Storefront Renovation of a Mini Market (Part 3 of 3)

For business owners, the entrance door of their business is as important as breathing. For customers, the front door’s look is as important as the service they get. Hence, Mini Markets acknowledge such fact and for this reason, they are currently trying to renovate every aspect of their business.

The door frame and the door itself was ordered from a local supply located in Bronx, New York. Our job was to remove the old one and install the new one. As you can see in the pictures, a noticeable change occurred after the change of doors.

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All the credit goes to De la Cruz Construction

If you haven’t read the posts before this one, please do so – Read ‘Introduction

Review: The functionality of Solidworks (3D Modeling Software)

Solidworks is a 3D mechanical CAD (Computer Aided Design) solid modeling software developed by Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp to create 3D digital prototypes. It is used for 3D mechanical design, design communication, tooling creation and product  simulation. This software enables users to produce accurate 3D models that can help you design, visualize and simulate products before they are built. Digital Prototyping with Solidworks helps companies design better products, reduce development costs, and get to market faster. It is user-friendly and easy to learn. Furthermore, the software comes with installed tutorials which can help you a lot.
On the other side, one thing I personally dislike is the lack of lighting options. Also, when it is used heavily, it crashes or freezes.
With that said, I believe that by making a couple of modifications to the internal operating system, the lighting options and the usage ability; Solidworks can become the most strong 3D Modeling software available in the market.

Storefront Renovation of a Mini Market (Part 2 of 2)

Materials used: Oil-base paint, brushes, masking paper, tape and a heavy-duty scrapper.

As you saw on Part 1, the process for a storefront renovation is very straight-forward. If you use the right equipment and materials, and maintain your eyes open to small details, it is almost a guarantee that your project will be a success. For this specific project, the team worked very hard trying to bring quality into this Mini Market. Below you can find ‘before and after‘ pictures.

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All the credit goes to De la Cruz Construction

Would you like to continue reading? Read Part 3

Summer 2013: Built my first office (From scratch)

This past summer I faced a very challenging project during the remodeling process of a Deli-Grocery located at the Bronx (New York). I needed to build a small office room from scratch in a basement in a limited time. The office was going to be used by the owner of such business. As one can imagine, I had a lot of tension built up inside me. I knew that I needed to perform at my best; being as careful as possible and paying attention to details. This is because of the responsibilities that I had in addition to the pressure of having my father looking into my progress at the end of each day.

It took me exactly 6 days to build my first office! The process I went through is as follows

  • Built the structure [1st day]
  • Installed the drywall sheets [2nd day]
  • Completed the finish touches of the drywall (sanding, etc) [3rd-4th day]
  • Painted the room [5th day]
  • Installed a carpet [6th day]

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After the competition and approval from my dad, we contacted a licensed electrician so that he could install all the necessary outlets. My father was very content with the outcome and as a result he increased my salary. I could honestly say that this has been one of my biggest achievement throughout my whole life. It is to be acknowledged that I am very content with the competition of this project.

Light Box (Signs) used in NYC Deli-Groceries

Today, I wrote a guess post on a friend’s blog called “New York Type” where I went in detail about certain similarities that can be found in Light Boxes in NYC Deli-Groceries. The similarities help this type of business to differentiate them from other businesses since they are very eye-catchy and aesthetic. As a result, numerous owners of Deli-Groceries are renovating their business so that they can attract more customers and hoping to increase their sale percentage. Two of the main similarities are as follows:

  1. The use of “Diamond Plate” covering the box (Shiny and long lasting material)
  2. White-colored (Transparent) letters with a basic font illuminated with beautiful-changing lights
De la Cruz Construction

By Josel De la Cruz (De la Cruz Construction)

To find more information, please read the detailed and informational post on “New York Type

Storefront Renovation of a Mini Market (Part 1 of 1)

Materials used: 12″ x 12″ ceramic, powder plaster mix, 5/8″ plexiglass panels, polished aluminum L-Shapes, oil-based paint (gray and green), white colored grout, 1/2″ rubber window frame and 1/2″ x 8′ wood board.

Step 1: Attach wood boards to the existing wall along the desired area with a 0 degree angle. This will allow the ceramic to rest and avoid any vertical movement.

Step 2: Using a grinder and a concrete disc mounted to it, create lines all around the space where the ceramic will be applied. This will allow the plaster to penetrate through the concrete wall and as a result, the ceramics will be held in a stronger manner.

Step 3: Mix the powder plaster with water and start applying it to the wall. Then, pass the spatula through the plaster leaving an uniform thickness of material.

Step 4: Mount one ceramic after the other.

Step 5: With an sponge, apply the white colored grout. Then, wait 30 minutes so that you can proceed to remove the grout with the application of water

Step 6: Put aluminum L-shapes in every corner. This will cover the intersections between two ends of the ceramic.

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All the credit goes to De la Cruz Construction

Would you like to continue reading? Read Part 2

Storefront Renovation of a Mini Market (Introduction)

To invest in renovating your business can be one of the most intelligent decision an owner could ever make. By doing so, they will be improving the pedestrian environment and attract more customers. Therefore, it is almost a guarantee that it will benefit the owner economically by bringing them a noticeable return in their investment.

With the intention to help and inspire you, I decided to create a series of posts that will contain pictures of a project done by a company called “De la Cruz Construction“. The completion of this project was a success and I am personally going to talk about the different processes and materials that were used. Below is a ‘before and after’ picture:

Before and After (Delacruz Contruction)

Would you like to continue reading? Read Part 1

If at any point you have questions, comments or suggestions, please send me an Email to

Stay tuned!

I want to brag a minute!

Two semesters ago, I took a college course called “Industrial Design 2” which focused on designing 3D-Model sketches with the use of a software called “ProEngineer“. Two weeks before the semester ended, the professor assigned a final project for which it needed to be as detailed as possible. I decided to challenge myself to design a complex model. I designed a very aesthetic boat.

Designed by Josel De la Cruz

Designed by Josel De la Cruz

Furthermore, I presented this masterpiece in front of the class and my professor loved every part of it. After a round of applause and a lot of smiles, my professor told me “To be honest, that has been one of the best projects I have seen throughout this passed years“.


It’s our pleasure to welcome you!

Have you ever been so attached to something that you happen to catch yourself going back to it numerous times a day? Well, we hope not! This way “Custom & Aesthetically Pleasant Carpentry” will become your first and most memorable addiction. Now that I made you laugh, I would like to introduce you to our blog.

Of course, before I move on to explaining the purpose of this blog, on behalf of our team, I would like to thank you for your support and your interest. We truly hope to see you around more often!


  1. Introduce you to recent and/or old industrial materials and tools that are being used in the Construction field
  2. Educate you (contractors and people interested) in every possible way
  3. How to’s videos and article pertaining to the field
  4. Recommendations, tips and tricks
  5. 3-D Modeling Software designs
  6. Job hiring opportunities in the New York City area
  7. Aesthetically pleasant work done by De la Cruz Construction

Thank you for visiting us!