Project 2


Project 2: Expressive Typography, Lettering and Typography & Color

Creative and sometimes more playful aspect of type and lettering.

What are the differences between creating lettering and using existing typefaces?

How can we achieve a message with the use of a existing typeface or how we can in contrast, experiment with material and resources to create playful lettering. 

Project 2 – Part 1 – FINAL Deliverables

  • A post on OpenLab named last Name_firstname Project 2 final
    give it categories, Project 2, Student Post
  • Create InDesign page in format below placed your finals into file.
    export as both as JPG and one multipage PDF. PDF named last Name_firstname Project 2 final
  • insert into your post

Project 2 – Part 2 – FINAL Deliverables

  • final versions of the four words (expressive type assignment)
  • final version of the Branding
  • include an initial sketch final you and placement into dimensions
  • Create an image of your mock up and upload AR file

Project: Expressive Typography and Lettering

Clever designers love to use typography to explore the interaction between the look of type and what type actually says. In communicating a message, a balance has to be achieved between the visual and the verbal aspects of a design. Sometimes, however, designers explore the visual aspect of type to a much greater extent than the verbal. In these cases, the visual language does all the talking.

Project Background:
The beginning of any good logo or wordmark is the ability to convey meaning in the simplest form possible. For this project  you are going to express the meaning of the given words in 2 forms.

One using the letters of each word to help to establish meaning, and then the other as an artistic expression of the words.

This means one will be based on type and the other with be based on meaning.

PART 1 . Expressive Typography:

Communicating the meaning of a word via typography

Expressive Words with Typeface (with process). From list provided, students will choose 4 words and express their meaning with Sans Serif Typeface and design elements such as scale, placement and character repetition or omission


  1. Choose FOUR of the following words :
    focus / confusing / shrink / extravagant / sinking / tired / divided / strong / damaged / cheer / fading / drip / dismantle / omission / fast / slow / amplifying / flying / pouring / random / celebration / squeeze / giant / cracked / windy / tumble / floating
  2. Find the definition of your selected words (even if you know the meaning, researching their definition can sometimes help you generate ideas).
  3. Sketch your word in creatives way Use a square area to sketch your words.
    Sketch WITH INTENTION and PURPOSE (not just placement).

Consider: scale, repetition, overlapping, removal, uppercase, lowercase, etc. to create a visual definition of the word.

Avoid using horizontal and vertical scaling.

Do not add ANY illustrations. You are not drawing, but conveying the meaning of the word with the SANS serif typeface.

Typographic Dante Expressive Typography

Typographic Dante.pdf


Communicating the meaning of a word via FUTURA BOLD driven solution
You are only using Futura Bold.

Do not add illustrations, punctuation, or other visual elements. Use only the letters needed to spell the word.


– Select 4 words from the list above.
– Carefully consider the words that allow you the most creative exploration.
– Use only the letters used to spell the word as part of your visual elements. You may choose to repeat or omit letter if appropriate.
– Consider the layout of you page and how the use of negative space and positioning can help with the meaning of the word.
– Consider scale, repetition, overlapping, uppercase, lowercase, etc. to create a visual definition of the word.
– Do not use drop shadows or horizontal/vertical scaling (distortion). Consider the entire space of the square.
– You may crop or β€œremove” parts of a letter as long as the letter is distinguishable.

PART 2 . Branding – Expressive Lettering:

  • Lettering- create a logo brand for a favorite food or pastime. Open to any creative lettering to give concept to select topic.
  • We will place it on a mock-up. We will use Adobe Dimension or place a mockup into a PSD. We will bring mockups into augmented reality. For that we will use Adobe AERO .

you are allowed to create meaning by adding, subtracting, elements to help define the word. Also, you are asked to NOT think of a typeface, but rather as an artistic expression of the word.

You will do a visual research document on you chosen topic

Branding page

Creative Research

Creative Process. PDF On Dropbox

Branding Walk Smith Street

Branding files on Drive


– Research the word to discover what the words actually mean. Consider the story telling of your word, are there other ways to define the word visually.
– We are more interested in create concepts over visually stunning sketches.
– Can you communicate you concept clearly via your sketch?
– It is recommended that you sketch a minimum of 3 ideas per words, for both visual solutions:
The type driven and the Illustrative for a total of 24 ideas.
– You may repeat, omit, slice, block, or overlap words or letters.
– All sketches should be hand-drawn (not computer-generated) in black ink on white paper.

A. Expressive Type Examples

B. Expressive Lettering Examples

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