Internship Blog #6

For this blog I will talk about how I think I’m doing in this internship. Maybe some things I could improve at as well.  Considering my portfolio is largely mixed with print, and graphic design pieces, it’s nice to have more web-based material in my portfolio.

I think I am learning a lot right now and sometimes wish I already knew some of these things. For instance, learning how to directly work in PHP as opposed to HTML has a huge benefit of changing multiple items at once instead of individually which the owner of the company pointed out. I am trying to learn things quickly and efficiently.

Some other interesting thing I am learning is how to work with already established web pages with multiples pages of code inside of it. I have always built my own website from the beginning so you know where all the files are, however when you are working with any kind of template or webpage with multiple pages, it can be tricky and I have found built in developer tools which make life a lot easier to find a specific line of code for changing a css file for a certain color or style.

The owner doesn’t really have a problem that I don’t know everything but he knows a lot more than me when it comes to coding so I am learning a lot from working with him.