Internship Blog #3

What’s one of the best aspects about getting to intern with NetComFix? It’s the fact that I can work remotely without having to physically worry about what I’m going to wear. In a sense it feels a bit like I am on my own working this way, and if something is unclear to me, requires calling or emailing to follow up with something or when i have a problem logging into the server to upload something but for the most part it’s a great aspect of this internship as I am taking 4 other classes along with doing this internship and it’s a great help to communicate this way.

I have installed a program called TeamViewer which allows users to communicate digitally by seeing what the other person is doing on their computer.

You put your recipients ID and password and can see their desktop. I was being shown about how the databases work with PHP to take input forms from the clients. Right now I am working on a better design for the logo and will upload to the subdomain I am working on. I was also learning about how you can change a design element simply on all the pages on a website by using php to do this, rather than html to make changes to every single page on the website which is a really effective way to work. I’ve been working mostly Sundays and Mondays and showing any updates after I’m done.