Good morning everyone! Below you will find the list of partners for local anesthesia for the day group. The evening group, if you weren’t already told, you will be by your lab faculty. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and please be prepared on Wednesday 🙂

9:30 Group

Olivia and Nada

Fatma and Rachel

Chanell and Gabi

Mahmuda and Thinley

Aaron and Cynthia

Lobsang and Aleksandra

Lin Yan and Juanita

Maryam and Frida

Le Van and Rowiyah

12:00 Group

Michelle and Jehona

Cynthia and Elizabeth

Louise and Mary

Angie and Cassy

Sam and Jasmine

Dustin and Daysi

Jissel and Camelia

2:30 Group

Daphne and Alfreda

Isabel and Rana

Qian and Abdullah

Ally Rubiano and Ruhshona

Hannah and Ketram

Tanatswa and Sem

Alexandria Salcedo and Simrah