Internship Blog #4

Today It was recommended I download xampp to my computer as it is a great php development environment to use on a local computer. I am working on making some logos for the company as well and was talking about possibly changing colors and moving elements around on the website to make it look better. I communicate mostly through email and texts, and through TeamViewer. I am spending lots of time familiarizing myself with the code and to change things. I am working on a subdomain so It’s not as scary if something goes wrong to mess something up.

Once I have the all the logos I want to incorporate for the website, I will start adding them to some parts of the website. I am also learning about and interested to see how forms are added to the database and how when the user sends information to the server, how php sends information back based on the results the user types.

For now I am getting familiar with the settings and asking question If I don’t understand something. Once you understand how php interacts with databases it can be a lot easier to understand how it makes updating pages much easier. I may also start adding original photos to the website which could be fun.