog box, click Package.
  3. In the dialog box that appears, enter a name and choose a location for the folder that InDesign creates click Package, then click OK.


  • Learn about type arrangement and legibility through alignment:
    • Flush or Align Left
    • Flush or Align Right
    • Center
    • Justify
    • Justify all lines (Forced justification)
  • Understanding the different scenarios of their uses
  • Continue page setup InDesign


Add the information covered in this class (class activities, readings, videos, slides, notes, recordings of class meetings conducted via web conference)

Type Talk Discussion –


Runaround and Wrap

Text wrap call out InDesign


Paragraph Styles


Assignments are always due the day before next class by 11:30pm, and must be posted to OpenLab or uploaded as instructed

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