Class 11

Class Info

  • Class Date: Wed. Mar. 6


Project 1:

Type Book Call outs pull quotes

Style sheets

Type on a PATH

We will start to look Cover Design (Page 1 of Book) next class

all type

black only

bleeds ok


  • Learn about type arrangement and what happens to type when it is not set on a horizontal path.
    • Vertical Type
    • Curved or Angled Path
    • Circular Path
  • Continue SetUp in Design


To-Do After Class

1. START Type on a path page Project 1 InDesign document

Explore layout be creative. Include 1. type on a path, 2. type filling a shape.
3. Type on circle path as per this video demo

2. OPTIONAL Start Cover for your Type Book ( Optional we will talk about cover design next class)

Explore layout be creative.

Create a page for your cover an import the text
Black and White, one typeface. you can use different families of same typeface

Text to include:
Type Book
By Your Name
Type and Media

Optional Type Challenge Recreate one Fenda Edições Cover Layout

Dropbox Homework Folder to upload homeworks
Dropbox Folder to upload Type Challenges
Dropbox Folder to Upload Final Projects
Dropbox help

Assignments are always due the day before next class by 11:30pm, and must be posted to OpenLab or uploaded as instructed

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