New York Times Article about Color

Five months ago, people were questioning and wondering about the 2017 color. The color that will be named as the 2017 color of the year. As I read this article, I found that many people had lot of fearless and tense about the new President Donal J. Trump and what that could socially and emotionally effect our world. Because it will be very stressful for and very tense, the choosing color the year was green. Green is a color that represent a positive aspect .For example, natural is green and it always fresh, “regenerate, renew… and revitalize” In fact, a feeling of hopeful dreams that will be worked out regardless to any issues along the way.



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Color understanding based on Reading

In reality, we all know that colors have different meaning to each one of us, but have we discovered all the different colors that may be resulted when asking one another to visually show what does the color red or green looks like? As I read some of the pages on colors from both  Design Elements by Timothy Samara and  Graphic Design The New Basics by Ellen Lupton, I was surprised on how each individual could have their own representation of what a particular color could be framed differently. our visual memories on colors are very different from one another, it could be based on the saturation that are in each color which shows different amount of color or value like light to dark. According to Josef Albers, “If one says ‘Red’ and there are 50 people listening, it can be expected that there will be 50 reds in their minds. And… all these reds will be very different. colors present themselves in continuous flux, constantly related to changing neighbors and changing conditions.” This proves that  colors are perceived on different levels regardless to the visual view or experiences and even further.  



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Design Journal entry #20

Design Journal entry #20
Why is a self assessment a critical part of your project? What do you get out of doing this? What don’t you get if you don’t complete it

A self assessment is very important, it help individuals to clarify their own ideas and understanding of the project. As for me, it helps me in many ways. For example, I could reflect my understanding of what I’ve done into a successful experience. I like to see my mistake in terms of feedback and that moves my knowledge forward especially when I do it all over again. The outcome of this is to keep me as an activated learner. However, if I don’t complete all of those steps, then I’m sure I wont become a successful learner not only in design but also in both my inside and outside life. I won’t be able to improve myself as I grow up.

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5 thumbnail sketches (transparency and layering)

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Transparency and Layering

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The first and second image are a great example of using transparent. The use of the clear glass helps the background to activate with multiple backgrounds. For example,  they will show off the color and shape of what’s inside them, which simply give a beautiful layout of depth. I like them in both colors, I could imagine how beautiful they will looking when using the background with other design elements.

As for the last two, the use of transparent and layering create an interesting visual effects by layering different colors and shapes on top of each other to clearly send the message of relation to the second one. As a result, the powerful use of transparency and layering work to build a great complexity by allowing multiple layers merging together. It works well to direct the viewer effectively using contrast and many more.

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Funny venn diagram

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Project #2

doing this song book using both rhythm and movement was a great expression that I was able to apply my understanding of sound into visual images.

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EXTRA CREDIT: Meet the Pro’s

EXTRA CREDIT: Meet the Pro’s

During the time spent at this mini workshop, Josh Kapusinski basically showed us an over-view of his website (\ We saw all of the work he posted there and he explained what the project was, who he was working for at the time, and some insight into how he accomplished the finished product. He gave us a brief description of his background and how he got to where he is now.  He mainly does motion graphics work that includes 2D, 3D, animation, modeling, illustration, and compositing. He has created commercials, on-air promos, show openings, music videos/VFX, infographics, and sequences from films/documentaries for some of the biggest studios and brands like ESPN, ABC, and Warner Bro’s just to name a few.

His rules of thumb for demo reels were:

  • Keep it short, 30 seconds is great! But as your professional career progresses add more to it and only display your best work. Generally add 10 seconds.
  • Do not use any popular music, but instead use obscure music.
  • Always title yourself in the beginning!
  • Create a logo for yourself. Create a website.
  • Intern. Intern. Intern.
  • Utilize

It was helpful to see the kind of work some of his clients required of him, while getting to see the industry standard for motion graphics, etc. and a glimpse into his creative process for the final output. If I could modify any one thing about the workshop, it would be that I wish he spent less time overviewing his website and more time giving us tips on how to succeed in such a demanding and competitive career field. Overall, it was still a great opportunity to learn from someone who has such an extensive resume!

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Article/ “Lion” by Garth Davis

this article mainly talks about a true story of a young boy who lost his brother and was left alone. The boy name was Sunny Pawar and he was  from India. I liked this film because it is a very unique film in comparing to other films. The filmmaker, Garth Davis had used the boy’s loneliness and fears as the “only performer onscreen” and to see the film in this way especially when India is a very crowded place when walking or being out in public. I will watch tis film and see whether Sunny found his brother or not because the idea of having the boy to practice many physical activities in order for him to define the inside feeling of getting lost at this age is very scary and lots of struggling will be o face.


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Thumbnail Sketch

Thumbnail Sketch

According to both books “Design Elements” by Timothy Samara and “Graphic Design The New Basics” by Ellen Lipton, a thumbnail sketch is considered as the most important concept of becoming a successful designer artist. “A graphic designer Assimilates verbal concept and gives them form. Organizes the resulting form into a tangible, navigable, expressed,…” (T. Samara 6). A thumbnail sketch helps designers to develop their ideas in many different ways. The more they do the better they come out with. It helps them to try different ideas at the same time and also to save their ideas when sketching. Perhaps, if they were to start their idea by drawing into the computer system or illustrator, they will not only lose their skills in inviting incurable ideas but the fact that they will confuse themselves by looking at the colors, fonts in early stages. They maybe lose the knowledge of thinking how will the work help their client to be amuse by.

However, for graphics Design especially, I believe it’s more important to have some background knowledge of our clients and where interest comes from, so by sketching ideas about their interests, the designer will develop a fundamental form of getting client need. There are many ways of reaching out those ideas and most of them will be by using the 20 rule of the thumbnail sketches. As a result, having a wide vividly knowledge of all objects and tools of thumbnail sketches,  the designers will option not only personal skills but also figuring out many idea with the visual form of making understand/connections between the clients and the outside world.

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