Brainstorming for Video Content – Internship blog

For my internship assignment, my team and I are to come up with content ideas for a TikTok reel that would be appealing to students who attend Brooklyn College. The video should be informative and engaging where students can learn insights via campus life hacks or hidden gems. So far I came up with the idea of highlighting secret spots around campus that students may have not discover. These will be labeled as recreational areas. Next, I decided to add student life entailing any extracurricular activities and student experiences. This will be insights regarding the diverse community and inclusive culture at Brooklyn College… The overall goal is to gain student’s interest to take advantage of Brooklyn College and its amenities. I believe this project will be fun because videography is a skill that I am willing to learn. Also, just the idea that were narrating over a video to tell a compelling story about the college. I know that this video will be beneficial to the new and current students at the college because it is intended to give students the best Brooklyn College outlook.